New features New maps from March 2011 Modern GUI for smooth touch control New TCP/IP commands for remote communication HD traffic- online traffic information directly into your SatNav (optional) Driver name and type of trip records Text-to-speech for detail voice commands Voice guidance intuitive voice navigation in different languages door to door route planning cross-border routing without the need to switch between countries or to a less detailed map overview of the upcoming manoeuvre and distance shown on the screen Traffic lane assistant Motorway Signs – clear signs which show the direction of travel Real 3D icons of important landmarks GPS satellite navigation 2D/3D mode allows realistic visual map display day/night modes switch colour schemes for day or night time driving map rotates in driving direction, or north up Searching find nearest points of interest postcodes full GB postcodes (1.8 million) Speed cameras hear audible warnings as you approach speed cameras Features odometer keeps a track of private and business mileage add your own favourites organise your favourites into different categories TMC - real-time traffic informations routing modes for car, pedestrian, truck route avoidance - block off certain road from your route import your databases into the map import directly from xls, dbf and access files with utilities provided Remote TCP/IP commands 2 way communication between driver and dispatcher PDA Vehicle Trackingworks with our VTU only track your vehicles remotely on a PDA keep your vehicles under control and reduce costs efficient tool for tracking and managing of your vehicles wherever you are Integration into larger telematic systems. Navigator can integrate with other programs with a number of external commands. These can be sent to Navigator via a serial interface or TCP / IP. So you can resize the Navigator window, change various settings, send new routing points or communicate with the driver similar to ICQ and many others. You can also obtain information from Navigator, f.e. remaining time or distance to destination, current coordinates, and others. The list of current commands can be foundhere. Other modifications in Navigator can be done by changing the configuration files. Buttons may be removed from the menu, or vice versa buttons can be added to the map/navigation
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手 机: 13905445500
微 信: 13905445500
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