Assignment of the feedback interface

    Assignment of the feedback interface

    Feedback interface

    The user program receives current values and status information from the X142 interface technology I/Os over the feedback interface.

    The following table shows the feedback interface assignment:

    列表: Assignment of the feedback interface

    Offset from start address



    Byte 0

    STS_DI (DI0 to DI7)

    State DI (DI0 to DI7)

    Byte 1 to 3


    Must not be used

    Byte 4 to 7

    TEC_IN (DI0)

    Timer DI:

    Byte 0, 1: 2nd TIME/OFF TIME (second input time stamp)

    Byte 2, 3: 1st TIME/ON TIME (first input time stamp)

    Oversampling DI:

    Byte 0 to 3: Oversampling value

    Event/period duration measurement

    Event measurement:

    Byte 0, 1: Reserved

    Byte 2, 3: Counter value

    Byte 8 to 11

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI0)

    Time period measurement:

    Byte 0 to 3: Measured time period

    Byte 12 to 15

    TEC_IN (DI1)

    See byte 4 to 11

    Byte 16 to 19

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI1)

    Byte 20 to 23

    TEC_IN (DI2)

    Byte 24 to 27

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI2)

    Byte 28 to 31

    TEC_IN (DI3)

    Byte 32 to 35

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI3)

    Byte 36 to 39

    TEC_IN (DI4)

    Byte 40 to 43

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI4)

    Byte 44 to 47

    TEC_IN (DI5)

    Byte 48 to 51

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI5)

    Byte 52 to 55

    TEC_IN (DI6)

    Byte 56 to 59

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI6)

    Byte 60 to 63

    TEC_IN (DI7)

    Byte 64 to 67

    TEC_IN_EXT (DI7)

    Byte 68

    LEC (DI0, DI1)

    Bit 4 to 6: Lost Edge Counter for DI1

    Bit 0 to 2: Lost Edge Counter for DI0

    Bit 3, 7: Reserved (must not be used)

    Byte 69

    LEC (DI2, DI3)

    Bit 4 to 6: Lost Edge Counter for DI3

    Bit 0 to 2: Lost Edge Counter for DI2

    Bit 3, 7: Reserved (must not be used)

    Byte 70

    LEC (DI4, DI5)

    Bit 4 to 6: Lost Edge Counter for DI5

    Bit 0 to 2: Lost Edge Counter for DI4

    Bit 3, 7: Reserved (must not be used)

    Byte 71

    LEC (DI6, DI6)

    Bit 4 to 6: Lost Edge Counter for DI7

    Bit 0 to 2: Lost Edge Counter for DI6

    Bit 3, 7: Reserved (must not be used)

    Byte 72


    Must not be used

    Byte 73

    Layout property

    Specific value

    Byte 74, 75



    Bit 12 to 15: Sign of life counter (slave sign of life)


    Bit 10, 11: Reserved (must not be used)


    Bit 8: X142 interface is synchronized with user program

    Channel address

    Bit 4 to 7 and 9: Number of the respective DI or DQ

    Channel mode

    Bit 0 to 3: Operating mode of the respective DI or DQ

    Substitute value behavior

    If the CPU is in STOP, the digital outputs (irrespective of any inversion set) return "0" (LOW level) as a substitute value.

    Reading back the terminal state

    STS_DI (offset byte 0 of the feedback interface) represents the logical channel status, taking account of any inversion configured.

    Digital inputs

    With digital inputs (DI, Timer DI, oversampling DI, event/period measurement), the value corresponds to the logical state of the digital input.

    Digital outputs

    With digital outputs (DQ, Timer DQ, oversampling DQ, pulse width modulation PWM), the value corresponds to the actual terminal state of the digital output. If the terminal state deviates from the controlled state, there may be an output driver short-circuit or defect.



    Signals are only reliably acquired over STS_DI if the level is significantly longer than the input delay + acquisition cycle of the digital inputs/outputs (X142).

    Example: If you operate the digital inputs/outputs (X142) as isochronous to the MC Servo in a cycle of 2 ms and a set input delay of 125 µs, the level duration must be > 2.125 ms.

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电 话: 021-37660026

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