Ultraform?POM: N2640E4,Elastomer-modified injection molding grade with high toughness and high weld line strength. N2640-Z2, Elastomer-modified injection molding grade with high impact strength for clips, snap and fastening elements, and also forcomponents subject to impact stress. N2640-Z4, Elastomer-modified injection molding grade with high impact strength for clips, snap and fastening elements, and also forcomponents subject to impact stress. N2640-Z6,Elastomer-modified injection molding grade for applications requiring highest impact strength together with low stiffness. N2644-Z9,Elastomer modified injection molding grade for applications requiring low modulus. Good acoustic damping. N2720-M210,10%Grade with enhanced stiffness and strength as well as good wear properties, e.g. used for conveyor belts and transportation systems. N2720-M63,30%Mineral-reinforced material for low-warpage moldings with high stiffness, strength and hardness. N2770K,Injection molding grade with enhanced wear behavior for sliding parts. S1320-0021, Ultraform S 1320 0021 UNC is an easy flowing, rapidly freezing injection molding POM grade withenhanced stiffness and heat distortion resistance. It is highly stabilized to resist aggressive fuels,including hot diesel fuel. S1320-003, Free-flowing, rapidly solidifying grade for moldings difficult to produce by injection molding and having low wall thickness;increased stiffness and heat distortion esistance. S2320-003, Easy flowing and rapidly freezing grade for injection molding difficult, thin-walled parts W2320-003,Very free-flowing, rapidly solidifying grade for use where processing is extremely difficult but mechanical properties are lower. W2320-0035,Very free-flowing, rapidly solidifying grade for use where processing is extremely difficult but mechanical properties are lower. W2320-U03, Very free-flowing, rapidly solidifying grade with UV stabilisation for use where processing is extremely difficult butmechanical requirements are lower. Z2320-003.Extremely easy flowing grade for very thin-walled moldings with difficult flow path to wall thickness ratios and very short cycle times.
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3900回线JPX284型语音总配线柜|MDF音频配线架|MDF电话总配线架(100回线保安接线排),(128回线测试接线排),保安器,总500回线JPX284型语音总配线柜配线架机架由保安接线排、保安单元、测试接线排,告警系统等组成,对用户电缆和程控交换机之间起到连接、调线、保护、告警等作用。MDF(Main Distribution Frame)总配配线架,总配线架|音频总配线架|电话总配线架
4800回线JPX01型普天音频总配线架[YIL ANG ]MDF配线架-总配线架-|MDF音频配线架|MDF总配线架(100回线保安接线排),(128回线测试接线排),保安器,总配线架机架由保安接线排、保安单元、测试接线排,告警系统等组成,对用户电缆和程控交换机之间起到连接、调线、保护、告警等作用。MDF(Main Distribution Frame)总配配线架,总配线架|音频总配线架|总配线
3800回线JPX01型普天语音总配线架[YIL ANG ]MDF配线架-总配线架-|MDF音频配线架|MDF总配线架(100回线保安接线排),(128回线测试接线排),保安器,总配线架机架由保安接线排、保安单元、测试接线排,告警系统等组成,对用户电缆和程控交换机之间起到连接、调线、保护、告警等作用。MDF(Main Distribution Frame)总配配线架,总配线架|音频总配线架|总配线
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公司名: 宁波益朗通信科技有限公司
联系人: 陈成
手 机: 18757478008
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地 址: 浙江宁波慈溪市慈溪市观海卫镇工业区(东区)
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