产品名称:AGILENT/HP3708A 噪声和干扰测试仪 现货1台 85成新 含选件001 / 030/ UK6 The 3708A Noise and Interference Test Set provides an accurate method of assessing performance of microwave radio and satellite systems by providing carrier-to-noise (C/N) and carrier-to-interference (C/I) to make C/N and C/I versus Bit-Error Ratio (BER) measurements. Bandwidth is 10 to 200MHz. The unit can also be used to assess performance of digital TV forward error correction (FEC) by checking the tolerance of quasi-error-free systems to injected noise and interference. 10 MHz - 200 MHz Agilent HP 3708A Features : The 3708A Noise and Interference Test Set offers an accurate, yet simple, method of simulating flat-fade conditions on a digital or FM microwave radio. It lets you inject noise of known spectral density into the IF section of a microwave radio link receiver to establish a demanded carrier-to-noise ratio. The radio IF carrier power is sampled by the 3708A at the point of noise injection and the noise density adjusted automatically to maintain a constant carrier-to-noise ratio in the presence of receiver carrier level variations.
6ES7241-1CH32-0XB0西门子模块SIMATIC S7-1200, 通信模块 CM 1241, RS422/485,9 针 Sub-D(插座) 支持自由端口西门子PLC中的存储区介绍存储区单元实际上是时序逻辑电路的一种。按存储区的使用类型可分为只读存储区(ROM)和随机存取存储区(RAM),两者的功能有较大的区别,因此在描述上也有所不同。存储区是许多存储单元的集合,按单元号顺序排列。在
西门子模块6FC5357-0BA21-0AE0西门子模块6FC5357-0BA21-0AE0西门子模块6FC5357-0BA21-0AE0 SINAMICS 840D NCU 572 标准版本; 5 轴/主轴,(较多 8);存储器: NC 256KB,PLC 64KB(较大192KB) 适用于 I/O 设备:S7-IM361, PROFIBUS DP 带系统软件,设备总线PLC产品种类繁
西门子PLC模块1FK2204-5AF10-0MA0西门子PLC模块1FK2204-5AF10-0MA0西门子PLC模块1FK2204-5AF10-0MA0SIMOTICS FK2 CT 伺服电机 M0=2.4Nm; 当 nN=3000 每分钟转数时 PN = 0.75kW (380-480V);PN = 0.375kW 当 nN=1500 每分钟转数时(200-240V); 带抱闸; 防护等级
公司名: 浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司
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电 话: 19873876272
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公司名: 浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司
联系人: 刘经理
手 机: 19873876272
电 话: 19873876272
地 址: 上海松江石湖荡镇塔汇路755弄29号1幢一层A区213室
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网 址: tianxia56.b2b168.com