1.Project Overview
The grid-connected photovoltaic power generation is the most promising application in the development and utilization of solar energy.At present, the annual installed capacity of grid-connected PHOTOVOLTAIC power generation system has accounted for more than 70% of the total installed capacity of the world's photovoltaic power generation, with rapid development.Grid-connected photovoltaic power generation can be divided into two forms: large-scale centralized power generation and distributed power generation (mainly refers to rooftop solar power generation), which are incorporated into high-voltage transmission grid and medium-voltage and low-voltage distribution network respectively.In this paper, because the customer wanted to monitor the anti revenue monitoring of distributed PV, the customer chose the Acrel DDSD1352-CT external transformer series smart meter solution, which is easy to install. The open current transformer is used to install the meter guide rail.
2. Product introduction
DDSD1352single phase electric meter is designed for single phase active energy measurement on low voltage system, in the same time it can measure the electrical parameters like voltage, current, power and so on. There is also RS485 can be chosen. This power meter has advantages of smaller volume, high precision, good EMC, easily installing etc, All meters meet the related technical requirements of electronic power meter in the IEC62053-21、IEC62053-22 standards.
3.Technical Parameters
4.Wiring & Installation
Figure 1 Wiring Graph
Figure 2 Meter Shape and installing size (unit:mm)
work Topology
6.Installation Site
1.Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system 2021.04
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 201801【摘要】作为人类重要的文化遗产,很多古镇建筑存在着火灾隐患,且救助起来非常困难。因此古镇一旦发生火灾,就会形成波及面较广的重大灾情,在这种背景之下,我们要对古镇的火灾防控加以重视,将智慧消防的理念应用到其中,以古镇的整体安全与稳定。本文从智慧消防的理论概念出发,对古镇当中应用智慧消防模式的需求进行了分析,并在此基础之上,
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 为了响应**要求开展节能减排的号召,并完成"十一五"计划关于节能减排目标的要求,住建部下发《关于切实加强办公和大型公共建筑节能管理工作的通知》,通知要求深入推进建筑能耗监测体系建设和加强对空调温度控制情况的监督检查。住建部从2007年开始在北京、天津、深圳等试点城市推行建筑能耗监测体系的建设。关键词:大型公共建筑;能耗监测系统;ACREL
摘要:本文以呼和浩特市地铁1号线电力监控系统为例,介绍了轨道交通电力监控的系统构成和系统功能,系统主要由控制中心电力调度系统、系统骨干网络、变电所综合自动化系统组成。关键词:轨道交通;电力监控;人机界面0 引言城市轨道交通电力监控系统主要是对城市轨道交通全线各类变配电所、接触网等电力设备运行情况进行分层分布远程实时监视和控制,处理供变配电系统的各种异常事故及报警事件,**系统的正常运行。以往的电力
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 202101 【摘要】介绍该三级乙等综合医院手术室采用安科瑞医用隔离电源系统,使用分体配电柜安装方式,从而实现将TN系统转化为IT系统,以及系统绝缘情况监测。【关键词】三级乙等综合医院;手术室;IT系统;绝缘情况监测。0前言 该医院占地面积4.2万平方米,建筑面积7.14万平方米,开放床位868张。是一所三级乙等综
公司名: 安科瑞电子商务(上海)有限公司
联系人: 王子锋
电 话:
手 机: 15000353138
微 信: 15000353138
地 址: 上海嘉定嘉定育绿路225号
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