Zytel® HTN51G45HSL BK083 45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Glass Reinforced Resins Zytel® HTN51G15HSL BK083 15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G15HSL NC010 15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G25HSL BK083 25% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G35HSL BK083 35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. It has excellent temperature resistance and retention of properties in moist environments. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G35HSL NC010 35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. It has excellent temperature resistance and retention of properties in moist environments. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G35HSLR BK420J 35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide resin with improved hydrolysis resistance and surface appearance. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G45HSL BK083 45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G45HSL NC010 45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G45HSLR BK420 45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN51G50HSL BK083 50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN52G35EF BK420 35% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin which is Electronics Friendly, developed for encapsulation applications. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN52G35HSL BK083 35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide that can be molded in water heated molds. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN52G35HSL NC010 35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized and lubricated high performance polyamide resin that can be molded in water-controlled tools. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN52G45HSL BK031 45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide that can be molded in water heated molds. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN52G45HSL NC010 45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide that can be molded in water heated molds. PPA resin. Zytel® HTN53CG60HSL BK544 60% Glass/carbon fiber reinforced. High stiffness, developed for structural applications. Zytel® HTN53G35HSLRHF BK083 35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, modified for improved flow Zytel® HTN53G50HSLR BK083 50% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin with improved impact and stiffness. Zytel® HTN53G50HSLRHF BK083 50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin with improved flow and excellent surface appearance using water-heated molds. Zytel® HTN53G50LRHF NC010 50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin with improved flow and excellent surface appearance using water-heated molds. 供应PPA塑胶原
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公司名: 乐清市平安防爆电器有限公司
联系人: 陈耀勇
电 话: 0577-62078722
手 机: 15067871178
微 信: 15067871178
地 址: 浙江温州乐清市城东街牛鼻洞
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