Application of Acrel ACR10R Series with AWT100-4G in PV inverters in India
摘要:太阳能是世界上快速增长的能源,也是较*获得的可再生能源,采用太阳能向电网输电市场份额不断增长。同时电网公司通常要求光伏并网系统为不可逆流发电系统,即光伏并网系统所发的电由本地负荷消耗,即自发自用。在并网发电和储能系统中,由于外部环境是不断变化的,为了防止光伏并网系统逆向发电,系统需要进行逆流检测,通过实时监测配电变压器低压出口侧的功率信号来调节系统的发电功率,从而达到光伏并网系统的防逆流功能。本文介绍了安科瑞 ACR10R与AWT100-4G在印度某泵行业的应用。
Abstract: Solar energy is a rapidly growing energy source in the world and the most easily available renewable energy source. The market share of the use of solar energy to transmit electricity to the grid is still growing. At the same time, grid companies usually require the photovoltaic grid-connected system to be an irreversible power generation system, that is, the electricity generated by the photovoltaic grid-connected system is consumed by the local load. It is self-generated and used. In the grid-connected power generation and energy storage system, with the external environment is constantly changing, in order to prevent the photovoltaic grid-connected system from generating reverse power, the system needs to perform reverse current detection, and regulate the power generation of the system by real-time monitoring of the power ** on the low-voltage outlet side of the distribution transformer power, so as to achieve the anti-backflow function of the photovoltaic grid-connected system. This article introduces the application of ACREL ACR10R and AWT100-4G in a pump industry in India
1. 项目概述 Project Overview
Indian customers plan to produce inverters by themselves. They need inverters and energy meters for government tender. They need ACR10T to monitor the electricity consumption of the plant equipment and use electricity meters to detect the energy consumption of each device effectively. AWT100-4G use MQTT protocol to connect the platform
2. 技术参数Technical Parameters
3.接线&安装 Wiring & Installation
Figure 1 Meter Shape and installing size (unit:mm)
Figure 2 Wiring Graph
4. 组网拓扑图Network Topology
5. 现场图片Installation Site
6.结束语In conclusion
ACR10R具有多种外围接口功能可供用户选择: 带有RS485通讯接口, 采用MODBUS-RTU协议可满足通讯联网管理的需要; 带开关量输入和继电器输出可实现断路器开关的“ 遥信” 和“ 遥控” 的功能, 采用LCD显示界面, 通过面板按键来实现参数设置和控制非常适合用液晶显示器和面板按钮实现参数的设置和控制的光伏逆变器系统。
ACR10R it has a variety of peripheral interface for user to choose: with RS485 communication interface, MODBUS-RTU protocol can meet the needs of communication network management; The function of “ remote **” and “ remote control” of circuit breaker switch can be realized with switch quantity input and relay output. The interfaces with switch input and relay output can realize the remote **ing and remote control of the circuit breaker switch. It is very suitable for real-time power monitoring system with an LCD display and the panel buttons to realize the setting and control of parameters for PV inverter system.
安科瑞 戴玥摘要:本文介绍高密科技孵化器,采用智能电力仪表采集配电现场的电能消耗数值。系统采用现场就地组网的方式,组网后通过现场总线通讯并远传至后台,通过Acrel-5000能耗监测系统实现配电回路用电的实时监控。关键词:公建项目;能耗监测系统;Acrel-5000;1 引言统计显示,我国建筑能耗约占全国总能耗的28%,在我国每年新建的20亿平方米建筑中,其中99%是高能耗建筑;而既有
摘要:根据开口式霍尔电流传感器的原理、特点及安装方式,分析开口式霍尔电流传感器在直流配电改造中的应用,快速实现直流配电系统智能改造。0 概述直流配电系统通常由高频开关电源和蓄电池组成,用于为直流系统中控制、信号、继电保护自动装置、事故照明等提供可靠的直流电流电源,对其供电的可靠性、稳定性以及供电质量均有着很高的要求。因此对一些使用周期长的直流配电系统的改造显得十分紧要。1 开口
公司名: 江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司
联系人: 须静燕
电 话: 0510-86179967
手 机: 18761508761
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地 址: 江苏无锡江阴市南闸街道东盟路5号
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