1、避免水、反应釜介质相混合共输,避免不同介质混合共输,避免液体介质、油气与压缩空气共输,储罐要即使脱水,特别注意进料前要脱水; 1, to avoid the water, thereaction tank mixture of a total transmission, to avoid a mixture of differentmedia, to avoid the liquid medium, oil and compressed air, a total loss, evenif the tank is dehydrated, special attention should be paid to dehydration; 2、跨接。浮**罐的浮**与罐壁要跨接。管线与阀门、流量计、过滤器、泵、罐使用了绝缘材料或腐蚀的时候要跨接。 2, cross connect. Thefloating roof of the floating roof tank is connected with the tank wall.Pipelines and valves, flow meters, filters, pumps, tanks using the insulationmaterial or corrosion when to cross connect. 3、接地。储罐、孤立体要接地,可以防雷接地公用接地体。 3, grounding. Storage tank,to be grounded, you can mine grounding body. 4、控制介质注入方式。应从储罐底部注入介质,尽量避免从储罐**部注入介质。如果缺失要从储罐**部注入介质,管道的排出口应插入罐内的深度应为距离罐底200mm; 4, control media injection.Should be from the bottom of the tank into the media, as far as possible toavoid the top of the tank from the tank into the. If the loss is to be injectedfrom the top of the tank, the outlet of the pipe should be inserted into thetank and the depth should be 200mm; 5、控制介质流速。流速越大就越容易产生静电。反应釜油品在管道内的安全流速v=0.8(1/d)1/2的(d是管道直径,V代表平均流速)。 5, control the flow ofmedia. The bigger the flow rate is, the more likely it is to generate staticelectricity. Reactor oil in the pipeline safety flow rate v=0.8 (1/d) 1/2 (D isthe diameter of the pipe, V represents the average flow rate). 6、充入惰性保护气体。在罐内,充入氮气保护,使罐内氮含量降低,罐内油面上就不能形成爆炸性混合气体,即使罐内产生静电放电火花,也能保证储罐安全; 6, filled with inert gas. Inthe tank, the nitrogen content is protected, the nitrogen content in the tankis reduced, and the oil surface in the tank can not form an explosive mixturegas, even if the electrostatic discharge spark can be generated in the tank,and the safety of the storage tank can be guaranteed; 7、加入抗静电添加剂。加入抗静电添加剂,大大增加了介质的导电率,使介质内部的静电荷不能积聚,很快通过跨接荷接地向大地泄漏。 7, adding antistaticadditive. Adding antistatic additive, greatly increases the conductivity of themedium, so that the static charge inside the medium can not accumulate, quicklythrough the ground to the earth. 8、安装静电消除器。在管道末端安装静电消除器,相管道中注入与油品中电荷极性相反的电荷,实现电荷中和,消除静电。 8, installation ofelectrostatic eliminator. Static eliminator is installed at the end of thepipeline, pipe injection and oil in charge of opposite polarity charge, thecharge neutralization to eliminate static electricity. 9、安装静电缓和器。反应釜在过滤器之后,流体进入储罐前的位置安装静电缓和器。山东哪里有卖二手不锈钢反应釜的厂家? 9, the installation ofelectrostatic. After the reactor is in the filter, the fluid enters the storagetank, and the position of the tank is installed. 10、反应釜控制人体静电产生和消除人体静电。上罐人员(取样、计量等)要先触摸人体静电装置。要穿防静电服。 10, the reactor() control ofthe human body static electricity generation and elimination of human static.On the tank personnel (sampling, measurement, etc.) to touch the human bodyelectrostatic device. To wear anti-static clothing.
大家都知道每个压滤机厂家生产的压滤机设备都分为手动和自动,那么什么是手动、什么是自动呢?现在昕明二手化工设备就为大家详细介绍一下手动压滤机和自动压滤机有什么区别? 昕明二手化工设备表示:手动压滤机是一种间歇式的加压过滤机设备,用于各种悬浮液的固液分离,分离效果好,使用方便,广泛用于石油、化工、染料、冶金、制药、食品、造纸及污水处理等各种需要进行固液分离的领域,适用于小型过滤行业,一般使用压力较低,
反应釜的广义理解即有物理或化学反应的不锈钢容器,根据不同的工艺条件需求进行容器的结构设计与参数配置,设计条件、过程、检验及制造、验收需依据相关技术标准,以实现工艺要求的加热、蒸发、冷却及低高速的混配反应功能。压力容器必须遵循GB150{钢制压力容器}的标准,常压容器必须遵循NB/T47003.1-2009{钢制焊接常压容器}的标准。随之 反应过程中的压力要求对容器的设计要求也不尽相同。生产必须严格
1、避免水、反应釜介质相混合共输,避免不同介质混合共输,避免液体介质、油气与压缩空气共输,储罐要即使脱水,特别注意进料前要脱水; 1, to avoid the water, thereaction tank mixture of a total transmission, to avoid a mixture of differentmedia, to avoid the liquid medi
二手隔膜压滤机的操作是通过液压系统在滤板上产生强大的力。 只有这样,单个滤板才能构成设备运行的必要部分,即过滤室,这意味着一定数量的滤板在强压力下工作。 当该压力意外地**出滤板的公差时,滤板自然会破裂并损坏。 滤板的维护成本通常很高。 为了避免这些不必要的高成本,用户应提前采取预防措施。 除了控制工作压力和避免滤板磨损外,还应定期检查滤板的使用情况。 观察滤板上的裂纹。 如果将新的裂纹添加到滤板上
公司名: 梁山昕明化工设备有限公司
联系人: 李传辉
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地 址: 山东济宁梁山县琉璃井二手设备工业园
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