*阴极剥片机组 Permanent Cathode Stripping machine 产品概述 *阴极剥片机组是对电积、电解*阴极板上的铜板进行洗涤,铜与不锈钢母板剥离,按设定块数堆垛,称重、自动打包的全自动*阴极电积、电解的**设备。 Product Overview Permanent cathode stripping machine is a dedicated equipment on the electrical product, electrolysis permanent cathode plate of copper for washing, stripping copper and stainless steel motherboard, with stacking, weighing, automatic packing functions. 主要参数和特点 1、阴极板处理能力:根据生产规模每小时100-500块; 2、高压喷嘴洗涤,洗涤水温不大于65℃; 3、按设定的电铜块数自动堆垛; 4、由Windows支持控制系统,触摸屏操作,故障显示、报警; 5、称重和自动打包功能; The main parameters and features 1、Cathode plate processing capacity:100-500 pieces per hour,according to the scale of production; 2、High pressure jet washing,wash water temperature is not greater than 65 ℃; 3、According to the electric copper block to set the number of auto-stacking; 4、Control system supported by WINDOEs,touch-screen operation,fault display and alarm; 5、Weighing and automatic packaging function; *阴极剥片机组由接受装置、阴极铜洗涤装置、阴极铜移载装置、绕曲装置、阴极铜剥离装置、阴极铜输送装置、阴极铜堆垛装置、*阴极板移载装置、不合格*阴极板拒收装置、合格*阴极板排列装置、称重和自动打包装置、阴极铜输出装置等部分组成。集液压、气动、电动、检测及程序控制技术为一体。过程实现全自动控制,安全可靠稳定高效。是*阴极大电积、电解工艺可以选择装备。 The permanent cathode stripping machine is constituted of the receiving device, cathode copper washing device, cathode Transfer device, flexing device, cathode copper stripping device, cathode copper transport device, cathode copper stacking device, the permanent cathode plate Transfer Device, permanent cathode board rejection device, qualified permanent cathode plates arranged devices, weighing and automatic packaging equipment, copper cathode output device Set of hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, testing and process control technology as a whole. Automatic control, safe, reliable, stable and efficient can be achieved. It is a preferred equipment for permanent cathode electrowinning, and electrolytic processes.
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公司名: 台州市黄岩小霞模具有限公司
联系人: 陈小霞
电 话: 0576-89881100
手 机: 18857609316
微 信: 18857609316
地 址: 浙江台州黄岩区浙江省台州市黄岩北城工业区
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网 址: moldxx.cn.b2b168.com
公司名: 台州市黄岩小霞模具有限公司
联系人: 陈小霞
手 机: 18857609316
电 话: 0576-89881100
地 址: 浙江台州黄岩区浙江省台州市黄岩北城工业区
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网 址: moldxx.cn.b2b168.com