原装进口 Dremel 566 Ceramic Tile Cutting Kit(Dremel 566瓷砖切割套件) 技术细节 Allows for sturdy, controlled cuts in wall tile Depth adjustment quickly sets correct cutting depth up to 3/4" Easy screw-on mounting to rotary tool Large window provides excellent visibility for better control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Description From the Manufacturer Cut and shape ceramic wall tile using your Dremel rotary tool and our Tile Cutting Kit. Ideal uses include cutting around fixtures or plumbing during bathroom or kitchen tile installations and creating mosaics. Product Description Dremel Tile Cutting Kit Cut and shape ceramic wall tile using your Dremel rotary tool and our Dremel Tile Cutting Kit. Ideal uses include cutting around fixtures or plumbing during bathroom or kitchen tile installations and creating mosaics. Dremel Tile C
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公司名: 成都发亿科技有限公司
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公司名: 成都发亿科技有限公司
联系人: 易经理
手 机: 13540140252
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地 址: 四川成都金牛区成都市金牛区天回镇街道天新路490号3栋2层12号
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