会所铜艺楼梯扶手 纯铜雕花楼梯护栏加工价格

    有更多的技术及应用需求请联系公司销售工程师:欧玉涛  137-1885-8581
    Air-Bearing Rotary Stage
    Aerotech’s ABR1000 rotary air-bearing stage provides
    superior angular positioning, velocity stability, and error
    motion performance. It is designed to meet the exacting
    requirements for wafer inspection, DVD mastering, disk
    drive test and servo writing, optical inspection and
    fabrication, and MEMS/nanotechnology device fabrication.
    Superior Mechanical Design
    The ABR1000 is designed with large air-bearing surfaces
    for high stiffness and load capacity in a low profile design.
    This design produces not only excellent axial and radial
    error motions, but outstanding tilt error motion, as well.
    The resultant face error motion is significantly better than
    other rotary air-bearing tables and spindles in the
    marketplace, greatly benefiting applications requiring
    exceptional planar performance.
    Brushless Direct-Drive
    To maximize positioning performance, the ABR1000
    utilizes Aerotech’s S-series slotless, brushless motor. This
    motor represents the latest in rotary motor technology. The
    motor uses an advanced magnetic circuit design to produce
    Direct-drive slotless brushless servomotor
    Zero cogging motor for outstanding velocity
    Outstanding error motion and wobble
    Direct coupled, high accuracy rotary encoder
    No mechanical contact
    Wafer and disk accessories available
    high torque output with minimal heat generation. The
    slotless design is inherently zero-cogging and torque ripplefree.
    This makes the ABR1000 ideal for applications
    requiring smooth scan velocities at low or high speeds.
    Accurate Positioning
    Several feedback options are available. The encoders
    selected for this stage series are noncontacting, reflective,
    or interferential encoders. When coupled with Aerotech’s
    feedback multipliers and controls, resolutions of <0.03 arc
    second and positioning accuracy of <1 arc second is
    Flexible Configurations
    Options include integral wafer chucks, disk chucks and
    clamps, ESD versions, and rotary unions for air/vacuum
    Custom Designs
    Custom versions of the ABR1000 are available for rate
    table and inertial guidance test-stand applications.

    佛山市溢升金属制品有限公司专注于别墅楼梯栏杆,楼梯扶手,欧式楼梯,铜屏风,别墅楼梯扶手,铜楼梯扶手等, 欢迎致电 18688805750

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  • 信宜 欧式铜雕花楼梯护栏别墅完工实景展示

           楼梯款式多样直型、l型、s型、u型、弧型、螺旋型等。仿古铜雕刻护栏,铜雕花护栏,结构简洁大方,造型雅,组装方便美观,具有了很强的艺术性、装饰性、使用性,是复式楼、别墅、酒店和公司场所的。        铜板雕花扶手非凡艺术、非凡生活、非凡用一种新的语法来诠释稀流畅细腻的纹理,在诠释着一种生活格调

联系方式 联系我时,请告知来自八方资源网!

公司名: 佛山市溢升金属制品有限公司

联系人: 黄海林

电 话: 0757-63294510

手 机: 18688805750

微 信: 18688805750

地 址: 广东佛山禅城区佛山市澜石有色金属市场

邮 编:

网 址: hyjsfs.b2b168.com


公司名: 佛山市溢升金属制品有限公司

联系人: 黄海林

手 机: 18688805750

电 话: 0757-63294510

地 址: 广东佛山禅城区佛山市澜石有色金属市场

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网 址: hyjsfs.b2b168.com

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