Application of Acrel ACR10R Series Intelligent energy meter with External Split core CT in Malaysia Factory

    安科瑞电气股份有限公司  上海嘉定

    1.Project Overview

      Malaysian customers need to monitor the electricity consumption of the plant equipment and use electricity meters to detect the energy consumption of each device effectively.
      The customer chooses the Acrel ACR10R series, the external transformer intelligent meter solution, using split core current transformer and Simple DIN rail installation, Through RS485 communication docking PLC system linkage, real-time detection and upload power consumption data, easy to monitor and manage plant equipment.


    2.ACR10R series DIN Rail-type Multifunction Energy Meter with External Split Core Current Transformer 

      DIN rail multifunction electrical instrument with external Rogowski coil and split-core current transformer is applicable for the energy-saving reconstruction project in high energy consumption industries including the smelting, iron and steel, welding and semi-conductor industry. It is also suitable for applications such as the power monitoring of grid-connected cabinet for distributed photovoltaic power cabinet and energy demand management. It boasts of no need of bus removal, easy connection and safe construction, saving reconstruction cost and raising efficiency for the user. It integrates the measurements of all electric parameters (including single-phase or three-phase current, voltage, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency and power factor)and comprehensive energy monitoring and examination management. Meanwhile, it also has various peripheral interfaces for the user to choose: the RS485 communication interface with Modbus-RTU protocol can meet the need of online communication management; the interfaces with switch input and relay output can realize the remote **ing and remote control of the circuit breaker switch. It is very suitable for real-time power monitoring system with an LCD display and the panel buttons to realize the setting and control of parameters

    3.Model description

    4.Technical Parameters

    5.Wiring & Installation

     Figure 1 Wiring Graph


     Figure 2 Shape and installing size (unit:mm)

    图3 Figure 3 Size of open type transformer(unit:mm)

    work Topology

    7.Installation Site


    8.In conclusion

      ACR10R series of ACR10R series DIN Rail-type Multifunction Energy Meter with External Split Core Current Transformer adopts DIN35mm guide rail type installation structure, small volume, standard three open type current transformers, can measure electric energy and other electrical parameters, can set the parameters such as clock, rate period, high precision and good reliability. Through RS485 communication, connecting PLC system to read energy consumption data, to help customers monitor the operation of equipment in real time.


    安科瑞电子商务(上海)有限公司专注于变电所运维云平台,安全用电管理云平台,环保用电监管云平台等, 欢迎致电 15000353138

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