
    产品名称:Contour 3 Tag PVC, Flared End
    Part Number Product Tag colours ID mm Wall mm OD mm 
    0.13-OBLK3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.13mm ID Orange/Black (PKT 6) orange/black 0.13 0.91 1.95 
    0.19-OR3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.19mm ID Orange/Red (PKT 6) orange/red 0.19 0.91 2.01 
    0.25-OB3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.25mm ID Orange/Blue (PKT 6) orange/blue 0.25 0.91 2.07 
    0.38-OG3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.38mm ID Orange/Green (PKT 6) orange/green 0.38 0.91 2.20 
    0.44-GY3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.44mm ID Green/Yellow (PKT 6) green/yellow 0.44 0.91 2.26 
    0.51-OY3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.51mm ID Orange/Yellow (PKT 6) orange/yellow 0.51 0.91 2.33 
    0.57-WY3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.57mm ID White/Yellow (PKT 6) white/yellow 0.57 0.91 2.39 
    0.64-OW3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.64mm ID Orange/White (PKT 6) orange/white 0.64  0.91 2.46 
    0.76-BLK3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.76mm ID Black/Black (PKT 6) black/black 0.76 0.86 2.48 
    0.89-ORG3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.89mm ID Orange/Orange (PKT 6) orange/orange 0.89 0.86 2.61 
    0.95-WBLK3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 0.95mm ID White/Black (PKT 6) white/black 0.95 0.86 2.67 
    1.02-WHT3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.02mm ID White/White (PKT 6) white/white 1.02 0.86 2.74 
    1.09-WR3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.09mm ID White/Red (PKT 6) white/red 1.09 0.86 2.81 
    1.14-RED3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.14mm ID Red/Red (PKT 6) red/red 1.14 0.86 2.86 
    1.22-RGRY3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.22mm ID Red/Grey (PKT 6) red/grey 1.22 0.86 2.94 
    1.30-GRY3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.30mm ID Grey/Grey (PKT 6) grey/grey 1.30 0.86 3.02 
    1.42-YLW3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.42mm ID Yellow/Yellow (PKT 6) yellow/yellow 1.42 0.86 3.14 
    1.52-YB3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.52mm ID Yellow/Blue (PKT 6) yellow/blue 1.52 0.86 3.24 
    1.65-BLU3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.65mm ID Blue/Blue (PKT 6) blue/blue 1.65 0.86 3.37  
    1.85-GRN3B-F  Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 1.85mm ID Green/Green (PKT 6) green/green 1.85 0.86 3.57 
    2.06-PUR3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 2.06mm ID Purple/Purple (PKT 6) purple/purple 2.06 0.86 3.78 
    2.29-PBLK3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 2.29mm ID Purple/Black (PKT 6) purple/black 2.29 0.86 4.01 
    2.54-PO3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 2.54mm ID Purple/Orange (PKT 6) purple/orange 2.54 0.86 4.26 
    2.79-PW3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 2.79mm ID Purple/White (PKT 6) purple/white 2.79 0.86 4.51 
    3.17-BLKW3B-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 3tag 3.17mm ID Black/White (PKT 6) black/white 3.17 0.86  4.89 
    产品名称:Contour 2 Tag PVC, Flared End, 72mm between tags
    Part Number Product Tag colours ID mm Wall mm OD mm 
    0.19-OR-F-S Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag, 72mm between tags, 0.19mm ID Orange/Red (PKT 6) orange/red 0.19 0.91 2.01 
    0.25-OB-F-S Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag, 72mm between tags, 0.25mm ID Orange/Blue (PKT 6) orange/blue 0.25 0.91 2.07 
    产品名称:Contour 2 Tag PVC, Flared End, 152mm between tags
    Part Number Product Tag colours ID mm Wall mm OD mm 
