E-mail:y498546657@ Guangzhou Silverfox Cutlery Ltd. is a professional enterprise which is designing and selling high quality of stainless spoon, fork, knife and other western tablewares. With accumulating many year's investigating experience,providing with advanced models and high diathesis experts,our company is keepping to designing satisfy products for all of our customers. Silverfox is our brand,according to superexcellent quality and original designing,the silverfox is developing and keepping our spunky life. We are supported and trusty by our customers for our professional attitude in our industries.Our products are not only selling very well to many hotel's wholesale market interiorly,but also to European and American countries and always come in for our customers's favour.We sincerely welcome to cooperate with business partners by our honest,professional and struggling spirit. WEB Q Moble: 13435666101 E-mial:y498546657@
北京福意电器FYL-YS-230L20度阴凉箱公司说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------北京福意电器FYL-YS-230L20度阴凉箱产品别称:医用恒温箱、医用加温箱、手术室恒温箱、手术室加温箱、输液恒温箱、输液加温箱 、生理盐水恒温箱、生理
手术室净化**保温柜参数-适用于:医疗卫生行业,药检、环保、食品、卫生防疫等部门,用于药品、试剂、疫苗等产品的贮存和检测,产品采用国际 的全封闭式节能压缩机,能耗小,噪音低,为用户提供安静的工作环境,内部层架科根据所放置的物品随意调节层架高度,方便储存和测试不同体积的物品,手术室净化**保温柜参数参数详情:型号:FYL-YS-150L 温度:2~48℃ &nbs
医用保温柜嵌入式保温柜 FYL-YS-150L/151L公司说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------医用保温柜嵌入式保温柜 FYL-YS-150L/151L产品别称:医用恒温箱、医用加温箱、手术室恒温箱、手术室加温箱、输液恒温箱、输液加温箱 、
医院药液溶解箱4-38度-用于工作菌种贮藏,要求其质量可靠,冷冻温度符合贮藏要求。箱内温度均一性良好,负载各点间温差<2℃,温度波动范围小,运行期间,波动温度≤5℃,具备停电及高温报警功能。使用区环境温度-25~45℃,相对温度45~65%,具备外部数显功能。医院药液溶解箱4-38度参数详情:FYL-YS-150L 150L &nb
公司名: 北京福意联医疗设备有限公司
联系人: 王
电 话: 13910923377
手 机: 13810107851
微 信: 13810107851
地 址: 北京东城朝阳门soho8层 909室
邮 编:
网 址: wang2023.b2b168.com
公司名: 北京福意联医疗设备有限公司
联系人: 王
手 机: 13810107851
电 话: 13910923377
地 址: 北京东城朝阳门soho8层 909室
邮 编:
网 址: wang2023.b2b168.com
数显混凝土碳化试验箱 型号:DL666-TH-20库号:M31324
臭氧老化试验箱 臭氧老化试验装置 臭氧传感器 臭氧老化仪 耐臭氧老化