8946786742(不是联系方式) 上海和学国际贸易有限公司 是德国K&A公司系列DNA/RNA/LNA合成仪(S-4-LC、H-6、H-8、H-8 SE、H-16、H-32、H-96/192)、OPC纯化仪(P-8、P-96/192)、氨解仪等产品在中国的少见代理商。 联系我们:上海和学国际贸易有限公司 上海.浦东.张江高科技园区.蔡伦路780号.药谷大厦电 话:021-33860657? 33860659 服务热线:400-889-3700 技术支持:18917896250(聂工) Email:ZhiYanLab@ 网 址: K&A H-6 DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer H-6 DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer 6 columns up to 12 amidite positions 6 reagent positions Universal or standard CPG Variable synthesis scale up to 10 μmol Online trityl monitor for all columns (all trityl collected) Free programmable synthesis control New synthesis start on every position while synthesis running Wobbles (mixed bases capability) Automated antisense oligo synthesis (also internal) Cycle time 2,5 - 3,5 min. for 6 column synthesis Low reagent consumption Design especially for long, highest purity oligos Very compact design Dimensions (WxHxD) cm: 25 x 40 x 40 different columns for large scale synthesis up to 15 μmols on column 6 K&A H-8 standard DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer H-8 standard DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer 8 columns up to 12 amidite positions 6 reagent positions Universal or standard CPG Variable synthesis scale up to 10 μmol Online trityl monitor for all columns (all trityl collected) Free programmable synthesis control New synthesis start on every position while synthesis running Wobbles (mixed bases capability) Automated antisense oligo synthesis (also internal) Cycle time 3 - 3,5 min for 8 column synthesis Low reagent consumption Design especially for long, highest purity oligos Very compact design Dimensions (WxHxD) cm: 25 x 40 x 40 K&A H-8 SE DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer H-8 SE; 20 amidite positions H-8 SE; 20 amidite positions H-8 SE DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer 8 columns up to 20 amidite positions up to 10 reagent positions Universal or standard CPG Variable synthesis scale up to 10 μmol Online trityl monitor for all columns (all trityl collected) Free programmable synthesis control New synthesis start on every position while synthesis running Wobbles (mixedes bas capability) Automated antisense oligo synthesis (also internal) Cycle time 3 - 3,5 min for 8 column synthesis Low reagent consumption Design especially for long, highest purity oligos Very compact design Dimensions (WxHxD) cm: 35 x 60 x 40 8-columns, DNA/RNA synthesizer 20 amidite positions, different sizes possible here 10 bottles for 1 or 2 gramm amidites and 10 bottles for 4 ml bottles for small value or very expensive amidites * * markers in the sequence stop automatically when the special amidite is reached: scientist can put the expensive amidite on the instrument, continue the coupling process and the instruments stops after reaction and the scientist can remove the expensive amidite back to refrigerator. Because of very compact design nearly no death volume of special amidite positions. H-8 SE in operation H-8 SE in operation H-8 SE special edition here: 24 amidite positions for 1 or 2 gramm bottles here: 10 reagents positions for different bottles* * all reagents bottle caps of all instruments by