External dimension:98.0 x 40.5 x 8.8mm (mm) Viewing Area:80.0 x 32.0mm (mm) Dotsize/DisplayFormat :(mm) Application:consumer electronics, telecommunication devices, household appliances, office automation, IT products, and industrial meter display Remark: TN Negative Transmissive Segment Type LCD Module with 5.0V Power Supply Model Number:JCSD01 Key Specifications/Special Features: General description: TN negative transmissive segment type LCD module Viewing angle: 12 o'clock direction Power supply: +5.0V White backlight (side LED) Mechanical specifications: Outline dimensions: 98.0 x 40.5 x 8.8mm maximum Viewing area: 80.0 x 32.0mm Display format segment type Applications: Communications, marine, industrial, instrumentation, medical equipment, consumer, office equipment, white goods, consumer electronics, telecommunication devices, household appliances, office automation, IT products, and industrial meter display, such as digital multimeter, electronic dictionary, remote control, mobile phone, calculator, fax machine, CD, DVD players, and MP3 players Customized LCD panels and LCD modules in many, configurations TN, STN, FSTN, COB, COG, TAB, CSTN, and TFT LCD modules Customized alphanumeric LCD modules-dot-matrix LCD moduless-graphics LCD modules-TFT LCD modules Different structure LCM: COG, TAB, COB, SMT, heat seal, maximum driving duty 1/240, and minimum dot gap 20μm Different LED, EL, CCFL matched with LCD&LCM as well as standard or custom design touch panel (digital/stimulant) Product Certifications: Certificate Standard: ROHS View scanned certification Certificate Number: 2006-SZ-ROHS-0016 Issue Date: 20-Jan-2006 Issued By: DNV Expiry Date: 20-Jan-2016 Scope/Range: 绿色环护原器件 Certificate Standard: ISO/TS16949 View scanned certification Certificate Number: CN07/0016TS Check in *** database Issue Date: 12-Jun-2005 Issued By: *** Expiry Date: 12-Jun-2015 Scope/Range: 质量管理体系 Certificate Standard: ISO14001 View scanned certification Certificate Number: 2004CSZ-JHD-04568-632 Issue Date: 05-Sep-2004 Issued By: IAF Expiry Date: 05-Sep-2014 Scope/Range: 环境质量管理 Certificate Standard: ISO9001:2000 View scanned certification Certificate Number: ***CSZ-2001-632A-25S Check in *** database Issue Date: 26-Nov-2001 Issued By: *** Expiry Date: 26-Nov-2021 Scope/Range: 质量管理体系
品牌推介: 耿乃光砭石品牌创建于1999年,历经14年砭石疗法论证,经北京西苑医院及国内多家**医院临床实践证明:使用耿乃光砭石对人体保健和辅助**均有效果。目前,应用耿乃光砭石的新砭石疗法疗效观察及评估课题已在国家中医药管理局立项,其中两项评估课题已经通过国家中医药管理局鉴定验收。耿乃光品牌砭石产品取材**泗滨浮石,其有害物质含量检测远远低于国家标准(GB 7916-1987和GB18584-
由尿道括约肌损伤或神经功能失常引起的尿液不自主地排出叫做尿失禁。伴随的症状有肢体麻木、疼痛、小便胀痛等。 [病因]通常分为下列几项:①先天性疾患,如尿道上裂;②创伤,如妇女生产时的创伤,骨盆骨折等;③手术,成人为**腺手术、尿道狭窄修补术等;儿童为后尿道瓣膜手术等;④其他各种因引起的神经源性膀胱。 [治法] 本期介绍砭石调理尿失禁的方法。砭石疗法以脏腑经络学说为中心,强调整体,重视内因。采用无创
颈椎病又称“颈椎综合证”。是由颈椎及周围软组织病变如增生,椎管狭窄压迫或刺激神经根,脊髓,椎动脉和颈部交感神经等而出现的一组复杂的症候群。多因风寒,外伤,劳损等因素所致,患病者多是长时间以一种不变的姿势做案头工作和劳作的人,尤以知识分子,学生,司机为多。 祖国医学将颈椎病归为“骨痹”,“肩颈痛”等证范畴,其病因病机为脏腑不足,风寒外袭,劳倦损伤,使气血凝滞,筋骨不利所致。我们多年的临床实践证实:
品牌推介: 泗滨宝品牌创建于1997年,是国内较早研发砭石产品的企业之一,也是国内一家获得砭石类养生用品生产许可的单位。泗滨宝品牌砭石通过中国科学院地质研究所、中国中医研究院、北京市药品监督管理局等国家八部委*部门检测,经中国针灸学会器材专业**45位*鉴定,证明泗滨宝品牌砭石制品及检测报告真实可信,推荐大家放心使用。2003年泗滨宝凭借**的产品品质和良好的企业信誉,通过同仁堂严格的审核
公司名: 北京砭萃电子商务有限公司
联系人: 欧阳兰兰
电 话: 57178537
手 机: 15321558537
微 信: 15321558537
地 址: 北京昌平沙河天通苑
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