    0.13-OBLK-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.13mm ID Orange/Black (PKT 6) orange/black 0.13 0.91 1.95 
    0.19-OR-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.19mm ID Orange/Red (PKT 6) orange/red 0.19 0.91 2.01 
    0.25-OB-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.25mm ID Orange/Blue (PKT 6) orange/blue 0.25 0.91 2.07 
    0.38-OG-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.38mm ID Orange/Green (PKT 6) orange/green 0.38 0.91 2.20 
    0.44-GY-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.44mm ID Green/Yellow (PKT 6) green/yellow 0.44 0.91 2.26 
    0.51-OY-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.51mm ID Orange/Yellow (PKT 6) orange/yellow 0.51 0.91 2.33 
    0.57-WY-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.57mm ID White/Yellow (PKT 6) white/yellow 0.57 0.91 2.39 
    0.64-OW-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.64mm ID Orange/White (PKT 6) orange/white 0.64 0.91 2.46 
    0.76-BLK-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.76mm ID Black/Black (PKT 6) black/black 0.76 0.86 2.48 
    0.89-ORG-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.89mm ID Orange/Orange (PKT 6) orange/orange 0.89 0.86 2.61 
    0.95-WBLK-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 0.95mm ID White/Black (PKT 6) white/black 0.95 0.86 2.61 
    1.02-WHT-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.02mm ID White/White (PKT 6) white/white 1.02 0.86 2.74 
    1.09-WR-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.09mm ID White/Red (PKT 6) white/red 1.09 0.86 2.81 
    1.14-RED-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.14mm ID Red/Red (PKT 6) red/red 1.14 0.86 2.86 
    1.22-RGRY-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.22mm ID Red/Grey (PKT 6) red/grey 1.22 0.86 2.94 
    1.30-GRY-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.30mm ID Grey/Grey (PKT 6) grey/grey 1.30 0.86 3.02 
    1.42-YLW-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.42mm ID Yellow/Yellow (PKT 6) yellow/yellow 1.42 0.86 3.14 
    1.52-YB-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.52mm ID Yellow/Blue (PKT 6) yellow/blue 1.52 0.86 3.24 
    1.65-BLU-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.65mm ID Blue/Blue (PKT 6) blue/blue 1.65 0.86 3.37 
    1.75-BG-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.75mm ID Blue/Green (PKT 6) blue/green 1.75 0.86 3.47 
    1.85-GRN-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 1.85mm ID Green/Green (PKT 6) green/green 1.85 0.86 3.57 
    2.06-PUR-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 2.06mm ID Purple/Purple (PKT 6) purple/purple 2.06 0.86 3.78 
    2.29-PBLK-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 2.29mm ID Purple/Black (PKT 6) purple/black 2.29 0.86 4.01 
    2.54-PO-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 2.54mm ID Purple/Orange (PKT 6) purple/orange  2.54 0.86 4.26 
    2.79-PW-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 2.79mm ID Purple/White (PKT 6) purple/white 2.79 0.86 4.51 
    3.17-BLKW-F Contour Flared End PVC Pump Tube 2tag 3.17mm ID Black/White (PKT 6) black/white 3.17 0.86 4.89 
    产品名称:2 tag PharMed
    Part Number Product Tag colours ID mm Wall mm OD mm 
    1.52-PH-3 PharMed Pump Tube 3tag 1.52mm ID Yellow/Blue (PKT 12) yellow/blue 1.52 0.86 3.24 
    产品名称:Continuous Tygon MH
    Part Number Product Tag colours ID mm Wall mm OD mm 
    V-1 Viton Peristaltic Pump Tubing Continuous 1.0mm ID x 10m Long 10m roll 1.00 1.00 3.00 
    V-1.5 Viton Peristaltic Pump Tubing Continuous 1.5mm ID x 3m Long 3m roll 1.50 0.75 3.00 
    V-2 Viton Peristaltic Pump Tubing Continuous 2.0mm ID x 5m Long 5m roll 2.00 1.00 4.00 
