浙江云盾电气有限公司是一家专业研发、模具制造、产品组装、销售服务为一体的生产型公司。 公司自成立以来,本着“以质量求生存,以创新求发展,以诚信求客户”的经营理念,坚定不移的致力于电气产品的研发、生产、销售为电气行业的蓬勃发展贡献力量。产品广泛应用通信、电力、铁路、石化、民航、煤矿、冶金、金融、建筑等诸多领域,并**世界各地。 公司坚持“用户**,质量**,服务**,信誉**”的宗旨,在行业内率先通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证。公司技术力量雄厚,生产工艺先进,具有研发和生产电涌保护器、双电源、小型断路器、控制按钮等产品的经验。本公司承接OEM/ODM生产业务以及供应配件业务,拥有宽敞明亮的现代化厂房,标准的生产流水线,完整的生产流程和质量控制工艺。 公司坚持以市场为导向、以科技为支撑,以“营造安全空间、构筑和谐社会”为企业使命。不断提高我们的产品质量与服务水平,顾客**的满意是我们追求的目标。我们热忱欢迎海内外客商、有志之士前来洽谈合作,共同致力于电气事业的繁荣与发展。 Zhejiang Yundun Electric Co. , Ltd. is a professional R & D, Mold Manufacturing, product assembly, sales and service as one of the production-oriented company. Since its inception, in line with the "quality of survival, innovation and development, integrity and customer" Business Philosophy, unswervingly committed to the development of electrical products, production, sales for the vigorous development of the electrical industry to contribute. Products are widely used in communications, power, railways, petrochemical, civil aviation, coal mining, metallurgy, finance, construction and many other fields, and exported to the world. Company adhere to the "user first, quality first, service first, reputation first" purpose, in the industry took the lead through the ISO9001 International Quality Management System Certification. Strong Technical Force, advanced production technology, with the development and production of surge protection, dual power supply, small circuit breaker, control button and other products experience. The company undertakes OEM ODM business and supply parts business, with spacious and bright modern plant, standard production line, complete production process and quality control process. Company adhere to the market-oriented, science and technology as the support to "create a safe space, build a harmonious society" for the mission of the Enterprise. Continuously improve our product quality and service level, customer ** satisfaction is our goal. We warmly welcome domestic and foreign businessmen, people with lofty ideals to come to discuss cooperation, and jointly contribute to the prosperity and development of the cause of electricity.
CYD1-SCB-SPD后备保护器装置,浪涌后备保护器-脱离器为电源提供**级、*二级、*三级设备保护的SPD(防雷保护器)进行专业的后备保护。适用于已安装SPD防雷设备的场所,如建筑、电气、通信、石油化工等各行业的电源设备。 SCB-I/12.5KA/15KA/25KA/50KA T1 10/350us SCB-II/10KA/20KA/30KA/40KA/60KA/80KA/100KA 用户在
新品智能防雷浪涌保护器 产品+软件 手机APP+云平台+PC端实时*检测
智能防雷监管模式:实时在线检测。大数据预警。信息上传云端,实现集中管理。 Intelligent lightning protection supervision mode: real-time on-line detection. Big Data alert. Information is uploaded to the cloud for centralized management 浙江云
随着大数据、物联网等技术的发展,各行各业都在智能化。防雷亦不例外。智能防雷已不再是概念。特别是雷电防护作为各行各业重要的安全管理措施之一,也需要随着电网智能化、建筑智能化、安防智能化等的要求,实现智能化防雷。钧和电子认为,智能防雷已成为防雷行业发展的必然趋势。 With the development of big data, Internet of things and other techno
5G时代智慧防雷 浪涌后备保护器,光伏直流浪涌保护器,信号防雷器-浙江云盾电气有限公司
浙江云盾电气有限公司是一家专业研发、模具制造、产品组装、销售服务为一体的生产型公司。 公司自成立以来,本着“以质量求生存,以创新求发展,以诚信求客户”的经营理念,坚定不移的致力于电气产品的研发、生产、销售为电气行业的蓬勃发展贡献力量。产品广泛应用通信、电力、铁路、石化、民航、煤矿、冶金、金融、建筑等诸多领域,并**世界各地。 公司坚持“用户**,质量**,服务**,信誉**”的宗旨,在行业内率先
公司名: 浙江云盾电气有限公司
联系人: 陈霞
电 话:
手 机: 18257700034
微 信: 18257700034
地 址: 浙江温州乐清市经济开发区纬十七路271号
邮 编:
网 址: cnyundun.b2b168.com
公司名: 浙江云盾电气有限公司
联系人: 陈霞
手 机: 18257700034
电 话:
地 址: 浙江温州乐清市经济开发区纬十七路271号
邮 编:
网 址: cnyundun.b2b168.com