三相电两根火线碰到一起会怎么样 What happens if two lines of electric power come into contact with each other? 三相火线断开后摸零线有麻的感觉 After the three-phase fire line disconnects, there is a feeling of numbness on the touch line. 设备短路为什么接地后起火?空开不 Equipment short circuit. Why fire after grounding? Open up. 为什么并联电路中电流不相等原因 Why the current is not equal in parallel circuit 为什么火线电人但是零线不电人的 Why is the fire line electricity? 火线和地线可以点亮灯泡吗 Can light and ground wire light bulbs? 零线和地线都是相通的为什么作用 Zero line and ground wire are interlinked. Why? 电力系统为什么要折算 Why should the power system be converted? 如何用兆欧表测火线、地线、零线 How to measure fire line, ground wire and zero line with megaohmmeter 电流变送器铭牌标有的信号是4-20 The ** of the current transmitter nameplate is 4-20. 电风扇插头拔下来换个方向插进去 The fan plug is pulled down and inserted in another direction. 为什么高压负荷开关要求关合短路 Why is high voltage load switch closed short circuit? 开关跳闸把零线和火线对调的危害 Switch trip causes hazards of zero line and fire line switching. 火线零线对调后不跳闸了安全吗 Is it safe to jump off the zero line after firing? 电工需求量比较大为什么会招不到 Why is the demand for electrician relatively large? 带电接线先接零线还是火线 Live wiring first connect zero line or fire line? 电网无功功率为什么会抬高电压?无 Why does the reactive power of the power grid raise the voltage? 照明企业为什么玩不转电工市场分 Why do lighting enterprises play the market share of non electrician? 电灯开关接零线还是火线及墙壁开 Is the light switch connected to the zero line or the fire line and the wall? 插座为什么是左零右火而不是左火 Why is the socket left, zero, right, not left? 火线和地线之间的电压_火线与火线 The voltage line and the fire line between the fire line and the ground wire. 火线和零线电流一样吗 Is the firing line the same as zero line current? 零线火线一样粗吗?火线和零线规格 Is the zero line FireWire as thick as fire line and zero line specification? 为什么地线比火线零线细_接地线和 Why is the ground wire thinner than the zero line? 火线接地线会短路吗?火线接地线会 Will the ground wire of the fire line be short circuited? 插头为什么有两个孔?插头上的孔是 Why do the plugs have two holes? The holes on the plug are 火线零线地线字母_火线零线地线颜 The fire line, the zero line, the earth line, the letter, the fire line, the zero line, and the ground. 火线零线地线颜色字母 Fire line zero line color letter 地线零线火线怎么区分?火线和零线 How to distinguish between the zero line and the ground line? 如何区分火线零线地线_火线零线地 How to distinguish the zero line, the ground wire, the fire line and the zero line? 火线零线接反会怎么样_火线零线接 What happens when the zero line is reversed? 零线火线对调就不跳闸是什么原因 橡套防扭转电缆What is the reason why the zero line fire line is not tripping? 火线零线接反会跳闸吗?火线与零线 Will the fire line zero line trip trip? Fire line and zero line? 万用表测零线火线地线的方法 Method for measuring zero line fire line ground by multimeter 用数字万用表怎么区分零线与火线 How to distinguish zero line from fire line with digital multimeter 为什么作为支架的电网铁塔不导电 Why is the grid tower as a support not conductive? 为什么**电压不一样_世界各 Why is the world voltage different? 电线杆为什么不导电及原因分析 Why electric poles are not conductive and cause analysis 简单区分火线零线地线的方法 A simple way to distinguish zero line ground wire from fire line 家庭电灯接线图 Wiring diagram of home lamp 关于零线电流大于火线电流的评述 橡套防扭转电缆Commentary on zero line current greater than the line current 报错
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公司名: 上海广志自动化设备有限公司
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手 机: 13621865316
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