    V-3 Viton Peristaltic Pump Tubing Continuous 3.0mm ID x 5m Long 5m roll 3.00 1.00 5.00  
    V-3.2 Viton Peristaltic Pump Tubing Continuous 3.2mm ID x 3m Long 3m roll 3.20 1.00 5.20 
    V-6.3 Viton Peristaltic Pump Tubing Continuous 6.3mm ID x 3m Long 3m roll 6.30 1.00 8.30
    产品名称:ATRMax II Variable Angle Horizontal ATR Accessory 可变角度水平衰减全反射 
    产品货号	产品描述
    023-10XX	ATRMax II Trough Plate System with 45o ZnSe Crystal
    Includes: Trough Plate, Volatiles Cover and Powder Press
    023-11XX	ATRMax II Flat Plate System with 45o ZnSe Crystal
    Includes: Flat Plate and HATR Pressure Clamp
    023-12XX	ATRMax II Combined Trough and Flat Plate System 
    with 45o ZnSe Crystals
    Includes Trough Plate, Flat Plate, Volatiles Cover, Powder 
    Press and Sample Clamp
    ATRMax II Base Optics
    023-19XX	ATRMax II Variable Angle HATR
    ATRMax II Crystal Plates
    023-2001	Trough Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    023-2011	Flat Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    023-2021	Trough Plate, ZnSe, 30°
    023-2031	Flat Plate, ZnSe, 30°
    023-2041	Trough Plate, ZnSe, 60°
    023-2051	Flat Plate, ZnSe, 60°
    023-2003	Trough Plate, Ge, 45°
    023-2013	Flat Plate, Ge, 45°
    023-2023	Trough Plate, Ge, 30°
    023-2033	Flat Plate, Ge, 30°
    023-2043	Trough Plate, Ge, 60°
    023-2053	Flat Plate, Ge, 60°
    023-2046	Trough Plate, AMTIR, 45°
    023-2047	Flat Plate, AMTIR, 45°
    023-2002	Trough Plate, KRS-5, 45°
    023-2012	Flat Plate, KRS-5, 45°
    023-2022	Trough Plate, KRS-5, 30°
    023-2032	Flat Plate, KRS-5, 30°
    023-2042	Trough Plate, KRS-5, 60°
    023-2052	Flat Plate, KRS-5, 60°
    023-2044	Trough Plate, Si, 45°
    023-2045	Flat Plate, Si, 45°
    ATRMax II Pressure Clamp
    023-3050	ATRMax Pressure Clamp
    023-2800	Motorized Upgrade for ATRMax II
    023-2850	Motorized Option for ATRMax II
    090-1000	Manual Polarizer, ZnSe
    090-2000	Automated Polarizer, ZnSe
    023-2300	RCPlate for ATRMax II
    023-4000	ATRMax Flow Cell Assembly (Order crystal separately)
    023-4100	ATRMax Liquid-Jacketed Flow Cell Assembly 
    (Order crystal separately)
    023-4200	ATRMax Heated Flow Cell Assembly (Order crystal separately)
    023-4300	ATRMax Heated Trough Plate Assembly (Order crystal separately)
    023-4400	ATRMax Heated Flat Plate Assembly (Order crystal separately)
    013-4200	ATR Variable Angle Heating Conversion Plate
    076-1420	Digital Temperature Control Module, PC Control
    076-1220	Digital Temperature Control Module
    ATRMax II Crystals
    023-3110	Crystal, 45 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, ZnSe
    023-3130	Crystal, 60 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, ZnSe
    023-3120	Crystal, 30 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, Ge
    023-3112	Crystal, 45 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, Ge
    023-3132	Crystal, 60 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, Ge
    023-3121	Crystal, 30 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, Si
    023-3114	Crystal, 45 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, Si
    023-3134	Crystal, 60 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, Si
    023-3113	Crystal, 45 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, AMTIR
    023-3133	Crystal, 60 deg., Trap., 56 x 10 x 4, AMTIR
    ATRMax II Replacement Parts
    023-3051	ATRMax II Volatiles Cover
    023-3052	ATRMax II Powder Press
    产品名称:Multiple Re?ection HATR 多次反射HATR
    Complete HATR Systems
    产品货号	产品描述
    022-10XX	HATR Trough Plate System with 45o ZnSe Crystal
    Includes: Trough Plate, Volatiles Cover and Powder Press
    022-11XX	HATR Flat Plate System with 45o ZnSe Crystal
