General Description QX9911 is a high precision, high PF, AC-DC LED driver which is widely used in non-isolated LED driver power supply. QX9911 is operated in Transition Mode which can efficiently improve system efficiency. QX9911 also supports the power factor correction function (PFC) by controlling fixed on-time, which is up to 0.95. QX9911 realizes very high precision output current control by comparing the sampled system output average current with built-in high precision reference. QX9911 integrates comprehensive protection functions include current limit protection cycle-by-cycle (OCP), output over voltage protection, output short circuit protection and over temperature protection (OTP) to ensure drive the LED reliably. Features ?Transition Mode ?Voltage Mode control ?High power factor correction: up to 0.95 ?The max ton can be adjusted ?VCC under voltage protection ?VCC clamp, over voltage protection ?Output over voltage protection ?LED short circuit protection ?Gate Voltage Clamp ?Current Limit cycle by cycle ?Over temperature protection Applications ?AC-DC LED Driver ?E17、E27、PAR、T8 LED Driver ?Supply for Adapter ,TV or Monitor
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公司名: 东莞市绿润再生资源有限公司
联系人: 刘先生
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手 机: 13686158887
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地 址: 广东东莞东城东莞市东城区东顺楼6楼
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公司名: 东莞市绿润再生资源有限公司
联系人: 刘先生
手 机: 13686158887
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