Ultramid?PA66 A3X2G7, Ultramid A3X2G7 is a 35% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade with improved flame retardance and enhanced long-termstability. Flame retardant based on red phosphorus; very high stiffness and strength; outstanding mechanical and electrical properties. \A3X3G5,25%Glass fibre reinforced injection moulding grade with improved flame retardance and enhanced long-term stability. Flameretardant based on red phosphorus; very high stiffness and strength; outstanding electrical properties.UL94-V0/3,2mm. A3X4G7, A3XZG5, Ultramid A3XZG5 is an impact-modified, 25% glass fiber reinforced injection molding PA66 grade with improved flame retardance. A3Z,Impact-modified and stabilized injection moulding grade for components and housing with good low temperature impact resistance. A3ZHP, Ultramid A3Z HP is an unreinforced, impact modified, heat stabilized, high flow PA66 injection molding grade. Ultramid A3ZHP offers a uniquecombination of maximum toughness and impact resistance with excellent high flow processability. A3ZHPUV, Ultramid A3Z HP UV is an impact modified PA66 containing heat and ultraviolet light stabilizers.Designed for maximum toughness at low temperatures, Ultramid A3Z HP UV offers a uniquecombination of impact performance and excellent processability. A3ZG6,Impact-modified, glass fiber reinforced injection moulding grade. A3ZM4. Impact-modified, stabilized injection molding grade for components (housings) with high impact strength, heat distortion resistance and low warpage. Used for wheel covers. A4H. High heat aging resistant, medium viscosity injection moulding grade for highly stressed parts such as bearing cages,gear-wheels, coil formers and cable connectors. A4. Ultramid A4 is a medium viscosity, extrusion PA66 grade. It conforms to FDA requirements of 21CFR 177.1500. A5. Ultramid? A5. PHYSICAL. ISO Test Method. Property Value. Moisture, %. 62. RHEOLOGICAL. ISO Test Method. Property Value. MECHANICAL. A5W. A3WC4. Electrically conductive grade reinforced with 20% carbon fibers. Used for machinery elements and housings with high stiffness and dimensional stability, low density and favorable frictional behavior (e.g. connecting rods). A38K. C3M6. C3M8. Mineral-reinforced and stabilized injection molding grade for machinery components such as crown gears and small parts with high impact strength and low warpage. KR4205. Stabilized injection molding grade with improved flame retardance (free from halogens and phosphorus) and high toughness. Used for electrically insulating parts such as contact carriers and push-on terminal strips. KR4281.注塑改性级,含40%矿物质增强改性的制品 KR4650.特殊级,适合矿物质增强改性的工程制品
云龙电压变送器DJR-3V今日资讯 CWL-10KV/(200-1500)A户内外铝导体高压穿墙套管 高压穿墙套管(以下简称套管)适用于额定电压(10~35)kV, 频率(15~60)Hz的三相交流系统电站和变电所配电装置上 ,供导电部分穿过隔板、墙壁或其它接地物,起绝缘支持和外部导线(母线)间固定
DK-DXN-T带电显示器是一种用于显示高压回路带电状态的装置。以下是关于DK-DXN-T带电显示器的详细介绍和主要作用: DK-DXN-T带电显示器是一种用于高压开关设备上的安全装置,它通过传感器检测高压回路的带电状态,并在显示器上直观地显示出来,以提醒操作人员注意安全。 主要作用
湘创5F96-DS控制器厂家报价 5F96-DS控制器是一种将模拟电流信号转换为数字信号的传感器。它由一个测量电路和一个微处理器组成,可以输出4-20mA的标准电流信号或RS-485串口通信接口。电流流过电流变送器的输入端时,该电路会将其转化为电压信号并输出到微处理器中进行处理。在微控制器的内部运算放大器和ADC(模数转换器)单元的作用
公司名: 醴陵市湘创电器有限公司
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