customers wishes! H - 16 standard DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer H-16 H-16 DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer H-16 16 columns 10 amidite positions 1g/2g bottles 4 amidite positions 4 ml 2 amidite positions 4 ml for changing with 1g/2g positions 10 reagent positions Universal or standard CPG Variable synthesis scale up to 10 μmol Online trityl monitor for all columns (all trityl collected) Free programmable synthesis control New synthesis start on every position while synthesis running Wobbles (mixed bases capability) Automated antisense oligo synthesis (also internal) Cycle time 5,5 - 6 min for 16 column synthesis Low reagent consumption Design especially for long, highest purity oligos Very compact design Dimensions (WxHxD) cm: 35 x 60 x 45 K&A H-32 DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer DNA/RNA/LNA Synthesizer H-32 32 columns 5 amidite positions 1g/2g/10g bottles 6 reagent positions Universal or standard CPG Variable synthesis scale up to 10 μmol Online trityl monitor for all columns (all trityl collected) Free programmable synthesis control New synthesis start on every position while synthesis running Wobbles (mixed bases capability) Automated antisense oligo synthesis (also internal) Cycle time 7 - 8 min for 32 column synthesis Low reagent consumption Design especially for long, highest purity oligos Very compact design Dimensions (WxHxD) cm: 35 x 65 x 45 H-32 in operation with drum for ACN H-32 in operation with drum for ACN H-8 and H-32 size compare 上海和学国际贸易有限公司是是专业的实验室装修,设备,耗材,环境检测,产品配方方法分析一体化的*供应商,是国内实验室一体化配套设施品种全面,规模庞大的专业企业,产品涵盖显微镜、工具显微镜、投影仪、硬度计、测厚仪、放大镜、天平、量具量仪、测绘仪器、测量仪器、实验仪器、电化学仪器、物理仪器、分析仪器、生化仪器、无损检测、医疗器械、加工机械等,还有耗材,试剂,配方分析,环境检测等产品。 公司拥有国际*的研发、营销、应用服务和供应链团队,致力于业界较*的各种分析检测技术研究与应用开发,产品广泛应用于环保、冶金、石化、化工、能源、农业、交通、水利、建筑、酿造、航空及科学研究等众多行业,并出口到美、日、英、俄罗斯等二十多个国家和地区。同时代理德国赛多利斯,瑞士梅特勒-托利多,雅马拓,宾得,美国精棋,美国奥豪斯,IKA仪科,日本岛津,日本SHODEX,日本野村化学,瑞士万通,美国哈希,安捷伦,沃特斯,3M,博乐飞等产品,上海精科天美,上海伟业,上海三信,上海菁华,上海菁海,上海昕瑞,上海安亭电子,上海优尼科,上海棱光,上海彼爱姆,上海光谱,上海欣茂,上海跃进,上海精宏,上海申安,上海良平,上海亚荣,上海和泰,上海科导,上海一恒,上海越平,上海恒平,上海博讯,青岛海尔,苏州安泰,苏州净化等产品。 上海和学国际贸易有限公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。 上海和学国际贸易有限有限公司 联系人:宫经理 电 话:18917633478 网 址: 地址:上海.闵行.浦江镇竹园路588号A407
8946786742(不是联系方式) 现货供应二手 热电 气质联用仪 Thermo Finnigan Trace DSQ II & Trace Ultra GC-MS,单四级杆气相色谱质谱联用仪,进口翻新仪器,九成新,一年保修期,提供终身维修服务。 DSQ II 单四级杆气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC/MS) TRACE DSQTM是新一代较快速的台式单四较杆型气/质联用仪。具有**的适应
8437876474(不是联系方式) 本公司长期销售DNA/RNA合成实验室的所有产品: DNA/RNA 合成辅助试剂: ACN,Acetonitrile for DNA/RNA synthesis 清洗乙腈 溶解乙腈 TCA deblock Cap A Cap B Oxidizer 碘液 ETT 四唑溶液 Sigma-Proligo CPG载体 CPG-dA CPG-dT CPG-dG CPG
8946786742(不是联系方式) 现货供应Thermo Finnigan LCQ DECA XP Plus、LCQ DECA XP、LCQ DECA离子阱质谱仪, 液质联用仪,一年保修期,提供终身维修服务。 型号:Thermo Finnigan LCQ DECA XP plus 生产厂家:美国Thermo公司主要配置:自动脱气机、二元泵、自动进样器、柱温箱、DAD紫外检测器、离子阱质谱检测器
8437876474(不是联系方式) 核酸蛋白检测仪-仪器说明 TBD-3000型核酸蛋白检测仪系我公司新开发的紫外检测仪,采用双光束设计,具有稳定时间短,抗温度干扰,较低漂移性能等特点。TBD-3000 核酸蛋白检测仪可以和恒流泵, 部分收集器和记录仪配套使用, 能对溶液中的蛋白质、酶、核苷酸、多肽等有吸收作用的成分作定性分析,广泛用于生化研究, 生物工程, 医疗检验, 药物测定, 农业科研,
公司名: 上海和学国际贸易有限公司
联系人: 宫经理
电 话: 021-34687263
手 机: 18917633478
微 信: 18917633478
地 址: 上海闵行上海闵行浦江镇竹园路588号A407
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