    Includes: Flat Plate and HATR Pressure Clamp
    022-12XX	HATR Combined Trough and Flat Plate System 
    with 45o ZnSe Crystals
    Includes: Trough Plate, Flat Plate, Volatiles Cover, Powder 
    Press and Sample Clamp
    024-11XX	HATRPlus Flat Plate System with 45o ZnSe Crystal
    Includes: Flat Plate and HATR Pressure Clamp
    Con?gurable HATR Systems
    022-19XX	HATR Platform Optics Assembly
    024-19XX	HATRPlus Platform Optics Assembly
    HATR and HATRPlus Crystal Plates
    022-2010-45	Trough Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    022-2020-45	Flat Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    022-2024-45	Sealed Flat Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    022-2012-45	Trough Plate, ZnSe, 45°, 2 mm
    022-2022-45	Flat Plate, ZnSe, 45°, 2 mm
    022-2030-45	Trough Plate, KRS-5, 45°
    022-2040-45	Flat Plate, KRS-5, 45°
    022-2050-45	Trough Plate, Ge, 45°
    022-2060-45	Flat Plate, Ge, 45°
    022-2064-45	Sealed Flat Plate, Ge, 45°
    022-2052-45	Trough Plate, Ge, 45°, 2 mm
    022-2062-45	Flat Plate, Ge, 45°, 2 mm
    022-2070-45	Trough Plate, AMTIR, 45°
    022-2080-45	Flat Plate, AMTIR, 45°
    022-2090-45	Trough Plate, Si, 45°
    022-2100-45	Flat Plate, Si, 45°
    HATR and HATRPlus Pressure Clamp
    022-3050	HATR (pivoting) Pressure Clamp
    022-3054	HATR High-Pressure Clamp
    024-3050	HATRPlus (pivoting) Pressure Clamp
    024-3053	HATRPlus High-Pressure Clamp
    HATR and HATRPlus Flow Cells
    022-4010	HATR Flow Cell, ZnSe, 45°
    022-4020	HATR Flow Cell, AMTIR, 45°
    022-4030	HATR Flow Cell, KRS-5, 45°
    022-4040	HATR Flow Cell, Si, 45°
    022-4050	HATR Flow Cell, Ge, 45°
    HATR and HATRPlus Liquid Jacketed Crystal Plates
    022-5310	HATR Liquid Jacketed Trough Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    022-5320	HATR Liquid Jacketed Trough Plate, AMTIR, 45°
    022-5330	HATR Liquid Jacketed Trough Plate, KRS-5, 45°
    022-5340	HATR Liquid Jacketed Trough Plate, Si, 45°
    022-5350	HATR Liquid Jacketed Trough Plate, Ge, 45°
    HATR and HATRPlus Heated Crystal Plates
    022-5110	HATR Heated Trough Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    022-5120	HATR Heated Trough Plate, AMTIR, 45°
    022-5130	HATR Heated Trough Plate, KRS-5, 45°
    022-5140	HATR Heated Trough Plate, Si, 45°
    022-5150	HATR Heated Trough Plate, Ge, 45°
    022-5210	HATR Heated Flow-Through Cell, ZnSe, 45°
    022-5220	HATR Heated Flow-Through Cell, AMTIR, 45°
    022-5230	HATR Heated Flow-Through Cell, KRS-5, 45°
    022-5240	HATR Heated Flow-Through Cell, Si, 45°
    022-5250	HATR Heated Flow-Through Cell, Ge, 45°
    076-1420	Digital Temperature Control Module, PC Control
    076-1220	Digital Temperature Control Module
    HATR and HATRPlus Liquid Jacketed, Flow-Through Crystal Plates
    022-5410	HATR Liquid Jacketed Flow-Through Plate, ZnSe, 45°
    022-5420	HATR Liquid Jacketed Flow-Through Plate, AMTIR, 45°
    022-5430	HATR Liquid Jacketed Flow-Through Plate, KRS-5, 45°
    022-5440	HATR Liquid Jacketed Flow-Through Plate, Si, 45°
    022-5450	HATR Liquid Jacketed Flow-Through Plate, Ge, 45°
    HATR RCPlate
    022-2300	RCPlate for HATR (for 45° crystals)
    HATR and HATRPlus Replacement Parts
    022-3051	HATR Volatiles Cover
    022-3052	HATR Powder Press
    022-3110	Crystal, 45°, Trap, 80 x 10 x 4 mm ZnSe
    022-3111	Crystal, 45°, Trap, 80 x 10 x 4 mm KRS-5
    022-3112	Crystal, 45°, Trap, 80 x 10 x 4 mm Ge
    022-3113	Crystal, 45°, Trap, 80 x 10 x 4 mm AMTIR
    022-3114	Crystal, 45°, Trap, 80 x 10 x 4 mm Si
    022-3130	Crystal, 60°, Trap, 80 x 10 x 4 mm ZnSe
    022-3132	Crystal, 60°, Trap, 80 x 10 x 4 mm Ge
    022-3040	Viton O-Ring, HATR Flow Cell, Upper (6 ea.)
