海量器件 应有尽有 一网打尽 LED方案设计 *技术支持 购买须知: 我司所提供方案均可提供*技术支持,专业工程师为您一对一指导设计,免除后顾之忧. 所销售产品均为正品原装渠道货,不出售假冒,翻新,散新等假货次品货,因市场及进货价格时有波动,实时价格以咨询我司相关工作人员,电话,QQ实时报价为准,网站标示仅为指导价格,不做较终销售报价凭证! 商品详情: SN75LBC184P应用 TI原装RS485接口收发器 串行接口转换驱动器芯片 描述 The SN75LBC184 and SN65LBC184 are differential data line transceivers in the trade-standard footprint of the SN75176 with built-in protection against high-energy noise transients. This feature provides a substantial increase in reliability for better immunity to noise transients coupled to the data cable over most existing devices. Use of these circuits provides a reliable low-cost direct-coupled (with no isolation transformer) data line interface without requiring any external components. The SN75LBC184 and SN65LBC184 can withstand overvoltage transients of 400-W peak (typical). The conventional combination wave called out in IEC 61000-4-5 simulates the overvoltage transient and models a unidirectional surge caused by overvoltages from switching and secondary lightning transients. A biexponential function defined by separate rise and fall times for voltage and current simulates the combination wave. The standard 1.2 μs/50 μs combination waveform is shown in Figure 1 and in the test description in Figure 15. The device also includes additional desirable features for party-line data buses in electrically noisy environment applications including industrial process control. The differential-driver design incorporates slew-rate-controlled outputs sufficient to transmit data up to 250 kbps. Slew-rate control allows longer unterminated cable runs and longer stub lengths from the main backbone than possible with uncontrolled and faster voltage transitions. A unique receiver design provides a fail-safe output of a high level when the inputs are left floating (open circuit). The SN75LBC184 and SN65LBC184 receiver also includes a high input resistance equivalent to one-fourth unit load allowing connection of up to 128 similar devices on the bus. The SN75LBC184 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The SN65LBC184 is characterized from –40°C to 85°C. 特性 Integrated Transient Voltage Suppression ESD Protection for Bus Terminals Exceeds:Circuit Damage Protection of 400-W Peak (Typical) Per IEC 61000-4-5 ±30 kV IEC 61000-4-2, Contact Discharge ±15 kV IEC 61000-4-2, Air-Gap Discharge ±15 kV EIA/JEDEC Human Body Model Controlled Driver Output-Voltage Slew Rates Allow Longer Cable Stub Lengths 250-kbps in Electrically Noisy Environments Open-Circuit Fail-Safe Receiver Design 1/4 Unit Load Allows for 128 Devices Connected on Bus Thermal Shutdown Protection Power-Up/-Down Glitch Protection Each Transceiver Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of TIA/EIA-485 (RS-485) and ISO/IEC 8482:1993(E) Standards Low Disabled Supply Current 300 μA Max Pin Compatible With SN75176 Applications: Industrial Networks Utility Meters Motor Control 公司简介: 深圳市力佳胜电子有限公司(RIGACHIP)主要业务为电子产品方案开发及经营国内外优质电子元器件配套,成立于2009年,为广大LED照明及移动电源类客户提供优质方案及贴心技术支持,省除开发及调试的繁琐程序,专业工程师一对一指导.所提供电子元器件均为原装正品,不售假货,同等质量价格较低为目标,在大陆市场占有较高评价。 电子产品开发设计方案有:LED照明驱动方案,3W,5W-7W,18W-14W,50W,100W,150W大小功率LED照明,可用于球泡灯,日光灯,天花灯,吸顶灯,射灯及大功率路灯,投光灯,泛光灯等灯具.同时开发移动电源/电池充电器/**充等1A,1.5A,2.1A充电方案,产品技术成熟,可提供*技术支持. 电子元器件代理经销品牌有:TI德州,NS国半,MICROCHIP微芯,TOSHIBA东芝,OB昂宝,MAX美信,ST意法半导体,ON安森美,JRC,ROHM罗姆,VISHAY威萨等. 主要类型:放大器,运算放大器,稳压放大器,低压差放大,线性IC,逻辑IC,74系列与门IC,单片机,场效应MOS管,直插/贴片光耦,电源管理IC,LED驱动IC,放大器与线性器件,数据转换芯片,时钟芯片,接口芯片等 经过长期的不懈努力,公司在**内已树立了良好的信誉,受到了全国各地客户的**与信赖。竭诚为国内外众多客户提供**手货源,我们将以较硬的质量,较诚的服务,较优的价格,与您共商合作事宜,实现长期互惠共赢的合作关系!
一:中心污水处理设备污水排放 污水排放一般分两部分: 一部分为生活污水,一部分为相关病床及产生的污水。针对进的水质水量要求,一体化污水处理设备设计工艺为:一级隔渣、调节;二级生化降解;、过滤的处理工艺。一级主要通过格栅将污水中的动植物油和固体垃圾去除,通过调节池调节水量、水质;二级生化降解主要是A/O生物降解处理工艺(两级氧化工艺),通过反应,可以将污水中的**污染物指标有效的到
三亚中医卫生院污水处理设备/ZHUANYONG概述 随着我国经济的发展、城市化的推进,水资源短缺,水污染加剧的情况日趋严峻,污水处理与回用的要求日益迫切,集中式污水处理由于存在污水收集难、管网投资高、面积大、建造周期长等**问题,严重制约了污水处理率和COD减排量,在此情况下,分散式污水处理集成技术设备成为集中式污水处理的有益且必需的补充措施。 现有分散式污水处理设备,有
一、乐山学校实验室污水处理设备概述:龙裕环保系列乐山学校实验室污水处理元、废水调节单元、废水深度处理单元、沉降分离单元、物理处理单元、处理单元、废水综合净化单元等构成。 通过化学预处理、化学深度处理、、多级过滤沉淀分离等处理工艺对实验室内产生的**、无机、生物废水进行综合处理,可有效去除废水中的COD、BOD、SS、色度和重金属离子等,针对不同实验废水的组成成分,采用不同的处理及控
公司名: 潍坊龙裕环保科技有限公司
联系人: 崔经理
电 话: 0536-3631177
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地 址: 山东潍坊临朐县临朐东城街道
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