近日上海雷迪机械仪器有限公司来到中国电信股份有限公司丽水长途电信传输局对全体业务进行了地下管线仪的知识讲解及技术培训。 针对丽水电信购买的一批管线仪的使用数据管理系统和具体操作系统,技术人员利用生动的PPT对其使用方法分别进行了耐心细致的讲解。 Shanghai Leidi Machinery Instrument Co., Ltd.-a professional sales and service provider of underground pipeline management and testing products was established in Hong Kong in 1991, and has always been committed to providing high-quality, high-tech, safe and applicable advanced equipment and equipment for the field of underground pipeline management. , And provide comprehensive technical solutions for various industries. Radiodetection products are widely used in many industries such as water supply, heating, drainage, gas, petrochemical, electric power, telecommunications, and trenchless. In the drainage industry, the advanced instruments and equipment introduced by Radiodetection have greatly improved the level of mechanization and modernization of municipal maintenance; in the water supply industry, Radiodetection's advanced leak detection equipment is becoming more and more popular, and the leak management solutions developed by Radiodetection have greatly reduced The poor production and sales of water supply companies have improved the increasingly tense utilization rate of water resources; in the field of underground pipeline management in power, telecommunications and other industries, Radiodetection has also achieved remarkable results, creating huge commercial value for customers Shanghai Leidi Machinery Instrument Co., Ltd.-a professional sales and service provider of underground pipeline management and testing products. Established in Hong Kong in 1991, it has always been committed to providing high-quality, high-tech, safe and applicable advanced instruments and equipment for the field of underground pipeline management, and providing comprehensive technical solutions for various industries. Radiodetection products are widely used in many industries such as water supply, heating, drainage, gas, petrochemical, electric power, telecommunications, and trenchless. In the drainage industry, the advanced instruments and equipment introduced by Radiodetection have greatly improved the level of mechanization and modernization of municipal maintenance; in the water supply industry, Radiodetection's advanced leak detection equipment has become more popular, and the leak management solutions developed by Radiodetection have greatly reduced The poor production and sales of water supply companies have improved the increasingly tense utilization rate of water resources; in the field of underground pipeline management in power, telecommunications and other industries, Radiodetection has also achieved remarkable results, creating huge commercial value for customers
伴随着国内市场经济体制基本建设水平的持续提升,大众对**工程排水系统运作稳定性的要求越来越大。但是,排水管道的运作维护保养工作任务开展难度系数大,这就降低了管网系统运作的稳定性与耐久性。 做为用作排水管道检测技术管道内窥摄像检测系统,其工作任务的对象主要是集中在管道普查、详查、工程验收及修护。该技术的基础设备有:长度测量仪、摄像机、爬行器及电源控制设备等。其工作原理为:使用电视检测系统中的摄像机,
地下管线是现代化城市的血脉,我国在城市的快速发展中,由于缺乏有效的管理,造成城市地下管线的资料不全不准。导致在城市建设中,经常被破坏、管线老化得不到维护,造成停水、停电、停气、交通中断、通讯中断等事故,给城市生产和居民生活造成严重影响。 为此1995年建设部、国家统计局联合在全国**推进开展城市地下管线普查工作,1998年建设部专门下达“关于加强城市地下管线规划管理的通知”和全国地下管线专业**
伴随着GIS的普及化,城市管线、交通、地下管道等领域开始运用GIS技术做为高效的管理方法。将移动GIS技术贯穿于城市管线探测的整体作业流程中,充分利用管线数据管理中的信息流,实现管线探测流程的一体化工艺,将会提升管线探测作业效率、降低内外业劳动强度、确保成果质量的高效方式。 GIS技术即是地理信息系统,指的是以空间数据为基础,在计算机软硬件支持下,对空间数据开展收集、管理、操作、解析、模拟和显示,
公司名: 上海雷迪机械仪器有限公司
联系人: 雷先生
电 话: 021-51036111
手 机: 13621876044
微 信: 13621876044
地 址: 上海长宁天山路天山路780号
邮 编:
网 址: leidi780.b2b168.com
公司名: 上海雷迪机械仪器有限公司
联系人: 雷先生
手 机: 13621876044
电 话: 021-51036111
地 址: 上海长宁天山路天山路780号
邮 编:
网 址: leidi780.b2b168.com
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