First of all, the central air-conditioning maintenance input pre filming agent, formingpolymeric compact protective film on the metal surface, in order to play the role of antierosion effect; adding corrosion inhibitor, avoid rusting of metal; adding polymer scale inhibitors, prevent crystallization precipitation of calcium and magnesium ions. A variety of bacteria and algae removal of circulating water by fungicides. Adding stripping agent, shedding biological slime; adding chemical cleaning agent, dispersing agent, rust, dirt, oil dispersed cleaning discharge, providing a clean metal surface; a lot of maintenance costs for users to save: untreated central air conditioning, can appear the pipeline blocking, fouling, corrosion, overpressure shutdown until the occurrence of accidents, such as host of corrosion leakage, solution is polluted, you need to replace the copper, the replacement solution, maintenance host, generalneed maintenance fee 20~50 yuan. And after processing, can reduce maintenance costs, and can prolong the service life of the equipment, prolong the service life ofequipment protection,: can rust rust, avoid corrosion damage to equipment, especiallythe prevention treatment, prolonging the service life of the equipment. These are some of the relevant situation analysis of central air conditioning maintenance.
中央空调在空调运用一段时间后,会呈现不一样程度的水垢疑问,对空调的正常运用造成影响,那么这到底是什么缘由呢,济南中央空调为您解说: Central air conditioning is used for a period of time in the air conditioning, there will bea scale problem in different degree, affe
在济南中央空调预热温水体系的较高端加装主动排气阀,假如无条件的话,加装手动放气阀,定期排气,确保预热盘管的温度,满足设定。 预热盘管热水泵必修坚持24小时工作,即使是自来水,只需循环正常,也不会冻坏预热盘管。能够将接触器发动按钮换成主动和手动变换的开关,在冬天置于手动方位。 能够在济南中央空调预热盘管上加装Pt100传感器,合作电
济南中央空调为什么不制热,其原因有许多。作为一家**的济南中央空调公司,长期为人们服务。下面咱们济南中央空调将为大家介绍一下济南中央空调不制热的原因. Why not Ji'nan central air conditioning heating, there are many r
**查漏的**对容易发现有油渍的管路位置进行检漏,先查容易漏得位置,查找漏点时,先内后外,依次检查室内机管路连接口,蒸发器焊接管口,室外机连接管口,室外机截止阀部分,室外毛细管、冷凝器各焊口。济南中央空调 1.济南中央空调加注少量制冷剂查漏 主要针对泄露严重的空调,加一些少量的制冷剂,以满足查漏的需要,再用上述同样,是系统有一定的压力,用洗涤灵活泡沫水涂在有油渍或怀疑泄露点的位置,如出现气泡,就
公司名: 济南美琪制冷设备有限公司
联系人: 曲经理
电 话: 0531-58708081
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地 址: 山东济南历城区济南历城区七里河
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