    022-3045	Viton O-Ring, HATR Flow Cell, Lower (6 ea.)
    022-3042	HATR Flow Cell Upper Te?on O-Ring
    022-3047	HATR Flow Cell Lower Te?on O-Ring
    产品名称:GladiATR Vision – Diamond ATR with Sample View 高温高压可视钻石ATR附件
    GladiATR Vision Base Optics
    产品货号	产品描述
    026-19XX	GladiATR Vision Base Optics
    026-3510	USB Interface / Software for GladiATR Vision
    GladiATR Stainless Top
    026-2004	GladiATR Vision Stainless Top
    026-2005	GladiATR Vision Heated Stainless Top
    026-2006	GladiATR Vision Liquid Jacketed Stainless Top
    GladiATR Vision Crystal Plates
    026-2102	GladiATR Vision Diamond Crystal Plate
    026-2050	Ge Crystal Plate (non-viewing)
    026-2200	Specular Re?ection Plate (non-viewing)
    GladiATR Vision High-Pressure
    026-3020	High-Pressure Clamp
    076-6025	Digital Force Adapter for High-Pressure Clamp
    GladiATR Vision Temperature Controlled Crystal Plate
    026-4101	Heated Diamond Crystal Plate, 210 °C, Vision
    026-4050	Heated Ge Crystal Plate, 130 °C (non-viewing)
    026-4112	Liquid Jacketed Diamond Crystal Plate
    076-1220	Digital Temperature Control Module
    076-1420	Digital Temperature Control Module, PC Control
    GladiATR Vision Sampling Options
    026-5012	Flow-Through Attachment
    026-5013	Liquids Retainer and Volatiles Cover Set
    026-5010	Liquids Retainer for Performance Plates
    026-3051	Volatiles Cover for Performance Plates
    产品名称:GladiATR – Highest Performance Diamond ATR 高性能单反射钻石ATR附件
    GladiATR Base Optics
    产品货号	产品描述
    026-18XX	GladiATR Single Re?ection ATR Base Optics, with heating 
    capability up to 210 °C
    026-17XX	GladiATR 300 Single Re?ection ATR Base Optics, 300 °C
    GladiATR Stainless Top
    026-2001	GladiATR Standard Stainless Top
    026-2002	GladiATR Heated Stainless Top
    026-2003	GladiATR Liquid Jacketed Stainless Top
    GladiATR Crystal Plates for GladiATR
    026-2100	Diamond Crystal Plate
    026-2050	Ge Crystal Plate
    026-2200	Specular Re?ection Plate
    GladiATR Pressure Clamp, all models
    026-3020	High-Pressure Clamp
    076-6025	Digital Force Adapter for High-Pressure Clamp
    GladiATR Temperature Controlled Crystal Plates
    026-4102	Heated Diamond Crystal Plate, 300 °C (GladiATR 300 only)
    026-4100	Heated Diamond Crystal Plate, 210 °C
    026-4050	Heated Ge Crystal Plate, 130 °C
    026-4110	Liquid Jacketed Diamond Crystal Plate
    026-4150	Liquid Jacketed Ge Crystal Plate
    076-1220	Digital Temperature Control Module (210 °C)
    076-1420	Digital Temperature Control Module, PC Control (210 °C)
    076-1210	Digital Temperature Control Module (300 °C)
    076-1410	Digital Temperature Control Module, PC Control (300 °C)
    026-5012	Flow-Through Attachment
    026-5013	Liquids Retainer and Volatiles Cover Set
    026-5010	Liquids Retainer for Performance Plates
    026-3051	Volatiles Cover for Performance Plates


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