You use event measurement (16-bit value) to measure the number of rising edges per application cycle over the feedback interface.
The event counter is a rotary counter.
An event counter overflow is not displayed.
The exact value must be calculated on the basis of the difference.
You use the period duration measurement (32-bit value) to measure the number of increments of 41.67 ns between the last two rising edges received in the application cycle over the feedback interface.
Period = 41.67 ns • number of increments
提示 Isochronous modeEvent/period measurement requires isochronous mode. |
Select the the required channel for the Event/period measurement operating mode.
图片: Event/period duration measurement
You can invert the 24 V ** to adjust it to your process. By default, the ** is not inverted.
To suppress faults, you can set an input delay of 1 µs or 125 µs for the input filter of the digital inputs. Changes to the ** are only detected if they are constantly pending for longer than the set input delay time.
To allow **s pending very briefly to be detected at high counting frequencies, you need to set an input delay of 1 µs.
SIMATIC Energy Suite V15.1 中有哪些新增内容?
SIMATIC Energy Suite V15.1 中有哪些新增内容?Energy Suite V15.1 中的新特性此处总结了与 Energy Suite V15 相比的所有重要创新之处。优化了作为能源数据来源的测量硬件连接Energy Suite 使用 STEP 7 (TIA Portal) 中的集成接口或组态为能源数据源的设备主数据文件识别以下测量硬件:- ET 200SP AI
生成 SCALANCE M 模块的组态数据含义可以使用 STEP 7 生成对 SCALANCE M 进行参数分配的 * 信息。为此,模块必须位于至少一个 * 组中,并且该组中存在安全模块或 SOFTNET 安全客户端。文件生成后,便可通过设备基于 Web 的管理来对 SCALANCE M 进行组态。生成的文件将生成以下类型的文件:带有组态数据的导出文件- 文件类型:ASCII 格
Simatic控制器产品阵容扩大,聚焦“集成安全”. Simatic S7-1500软件控制器:**一集成“功能安全”的软件控制器,独立于Windows操作系统运行. Simatic ET 200SP开放控制器与Simatic ET 200pro分布式控制器用于在单一设备中实现标准和功能安全的自动化 西门子推出的全新自动化控制器扩大了较新一代Simatic控制器的应用范围。
DP/DP Coupler Profibus网络通讯耦合模块的产品特点及使用,详细介绍如何利用模块本身DIL拨码开关或Step7编程软件配置DP/DP Coupler在两个DP网络中进行通讯及通过模块指示灯或用户程序进行诊断,希望通过本文档,能够给读者提供入门指导目录1 DP/DP Coupler模块概述2 组态DP/DP Coupler在两个Profibus master网络中通讯
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公司名: 上海腾希电气技术有限公司
联系人: 田礼科
手 机: 13681875601
电 话: 021-37660026
地 址: 上海松江上海市松江区广富林路4855弄星月大业**88号4楼
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