The SN8P2501B is a RISC-like high performance and low power consumption 8-bit micro-controller. One clock per instruction cycle (1T) architecture will provide up to 16MIPS computation power. Also, the high EFT (Electrical Fast Transients) protection capability let this device is suitable for high noisy industrial application. The device is designed with the excellent IC structure including the program memory up to 1K-word OTP ROM, data memory of 48-bytes RAM, Two 8-bit timer (T0, TC0), a watchdog timer, three interrupt sources (T0, TC0, INT0), and 4-level stack buffers. Besides, user can choose desired oscillator configuration for the controller. There are four external oscillator configurations to select for generating system clock, including High/Low speed crystal, ceramic resonator or cost-saving RC. This device also includes an internal 16MHz RC oscillator for system clock and includes an internal low frequency RC oscillator for slow mode controlled by programming. OTP ROM size: 1K * 16 bits. RAM size: 48 * 8 bits. Four levels stack buffer Bi-directional: P0, P1, P2, P5. Input only: P1.1. Programmable open-drain: P1.0. Wakeup: P0, P1 level change trigger Pull-up resisters: P0, P1, P2, P5. External Interrupt trigger edge:P0.0 controlled by PEDGE register. External high clock: RC type up to 10 MHz External high clock: Crystal type up to 16 MHz Internal high clock: 16MHz RC type. Internal low clock: RC type 16KHz(3V), 32KHz(5V) 3-Level LVD. Three interrupt sources. Two 8-bit Timer/Counter. On chip watchdog timer and clock source is internal low clock RC type (16KHz 3V, 32KHz 5V). Powerful instructions,One clocks per instruction cycle (1T).
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