The Oversampling DQ function outputs 32 ** states at equal intervals per application cycle (for example OB 91, OB 6x). Up to 32 edges are therefore possible per application cycle at a given digital output. The 32 states are set over the control interface. The output occurs synchronously with time TO (setpoint transfer).
提示 Isochronous modeOversampling requires isochronous mode. |
The image below is an example of oversampling of DQ5:
TAPP | Application cycle |
MSB | Most significant bit |
LSB | Least significant bit |
提示 Output frequency with the Oversampling functionThe combination of application cycle and the 32-bit string output must not result in an output frequency that exceeds the maximum switching frequency for the digital outputs. |
Select the operating mode Oversampling DQ for the required channel.
图片: Oversampling DQ
提示 Extending the configuration limitsA maximum of eight oversampling DQ can be configured at the inputs/outputs of the X142 interface. If the oversampling DQ at X142 are not sufficient for your needs, you can increase the configuration limits with time-based IO modules, for example: ET 200SP distributed I/O system: TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V ET 200MP distributed I/O system: TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V You can find more information on these systems in . |
You can invert the 24 V ** to adjust it to the process. By default, the ** is not inverted.
If you select the high-speed output option, the digital output is switched alternately to 24 V DC and ground. Allows for extremely steep edges (output delay in the 1 μs range).
To allow **s pending very briefly to be output by oversampling DQ (for example level of 0.1 ms), you must operate the output as a high-speed output.
硬件目录中的 DP 从站硬件目录中的 DP 从站 各个 DP 从站均位于硬件目录的“分布式 I/O”(Distributed I/O) 文件夹中。 在该文件夹中包含有紧凑型从站和模块化从站:紧凑型 DP 从站集成有数字量/模拟量输入和输出的模块。例如,ET 200L模块化 DP 从站带有分配了 S7 模块的接口模块。例如,ET 200M可用的 DP 主站和所需的功能决
组态在此页面上组态接口的子网。说明该页面包含以下内容:接口(名称)(Interface (Name))从下拉列表中选择接口。接口名称 (Interface Name)输入接口名称。MAC 地址 (MAC Address)(仅在线时可用)显示所选接口的 MAC 地址。DHCP/动态 (DHCP/Dynamic)*接口是否动态获取 IP 地址。- DHCP:VLAN 接口从 DHCP 服务
创建 C# 程序要对插件进行编程,需要具有一个用于创建类库的项目。同时,还需在该项目中添加“Siemens.Engineering.AddIn.dll”文件的引用。从而建立与 Openness API 的连接。创建项目要创建一个新的 C# 项目来为插件编程,请按以下步骤操作:通过“文件 -> 新建 > 项目”(File -> New > Project) 打开“新建项目”(
触摸屏本身有一个操作系统(即OS),每个触摸屏在出厂的时候都会有一个OS的版本,如版本1、版本2、版本3等等;我们安装完WinCC flexible后,在其安装目录中,会有各个屏的OS镜像文件,这些镜像文件的版本与安装WinCC flexible的版本相关。例如,我们要给一个新买来的屏下载工程,这块屏出厂时的OS版本为2,而我们使用软件中带的镜像文件的版本是3,那么在下载工程时,软件会先检测屏的O
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公司名: 上海腾希电气技术有限公司
联系人: 田礼科
手 机: 13681875601
电 话: 021-37660026
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