Products Specifications: l Due to low price levels, the minimum order quantity for this product is 500 units. l Structure design by Grand Fly l Corrugated cardboard ships flat, is easy to set up & reposition throughout a store. l This Counter Cardboard Merchandise display is seen in such setting as retail stores, shopping markets, and convenience stores. l Perfect for sales promotions or other temporary events. l The structure and graphic of this displays is very colorful and vivid image! The 4C offset printing makes them eye catching and customers will be more inclined to gravitate towards them. l POP Display graphics from Grand Fly can help to establish your brand identity, reinforce your corporate image, introduce new product lines, and deliver new messages. Our services including: l Project planning and consultancy l Display - and packaging design l Graphic design, product Prototyping l Production on site l Logistics, packaging and shipment l Shipping points from Shenzhen, China. We ship worldwide. GRAND FLY specialize in helping you create successful retail marketing Initiatives that boost your product sales. Any size & Any style & Any quantity! Contact us today at info@ to discuss your needs!
医用2-8度转运箱厂家该产品有多种型号可供挑选,欢迎前来咨询和询价,因为信息的推广,或许网页内资料不够,详情请及时咨询。 安身,放眼,打造及靠前健康设备,尽力于把企业面向定向产品展开的端位置 福意联恒温产品相关系列:福意联拥有冷藏系列(2-8℃,2-10℃,2-20℃等)恒温系列(4-38℃,2-48℃,37℃,0-100℃),低温系列(-19℃~10℃,-25℃~10℃,-30℃~10℃,-12
PCR实验室灭活恒温仪 福意联有限公司秉承以”开放、自在、严谨、自律“为中间的文明,尽力于为公司员工发明谐和、宽松、充满关心的义务状况;保持”宁可损掉落自己的益处,绝不供应劣质产品及效力“的值不美不美观,以大志万丈的雄迈热忱、扎实有序的义务风格、著的技能、优良的客户效力团队,保客户在信息时代的高速路上驰骋。坚定与展开、务虚与的是公司行的源动力。 合作期内付费总额约11.6亿元,其中:
恒温样本恒温灭活仪现货 北京福意联有限公司有一支由职业经理人、业发卖人员、业技能、技能工程师、工程师构成的高实质业人才,并以”诚信为本“为宗旨,力争以新的技能、好的产品、优的效力临床需求,水平,造福于社会。 ,诚信为本,用户上,稳中求。北京福意联有限公司保持走不时和自立的路途,以”科技,关爱人类安康“为己任,把”诚信、担当、团队“作为理念。不时技能制作力度,增强与*临床的横向联系、协作,使产品
双锁样品冷藏箱FYL-YS-230L生物样品保存柜参数FYL-YS-430L该产品有多种型号可供挑选,欢迎前来咨询和询价,因为信息的推广,或许网页内资料不够,详情请及时咨询。 福意联公司愿以各协作规划单位雄厚的规划研讨力气为刚强后台,以精巧的产品和的服务为根底,与用户单位携手协作 福意联恒温产品相关系列:福意联拥有冷藏系列(2-8℃,2-10℃,2-20℃等)恒温系列(4-38℃,2-48℃,37
公司名: 北京福意电器有限公司
联系人: 何军杰
电 话: 010-63383919
手 机: 13910804759
微 信: 13910804759
地 址: 北京东城北京市东城区银河soho
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