
    爱尔兰 TOF-Watch SX肌松监测仪具有以下特点:
    TOF-Watch SX肌松监测仪配置单 
    编号 名称 数量
    01 肌松监测仪主机 1
    02 刺激电极 1
    03 加速度传感器 1
    04 神经刺激探头 1
    05 拇指固定器 1
    06 数据传输缆线和接 1
    07 软件安装盘 1
    08 操作手册 1
    09 温度探头 1
    TOF-Watch SX is the most advanced device in the TOF-Watch range of neuromuscular transmission monitors. The instrument incorporates all features required for routine daily use. Fully compliant with Good Clinical Practice guidelines, it is equally suited for use in clinical studies.
    NEW Optional Feature!
    Now compatible with Phillips medical systems monitors. Click to learn more.
    Flexible use
    TOF-Watch SX can be used as a peripheral nerve stimulator, as a nerve locator for local anesthesia or as a neuromuscular monitor. And TOF-Watch SX can also be linked to a PC for real-time display of data that can later be exported and printed for record keeping.
    TOF-Watch SX is programmed to accommodate every type of stimulation pattern currently in use:
    Single twitch (ST) - at 0.1 or 1 Hz 
    Train Of Four (TOF) 
    Slow TOF (user programmable time intervals from 1 to 60 min.) 
    Tetanic stimulation (at 50 or 100 Hz) 
    Post Tetanic Count (PTC) 
    Double Burst stimulation (DBS 3.3 and 3.2) 
    These patterns can also be adjusted manually using the "P button."
    A constant current feature guarantees reliable stimulation even with increased skin resistance (up to 5 kOhm).
    TOF-Watch SX has two automatic calibration modes, one at a user predetermined current and one which establishes the supramaximal value of the stimulation current. Manual gain adjustment is also available.
    A superficial temperature sensor completes the package.
    TOF-Watch SX presents all relevant data (twitches, body temperature, transducer sensitivity, stimulation mode, etc.) on an easy-to-read LCD display.
    TOF Link
    TOF Link, a fiber-optic cable facility, enables on-line data "dumping" from TOF-Watch SX to a PC without reciprocal electromagnetic interference with other OR or ICU appliances. During operations, data can be logged using the TOF-Watch SX Monitor program. In this way, detailed and authentic operation records can be created.
    The TOF-Watch SX Monitor software makes a real-time data accessible for further processing on a personal computer. Its two basic functions are:
    Logging and display of real-time recorded data on personal computers 
    Exporting and printing of previous recorded data 
    Good Clinical Practice conformity
    During on-line data dumping, standard pre/programmed comments or other user comments can be added to patient recordings. Such comments can later be completed or changed. Program use is password controlled: the password can only be assigned by a main user.
    Microprocessor-controlled Custom designed
    LCD w


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    公司名: 保定绿康环保科技有限公司

    联系人: 刘广义

    手 机: 17319526115

    电 话: 029-33247771

    地 址: 陕西西安西咸新区秦汉城渭城街办咸红路3号

    邮 编:

    网 址: bekxidw1.cn.b2b168.com

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