
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器
    Description LwLVision
    The KVM extender system LwLVision extends the following **s:
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器
    Single-link DVI and VGA 
    USB 1.1 
    USB 2.0 (currently only available for single-channel variants). 
    The system consists of a computer module (transmitter) and a user module (receiver) and enables you to operate a computer remotely. You can connect a console to each module.
    LwLVision transmits uncompressed **s over fiber optics (2 fibres) up to 10,000 m. The devices are available as variants displaying one or two video channels.
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器
    Single-link DVI + VGA 
    Resolutions per channel up to 1920 × 1200 @ 60 Hz 
    Video bandwidth up to 165 MPixel/s 
    24 bit colour mode 
    Supports digital and analog monitors 
    Distances up to 10,000 m (2 × Singlemode 9/125 μ fiber optics) 
    at maximum resolution 
    Distances up to 550 m (2 × Multimode 50/125 μ fiber optics) 
    at maximum resolution 
    Distances up to 275 m (2 × Multimode 62.5/125 μ fiber optics) 
    at maximum resolution 
    Bidirectional transmission of audio and RS232 integrated in standard 
    Transparent USB up to 2,000 m (optional) 
    Galvanic separation of transmitter and receiver 
    Insensitive to interference radiation 
    PS/2 and USB keyboard/mouse supported; allows mixed operation 
    100 % permanent keyboard/mouse emulation 
    Redundant power supply (optional) 
    Available as desktop, rack mount, and twin version 
    System upgrade
    At service socket 
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器
    Single-link DVI and VGA at input and output side 
    Single- and multi-channel variants 
    Console with all video channels at both modules 
    Access protection and user management can be switched off 
    Transmission up to 10,000 m over optical fibres at maximum resolution 
    PS/2 and USB keyboard/mouse support 
    Audio and RS232 transmission included in standard 
    Communication / Safety
    Redundant power supply 
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器
    Available as desktop (DT) or rack mount (RM) variant 
    Twin variant combines two identical LwLVision modules behind one panel 
    Video channels
    Single-channel and multi-channel 2 variant 
    The computer is linked to the back of the LwLVision transmitter. Distinctive cables connect the computer's keyboard, video, mouse, audio, and USB interfaces to the LwLVision   computer module.
    Installing the user console is just as easy: Simply connect the operating hardware with the corresponding interfaces of the LwLVision receiver.
    Use the existing cabling structure to link transmitter and receiver (multimode or singlemode optical fibres).
    To find out more details about the startup, you can download the LwLVision manual.
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器
      Computer module User module 
    Number of monitors 1 
    Signal type/video Analog/digital single link video 
    Resolution Btw. 640 × 480 @ 100 Hz and 1920 × 1200 @ 60 Hz 
    Standards DDC support 
    Interfaces for user console 1 × DVI-I socket 1 × DVI-D socket, 
    1 × D-sub HD 15 socket 
    Interfaces to computer 1 × DVI-I socket   
    Interfaces for user console 2 × Mini-DIN 6 socket 
        2 × USB-A socket 
    Interfaces to computer 1 × D-sub HD 15 plug   
      1 × USB-B socket   
    Design Internal 
    Sampling rate 48 kHz 
    Resolution 18 bit digital 
    Bandwidth 22 kHz 
    Microphone preamplification 20 dB 
    Interfaces for user console   2 × 3.5 mm jack plug (speaker, micro in) 
    Interfaces to computer 2 × 3.5 mm jack plug 
    (line in, line out)   
    Design Internal 
    Transmission rate Max. 57,600 bit/s 
    Transmittable **s RxD, TxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD 
    Interfaces for user console   1 × D-Sub 9 plug 
    Interfaces to computer 1 × D-Sub 9 plug   
    Transparent USB 1.1 or 2.0 
    Design Internal 
    Transmission length Multimode fibres up to 550 m 
      Singlemode fibres up to 2,000 m 
    USB power supply High power devices up to 500 mA 
    USB 1.1 transmission rate Up to 12 Mbit/s 
    USB 2.0 transmission rate Up to 480 Mbit/s 
    Interfaces for user console   4 × USB-A socket 
    Interfaces to computer 1 × USB-B socket   
    Type of cable connection Dedicated optical fibre link 
    Transmission cable type Singlemode/multimode fibres 
    Transmission length (max.) 275 m over 2 multimode fibres (62.5/125μm) at max. resolution 
      550 m over 2 multimode fibres (50/125μm) at max. resolution 
      10,000 m over 2 singlemode fibres (9/125μm) at max. resolution, with USB max. 2,000 m 
    Connection 1 × SC duplex socket 
    No. of optical fibres 2 
    Audio - RS232 transmission No additional optical fibres 
    USB 1.1 transmission No additional optical fibres 
    USB 2.0 transmission 2 additional optical fibres 
    Main power supply 
    Type Internal power pack 
    Connection 1 × IEC plug 
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器
    Voltage AC100-240V/60-50Hz 
      0.3-0.2A 0.4-0.2A 
    USB variant 0.3-0.2A 0.5-0.3A 
    Redundant power supply 
    Typ External power pack 
    Connection Mini-DIN 4 socket 
    Voltage +12VDC/0.9A +12VDC/1.0A 
    USB 1.1 variant +12VDC/1.0A +12VDC/2.0A 
    USB 2.0 variant +12VDC/0.9A +12VDC/2.1A 
    Material Anodised aluminium 
    Desktop (W × H × D) 210 × 44 × 210 mm 
    USB 2.0 variant 270 × 44 × 210 mm 
    Rackmount (W × H × D) 19" × 1 U × 210 mm 
    Weight Approx. 1.4 kg Approx. 1.3 kg 
    USB 2.0 variant Approx. 1.7 kg Approx. 1.7 kg 
    Process At service socket of computer module or user module 
    Connection 1 × 2.5 mm jack plug 
    Operating environment 
    Temperature +5 to +40 °C 
    Air humidity 20 - 80% non-condensing 
    Conformity CE, RoHS 
    G&D  DVI/VGA KVM Extenders扩展器

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公司名: 宁波光进通信技术有限公司

联系人: 杨敬

手 机: 15968901461

电 话: 18368466067

地 址: 浙江宁波慈溪市观海卫镇

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网 址: guangjin01.b2b168.com

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