Configuring Oversampling DQ operating mode

    Configuring Oversampling DQ operating mode

    Oversampling DQ

    The Oversampling DQ function outputs 32 ** states at equal intervals per application cycle (for example OB 91, OB 6x). Up to 32 edges are therefore possible per application cycle at a given digital output. The 32 states are set over the control interface. The output occurs synchronously with time TO (setpoint transfer).


    Isochronous mode

    Oversampling requires isochronous mode.

    The image below is an example of oversampling of DQ5:


    Application cycle


    Most significant bit


    Least significant bit

    图片: Oversampling DQ


    Output frequency with the Oversampling function

    The combination of application cycle and the 32-bit string output must not result in an output frequency that exceeds the maximum switching frequency for the digital outputs.

    Configuring an oversampling DQ

      Select the operating mode Oversampling DQ for the required channel.

    图片: Oversampling DQ


    Extending the configuration limits

    A maximum of eight oversampling DQ can be configured at the inputs/outputs of the X142 interface. If the oversampling DQ at X142 are not sufficient for your needs, you can increase the configuration limits with time-based IO modules, for example:

    ET 200SP distributed I/O system: TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V

    ET 200MP distributed I/O system: TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V

    You can find more information on these systems in .


    You can invert the 24 V ** to adjust it to the process. By default, the ** is not inverted.

    High-speed output

    If you select the high-speed output option, the digital output is switched alternately to 24 V DC and ground. Allows for extremely steep edges (output delay in the 1 μs range).

    To allow **s pending very briefly to be output by oversampling DQ (for example level of 0.1 ms), you must operate the output as a high-speed output.

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