HDTV KJ20x8.5B KRSD Concept of HDgc Series Corresponding to the digital High Definition broadcasting and diversity of HDTV equipment, Canon has added a new series to its HDTV lens line up, the HDsc series. The new HDgc series supports the emergence of an important new generation of cost-effective HD acquisition systems. Adopting the advantages created by Canon's unique technology, the new HDgc lenses exhibit high MTF, high resolution and high contrast from the center of the image to its extreme edges, meanwhile maintaining its compact size and weight. 详细介绍 HDgc Series Lens Line Ups Concept of HDgc Series Corresponding to the digital High Definition broadcasting and diversity of HDTV equipment, Canon has added a new series to its HDTV lens line up, the HDsc series. The new HDgc series supports the emergence of an important new generation of cost-effective HD acquisition systems. Adopting the advantages created by Canon's unique technology, the new HDgc lenses exhibit high MTF, high resolution and high contrast from the center of the image to its extreme edges, meanwhile maintaining its compact size and weight. Another important policy of Canon's is not to pollute the earth and the HDgc series succeeded in excluding harmful substances such as cadmium, PBBS, PBDPE or mercury from the mechanical parts, and at the same time incorporating lead free glass and reducing the amount of hazardous substances used in electrical parts. See more imformation from our FAQ. Main Features: Shuttle Shot Function Shuttle Shot is a Canon Exclusive Technology that enhances production capabilities. At the touch of a button, this feature allows the operator to zoom back and forth instantly between any two positions. It can be used to zoom to the telephoto position to check focus and then return instantly to the original position or you can “shuttle# between any two zoom positions at any time. Compact Design The KJ20x is smaller in size and lighter in weight compared to the traditional BCTV lenses, which allows ease of use when carried on a shoulder. Advanced Drive Unit The new ergonomically designed drive unit achieves an ideal balance and comfort by having it tilt to an ideal angle. In addition, the size of the unit has been minimized to comfortably fit in the palm of one’s hand. Overall, it improves the feeling of unity between the user and the lens. Moreover, the drive unit is equipped with a Shuttle Shot Function while offering a maximum zoom speed of 1.2 sec from wide end to tele end. Lens Model Number KJ20x8.5B KRSD Zoom Ratio 20x Built-in Extender - Range of Focal Length (with Extender) 8.5~170mm Maximum Relative Aperture (with extender) 1:1.8 at 8.5~113.3mm 1:2.7 at 170mm Angular field of view (with Extender) 4:3 Aspect Ratio (8.8 x 6.6mm) 54.7° x 42.4° 6.5° x 4.8° 16:9 Aspect Ratio (9.6 x 5.4mm) 58.9° x 52.0° 4.8° x 2.7°
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公司名: 中海德(福建)工业设备有限公司
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