
     Main advantages
    Using imported PES membrane as filtering material and heat-resistant polypropylene or stainless steel as internal support, it is made without any additive and medium break off.
    The PES membrane is a kind of hydrophilic membrane with unique geometric holes and high flow rate, has low absorption of protein and microorganism. With its good chemical-resistant quality, it is an ideal filtering material. Integrality tests are done to ** of the filter cartridges.
    1) Standard Connections fit most situations;
    2) Available in varies of fibers and removal ratings;
    3) Pleated design makes removal fast and simple;
    4) Excellent for the filtration of costly solutions.
     Main Features 
    ■ Superior flow rating
    ■ Low absorption to protein and microorganism
    ■ Hydrophilic polyethersulfone membrane cartridges
      require no prewetting
    ■ Superior performace of high-temperature and
      acid&alkali resitance
    ■ High partical removal efficiency
    ■ Easy to installation ,replacement and maintenance 
    ■ Antiseptic filtration in pharmaceutical
    ■ Antiseptic filtration for food&beverage industry
    ■ Water filtration for silicon crystal manufacturing
    ■ Large volume infusion drugs
    ■ Biological products filtration
    ■ Ultra purification filtration for electronic industry
    Water flow rate with different pressure ( 10")
    Specifications & Technical data
    Material	Membrane:	PES
    	Core:	polypropylene/ sus304L
    	O ring/Gasket:	Silicone/Viton/TEV/EPDM
    Specifications	Pore size (um):	0.10,0.20, 0.45, 0.65, 1.00
    	Outer Diameter(OD):	68mm / 70 mm (can be decided by client)
    	Length (inch):	10, 20, 30, 40
    	Endcaps:	DOE, SOE (code2, code3, code7, code8)
    Technical data	Effective filtration area (10"):	≥0.65 M2
    	Normal working temperature:	≤80 ℃/ 172℉
    	Max. working temperature:	90 ℃/ 194℉(P≤1.5 bar)
    	Max. differential pressure:	4.2 bar
    	PH value:	2-13
    	Sterilization method:	Autoclaving (121±2 ℃) within 30 minutes
    	Water flow rate with different pressure	see the chart
    Test	** integrity test:  	25 ℃; Purified Water
    	0.1um≥4.0 bar;  0.20um≥3.3 bar;   0.45um≥2.1 bar
    Ordering Guide


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联系方式 联系我时,请告知来自八方资源网!

公司名: 深圳市深化化工润滑油有限公司

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网 址: b622f58157.cn.b2b168.com


公司名: 深圳市深化化工润滑油有限公司

联系人: 安先生

手 机: 15625240301

电 话: 0755-36613301

地 址: 新疆五家渠兵团一零三团深圳市光明新区大成科技工业园

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