The rubber roller of sanding machine refers to the roller used on the mechanical sanding equipment on the surface of stainless steel plate, aluminum plate and other plates. The purpose is to make the surface of stainless steel plate and aluminum plate achieve texture effect or mirror effect visually, but it will not be felt by hand.
In the process of sanding, abrasive belt and other grinding products are used to contact steel plate and aluminum plate. The working mode ranges from dry grinding to wet grinding. Generally, wet grinding is used for rolling plate, while dry grinding and wet grinding are used for cutting and forming plate, and the formed pattern is divided into No.4, also known as snowflake sand; Wire drawing, also known as HL pattern and hair pattern.
In the grinding machine, the rollers are divided into tension roller, contact roller, guide roller, feeding roller, pinch roller and other types, so the rubber roller is an indispensable and important part in the grinding machine equipment.
It can be seen from the above discussion that Minghong cots must have the factors of wear resistance, pressure resistance, fast speed, dynamic and static balance, tear resistance and heat dissipation due to the requirements of working environment
磨砂机胶辊是指使用在不锈钢板、铝板等板材表面进行机械磨砂设备上的滚筒,目的是使不锈钢板、铝板表面视觉上达到纹理效果或者镜面效果,而用手触摸却不会感觉到的一种加工工艺。 磨砂加工过程中,利用砂带等磨削产品接触钢板、铝板,工作方式范围干磨和湿磨,一般卷板用湿磨的比较多,而裁剪成型的板材用干磨和湿磨的工艺都有,而形成的花纹分为NO.4,也称为雪花砂;拉丝,又称为HL纹、发丝纹。 &
铭鸿三元乙丙胶辊,具有耐腐蚀性、耐溶剂性、耐老化性等;具体参数如下,用以客户的选择参考:1、硬度范围:邵氏A40-95;2、拉伸强度:>21 Mpa;3、扯断伸长率:<500%;4、使用温度范围:-50~+150℃;5、耐浓碱溶液性能优;6、耐烯盐酸性能优;7、耐脂肪族溶剂较差;8、耐芳香族溶剂较差;9、耐氯化烃溶剂较差;10、耐酮类溶剂性能优;11、耐醇类溶剂性能优;12、耐脂类溶剂性能优;13
铭鸿林果采摘机械胶辊是应用于林业设备上的辊筒,随着农业现代化的发展,机械的自动化减轻人工劳动强度,是目前发展的趋势,而其中林业采摘也是占用人工比较多的农产品,目前采摘机上采用胶辊采摘也是其中的一种设计方式,采用单辊、单双辊和双辊组合模式进行。 因此林果机械对于胶辊的硬度、直线度还有弹性和耐磨性都有具体要求,铭鸿制辊根据大
公司名: 衡水铭鸿制辊有限公司
联系人: 王彦杰
电 话: 86-0318-8780313-
手 机: 17531834031
微 信: 17531834031
地 址: 河北衡水河北省衡水市冀州区**产业开发区(南区)规划七路中段北侧
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公司名: 衡水铭鸿制辊有限公司
联系人: 王彦杰
手 机: 17531834031
电 话: 86-0318-8780313-
地 址: 河北衡水河北省衡水市冀州区**产业开发区(南区)规划七路中段北侧
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