Support of electronic signatur (ESIG) in Audit V7.5.
The feature electronic signatur (ESIG) can be used to check permission or for advanced protection of value change or execution of actions.
The electronic signatur (ESIG) of the signing user can be written as Audit Trail.
Either individual or multiple signatures (ESIG) can be requested for different users..
A required signature can be defined either for a specific user or for a user group.
By selecting a group, it is sufficient for a user to sign for the group.
Boolese operators like "and" / "or" are possible.
E.g. [(User1) and (User2 or any user from the Quality Assurance Group)]
For more than one signatures, the first signature (ESIG) is mandatory. For the other users or user groups, it can be decided whether their signature (ESIG) is necessary to carry out the action immediately, i.e. before an action, or whether the action should be noted later with their signatures
The operating systems of Simatic WinCC V7.5 are supported.
Please note the delivery release SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 109759993
Please note that SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 Update 2 109765011 is required as the basis for SIMATIC WinCC/ChangeControl V7.5 and SIMATIC WinCC/Audit V7.5.
Please note the following restriction regarding the configurations released for Audit V7.5:
The project opened in WinCC Explorer must be stored on a local PC drive.
The migration of Audit configurations and Audit trails from Audit V7.2/V7.3 or Audit V7.4 single project databases to Audit V7.5 is supported.
A DVD, a USB stick and a Certificate of License are included in the scope of delivery of WinCC/Audit and WinCC/Change Control.
Product | Order No. |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RC V7.5 Basic package for the configuration of the audit trail incl. RT | 6AV6371-1DV17-5AX0 |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RT V7.5 Generation of audit trails in RT | 6AV6371-1DV07-5AX0 |
SIMATIC WinCC/ChangeControl V7.5 for project versioning and document control | 6AV6371-1DV27-5AX0 |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RT V7.5 Upgrade V7.x -> V7.5 Upgrade V7.4 -> V7.5 | 6AV6371-1DV07-5BX3 6AV6371-1DV07-5BX4 |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RC V7.5 or WinCC Change Control V7.5 Upgrade V7.x -> V7.5 Upgrade V7.4 -> V7.5 | 6AV6371-1DV17-5BX3 6AV6371-1DV17-5BX4 |
Product | Order No. |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RC V7.5 Basic package for the configuration of the audit trail incl. RT | 6AV6371-1HV17-5AX0 |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RT V7.5 Generation of audit trails in RT | 6AV6371-1HV07-5AX0 |
SIMATIC WinCC/ChangeControl V7.5 for project versioning and document control | 6AV6371-1HV27-5AX0 |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RT V7.5 Upgrade V7.x -> V7.5 Upgrade V7.4 -> V7.5 | 6AV6371-1KV07-5BX3 6AV6371-1KV07-5BX4 |
SIMATIC WinCC/Audit RC V7.5 or WinCC Change Control V7.5 Upgrade V7.x -> V7.5 Upgrade V7.4 -> V7.5 | 6AV6371-1KV17-5BX3 6AV6371-1KV17-5BX3 |
西门子S7-300PLC和触摸屏在矫直机上的系统配置和软件设计,用触摸屏设置工艺数据、显示工作状态,用PLC控制工艺流程,提高了系统自动化程度和生产效率。 关键词 西门子S7-300PLC 触摸屏 矫直机 Winccflexible 0引言 随着对生产效率的要求愈来愈高,需要提高设备的自动化程度,而工
首先,将单个或多个用户分配给用户特定的 IP 规则集。然后将用户特定的 IP 规则集分配给单个或多个安全模块。这样即可实现用户特定的访问。例如,从安全模块到网络下游的所有访问受阻时,用户基于其 IP 地址可以使用某些节点。这意味着允许该用户访问,但其他用户仍然无法访问。用户通过 Internet 登录用户可以通过安全模块的 Web 页面登录到外部接口或 DMZ 接口。如果验证成功,将针对用于登录的
功能代码 03 – 读输出寄存器函数使用此函数可使 MODBUS 主站系统从数据块读取数据字。请求消息帧ADDRFUNCstart_registerregister_numberCRC响应消息帧ADDRFUNCByte_count nn/2 寄存器 DATA(高字节、低字节)CRCstart_register驱动程序如下所示解释 MODBUS 寄存器地址“start_register”:为了进一步
事件类别 3 - 同步错误事件 ID 的说明事件 ID事件OBW#16#3501**出循环时间OB 80W#16#3502用户接口(OB 或 FRB)请求错误OB 80W#16#3505由于设置了新的时钟,时间中断被跳过OB 80W#16#3506HOLD 后切换到 RUN 时,时间中断被跳过OB 80W#16#3507造成内部缓冲区上溢的多个 OB 请求错误OB 80W#16#3508等时同步模式
公司名: 上海腾希电气技术有限公司
联系人: 田礼科
电 话: 021-37660026
手 机: 13681875601
微 信: 13681875601
地 址: 上海松江上海市松江区广富林路4855弄星月大业**88号4楼
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公司名: 上海腾希电气技术有限公司
联系人: 田礼科
手 机: 13681875601
电 话: 021-37660026
地 址: 上海松江上海市松江区广富林路4855弄星月大业**88号4楼
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