Hi,my name is Chris,I come from Guangzhou,China,do the shipping by courier,by air,export the goods from China,the following is my company business brief. Guangzhou Hurricane express company agent for DHL UPS EMS FEDEX TNT,provide door to door service from China to the World. By DHL 1. we can send document,electronic clothes,handbags and to the world.We do the custom clear in China,and send to hongkong,then transit by Hongkong DHL,we get the special price for USA ,Australia and Europea ,DHL Can send some copy goods.and about 3days arrived Europea,Australia,north of America the following is our price to the world above 21kg to Europe : USD7.5/KG above 100KG to Europe: USD6.6/kg, above 21kg to USA : USD7.3/KG, above 100kg to USA:USD5.3/KG above 21kg to CANADA: USD7.3/KG,above 100kg to CANADA: USD6/kg above 21kg to Singapore: USD4.8/KG,above 100KG to Singapore: USD4/KG By EMS (Post service) 2, EMS can send all the copy goods to the world. it is very safe to send the copy goods by EMS,because EMS has priority to deal with the custom clear.and can quickly release by custom.by ship by EMS,it is a little slowly. Need 7 to 9 days arrived By UPS UPS has good advantage to ship goods from China to USA and Europea. The shipping charge is relatively cheap. By FEDEX It is cheaper to send the goods from China to Northeast Asia.and very quickly. If you need courier service from China to the world,or meet some problem to ship the goods,I can help you to deal with it safely and quickly. Welcome to give a call to me,Let me help you. parcel courier,parcel express,parcel messager,luggage courier,package courier,parcel courier by dhl,parcel service,courier service,dhl courier service, HK EMS post,door to door shipping,door to door transport,Guangzhou China express courier,DHL express to UK,UPS express to USA,Guangzhou express forwarder, DHL International China Services,DHL China express,dhl global forwarding,DHL logistics service,DHL import service, DHL Worldwide China Express,DHL delivery china agent,dhl shippig agent,china courier,china courier companies,china courier service,china dhl,Chinese agent,courier agencies,courier companies,courier companies in China,courier from China,courier service cheap,courier service dhl,courier in china,dhl courier company, dhl delivery, dhl delivery service, dhl express delivery,dhl freight forwarding,dhl from china,dhl global services,dhl global shipping,dhl Guangzhou,china,dhl shippment,dhl shipping,ems china courier,ems china delivery,ems courier,ems courier delivery,ems from China,ems mail china,ems,parcel from china,parcel shipping service,China courier transport,transport agent in China, Thanks
北京大兴地上装配式消防水箱组成北京大兴地上装配式消防水箱组成 地埋式箱泵一体化恒压给水设备的优点如下: 1、节省空间:水泵和泵室放置在水箱中且固定在一体化泵站专用的模块上。通常情况下只占用0.5~.5m的水箱容积。 2、移动、拆卸方便,使用寿命长:由于采用装配式不锈钢水箱,改变了以往的焊接方法,采用螺丝装配,适用性强,安装方便,无需专用设备。 3、排空方便:由于采用新型潜水式消防泵
安徽凤阳消防箱泵一体化组成安徽凤阳消防箱泵一体化组成 几种供水方式对比: 随着现代化城市的迅速发展,高层建筑的日新月异,高位水塔已经不能满足高层建筑的供水要求,在这种条件下,自动化供水设备发展迅速,主要有变频恒压供水设备、管网叠压无负压供水设备和箱泵一体化泵站三种。 变频恒压供水设备是直接在储水箱中抽水,是将自来水水源先用储水箱储存好,然后再用泵组通过变频控制系统加压至满足用户需要流量和压力。变
河北围场GRP预制泵站验收 一体化截污井配有先进的自主研发的监测和远程管理系统,可以将数据上传到云端,通过控制,实现多处截污井、多点雨量计联合调控,提高截污排涝的工作效率。此外,根据动态水位和气象数据,能自动实现闸门启闭和泵的启停,在晴天和雨天自动控制,实现无人值守。各种智能控制设备、基于云计算的远程监控软件研发获得社会的高度评价。良成不仅仅定制客户所需的智能一体化截污井,更是为客户量身设计智能
福建仓山地埋式消防水池运维福建仓山地埋式消防水池运维 地埋式消防一体化供水设备是我公司自主研发的新型消防给水设备,是根据部标准GB 27898.2-20《消防自动恒压给水设备》和国标02S0图集设计的新型消防专用固定灭火装置。设备主要由不锈钢消防水箱/热镀锌钢板水箱/SMC水箱,消防增压泵、稳压泵,气压罐,控制柜,传感器,仪表,管道附件等组成;是取代混凝土消防水池的理想产品,可节约投资30%以上
公司名: 江苏宇轩自动化设备有限公司
联系人: 孙文鼎
电 话:
手 机: 13814421009
微 信: 13814421009
地 址: 江苏盐城建湖县建县路12号
邮 编:
网 址: jsyx8888.b2b168.com