更多健身器材,请看上海易动健身器材馆官网: 全国免费咨询电话:400-820-8905, **较**的动感单车品牌:星驰动感单车, Spinner? NXT Product Description Features Manufactured by Star Trac and used in thousands of clubs worldwide, the Spinner NXT is our top-of-the-line bike. Featuring incredible styling and a corrosion-resistant, all-aluminum frame and SPD compatible pedals, the Spinner NXT is the ultimate in indoor cycling bikes. Compare all SPINNER Bikes ? Frame: Oval-shaped aluminum tubing delivers a distinctive look and unparalleled rust resistance. Seat Post: Aluminum, corrosion resistant seat post allows easy adjustment to fit any size rider. Seat Slider: Micro-adjustable fore and aft design with intuitive, easy-to-remember numerical marking provides maximum adjustability for all riders. Saddle: Flexible seat base with dual-density padding and anatomical cutout ensures comfort throughout any workout. Handlebars: No-slip grip design and dual water bottle holders offers the ultimate in functionality and convenience. Transport Wheels: Non-marking rubber transport wheels make moving and storing the Spinner NXT quick and easy. Pedals: Designed specifically for the Spinning program, our SPD-compatible, dual-sided platform pedal provides comfort and stability for the casual rider and clip-in capability for use with cycling shoes. Crank System: Increased size and strength in the bearings, cranks and axel provide dependable performance for every ride. Specs Model Number: 5915 Overall Dimensions: 53.9" l x 20.6" w x 40" h (136.9 x 52.3 x 101.6 cm) Overall Weight: 113.5 lbs (51.5 kg) Flywheel Weight: 43 lbs (19.5 kg) Color: Silver frame, black shrouding, black flywheel Standard Features: Aluminum frame, no-slip grip handlebars with dual water bottle holders, aluminum micro-adjustable fore and aft seat slider, ergonomic saddle with dual-density soft foam padding, dual sided SPD?-compatible platform pedals, one motion emergency stop, non-marking transport wheels and leveling feet. Warranty: 2 years for mechanical components, 5 years for all frame welds including corrosion to frame, spare parts included for common wear items, no labor
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公司名: 西安万品酒业股份有限公司
联系人: 李婉怡
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地 址: 陕西西安西安市金花路169号天彩大厦A座1502
邮 编: 710000
公司名: 西安万品酒业股份有限公司
联系人: 李婉怡
手 机: 13991260367
电 话: 029-88686355
地 址: 陕西西安西安市金花路169号天彩大厦A座1502
邮 编: 710000