Why not Ji'nan central air conditioning heating, there are many reasons. As a professional Ji'nan central air-conditioning company, long-term service to the people. Below we Ji'nan central air-conditioning will introduce the reason of Ji'nan central air conditioning is not heating.
1, the outdoor temperature is too low.
When the outdoor temperature is below zero, the central air-conditioningoutdoor unit of air conditioner frosting will, if more rainy weather, shell mayfreeze. If user open air conditioning heating, demand first "defrost, defrostingprocess may need to wait for 10 minutes at the mercy of defrosting finishedpost start heating will be slightly blow out point temperature is not high winds,such as Freon normal circulation, will become hot, this is the normalappearance. It is believed that when the outdoor temperature at minus 15 DEG C or very cold climate not to open the central air-conditioning and heating,choose other assisted heating method.
2, the air-conditioning filter dust too much.
Air conditioning system heat is not good, some of the reasons for the air filterdust too much, machine of inside and outside vent blocking by foreign body.The filtering net is the role of adsorption of dust in the air, if the accumulation of too much dust and not timely cleaning can block air flow, and then the formation of air outlet air volume reduction, resulting in machine system heatcan not be timely take out air, forming a lack of air conditioning system heat.Too much dust is not wrong, to the maintenance of air conditioning of doubt,only need to regularly remove the air filter screen cleaning, can return to normal. Claims in each of the refrigeration, heating season after a time, cleanindoor air conditioner filter, which can to ensure that the air conditioning effect,extending the service life of the machine, but also conducive to good health
3, lack of fluoride.
Currently on the market and some central air conditioning is a heat pump typeor heat pump plus adjuvant electric heating type central air conditioning. The operation principle of the two kinds of central air conditioning is the use offreon refrigeration and heating operation. When the outdoor temperature is low, small temperature difference with Freon transpiration temperature, heat exchange effect becomes worse, hot air is less. If the central air conditioningwhen mounted in a brass horn horn nut not tighten or welding a leak, or havemoved through the machine, there may be causing the lack of fluoriderepresentation occurs.
盛夏骄阳如火,高温高湿天气经常出现,相信广大消费者已经开了空调好一段时间了吧。怎么样?这个月的电费**出预算没有?那么你想不想知道这些费用的计算方法呢?济南中央空调下面就为大家详细介绍如何计算空调的耗电量。 Summer sun fire, the weather often appear in high temperature and high humidity, believe that th
济南中央空调为什么不制热,其原因有许多。作为一家**的济南中央空调公司,长期为人们服务。下面咱们济南中央空调将为大家介绍一下济南中央空调不制热的原因. Why not Ji'nan central air conditioning heating, there are many r
1.装中央空调层高多少才够? 从装置上来看,济南中央空调关于房子的面积、层高需求并不严厉,普通家庭也能够装置。主机装置在厨卫吊顶中,通常会占去30厘米以内的层高,如果层高不行,可将主机装置在阳台或室外。正常情况下,层高在2.60米以上装置都不会感受压抑,并且您更能够挑选角饰型内机,做部分吊顶来开释空间。
中央空调在空调使用一段时间后,会出现不同程度的水垢问题,对空调的正常使用造成影响,那么这到底是什么原因呢,济南中央空调为您讲解: Central air conditioning is used for a period of time in the air conditioning, there will bea scale problem in dif
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