6 RJ45端口 FL SWITCH 2206C-2FX -1095628菲尼克斯交换机

    Wire surface marking - according to the national standards, the surface of the wire shall be the manufacturer's name, product model and rated voltage continuous mark. This is conducive to the use of wire in the process of problems can be found in a timely manner manufacturers, consumers must pay attention to this point in the purchase of wires. At the same time, consumers should pay attention to the certificate is marked on the manufacturer name, product type, rated voltage and wire surface printing signs are consistent in the purchase of wire, to prevent counterfeit products. 江苏春晨电缆有限公司专业生产JFEM电机引接线,JFEM电机引接线,
    The appearance of wire - wire consumers should pay attention to appearance should be smooth in the purchase of electric wire, insulation and sheath damage, mark clear print, non greasy Shoumo wire. From the cross section of the wire, the thickness of the insulation or sheath on the entire circumference of the wire should be uniform, the core should not be biased, insulation or sheath should be a certain thickness. 
    Conductor diameter - consumers should pay attention to the purchase of wire conductor line with the certificate on the cross section of the agreement, if the conductor section is too small, easy to cause the wire heating caused by short circuit. Recommended home lighting lines with 1.5 square meters and above specifications; air conditioning, microwave ovens and other large household appliances should be used for more than 2.5 square meters and more than the specifications of the wire. 
    Regulate the use of - Specification of fixed line wiring, the best use of BV single wire wear tube, be careful not to damage the wires in the wiring, don't touch the wire in bad room decoration; not in a joint route; wire access electrical box (box) don't touch line; other electricity larger household appliances such as air conditioning should be a single line power supply; the best to maintain a certain distance from the weak and strong with wire. 
    The common faults of cable line are mechanical damage, insulation damage, insulation damp, aging and deterioration of insulation, over voltage, cable overheating fault and so on. When the fault occurs, should cut off the power cable fault, fault finding, inspection and analysis of the fault, and then repair and test, the removal of the cut off, after the fault is eliminated, can restore power. 
    Wire and cable laying cable safety requirements 
    1, cross cable, high voltage cable should be under low voltage cable. If one of the cables in the 1m range before and after the intersection of pipe protection or partition, the minimum allowable distance of 0.15m. 
    2, when the cable and the heat pipe close or cross, if there is heat insulation measures, the minimum distance of parallel and cross are 0.5m and 0.15m. 
    3, the cable and the railway or road cross tube wear protection, protection tube should extend rail or road outside 2m. 
    4, cable and the distance between buildings, should be able to ensure the cable buried in the building outside the apron protection cable into the building; wear tube, protective tube should be beyond the water outside the building. 
    5, directly buried in the underground cable between and grounding should be about 0.15~0.5m; directly buried in the underground cable laying depth, generally not less than 0.7m, and should be buried in the frozen layer. 

    上海开园自动化科技有限公司专注于电源,信号隔离器,继电器,交换机,变送器,防雷,端子,菲尼克斯全系类产品等, 欢迎致电 13621761245

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