普莱克思PLEXUS MA1025结构胶 主要特点 低收缩,低气味,低放热,可填充25.4mm间隙。 包装资料相关信息 Stock# Size MSDS Plexus™MA1025 is a two-part methacrylate adhesive with very low cure shrinkage and verylow odour designed for structural bonding of thermoplastic, metal, and composite assemblies1. Combined at a 10:1 ratio, it has a working time of 20 to 25 minutes and achieves 75% of ultimate strength in 40 to 45 minutes. This product is the standard for structural bonding in the marine industry because it requires virtually no surface preparation. Plexus MA1025 is designed to be used for bonding stringers and liners into fibre glass boats with bond lined up to one inch thick. In addition, this product provides a unique combination of excellent fatigue endurance, outstanding impact resistance, and superior toughness. Plexus MA1025 is available in blue and is supplied inready to use cartridges, 20 litre pails or 200 litre drums to be dispensed as a non-sagging gel. Room Temperature CureWorking Time220 –25minutesFixture Time340 –45 minutesOperating Temperature-55oC –121oC Gap Filling72mm to 25mmMixed Density 0.99 g/ccFlash Point9°C 普莱克思PLEXUS MA1025结构胶 主要特点 低收缩,低气味,低放热,可填充25.4mm间隙。 包装资料相关信息 Stock# Size MSDS Plexus™MA1025 is a two-part methacrylate adhesive with very low cure shrinkage and verylow odour designed for structural bonding of thermoplastic, metal, and composite assemblies1. Combined at a 10:1 ratio, it has a working time of 20 to 25 minutes and achieves 75% of ultimate strength in 40 to 45 minutes. This product is the standard for structural bonding in the marine industry because it requires virtually no surface preparation. Plexus MA1025 is designed to be used for bonding stringers and liners into fibre glass boats with bond lined up to one inch thick. In addition, this product provides a unique combination of excellent fatigue endurance, outstanding impact resistance, and superior toughness. Plexus MA1025 is available in blue and is supplied inready to use cartridges, 20 litre pails or 200 litre drums to be dispensed as a non-sagging gel. Room Temperature CureWorking Time220 –25minutesFixture Time340 –45 minutesOperating Temperature-55oC –121oC Gap Filling72mm to 25mmMixed Density 0.99 g/ccFlash Point9°C
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