

    《HYDRUS模型应用高级培训班》已经在中国成功举办四届,本培训的主讲人都是HYDRUS软件的主要开发人员,美国加州大学滨河分校Jirka Simunek教授。今年由于疫情原因,无法开展线下培训,因此我们决定于2020年7月14-15日在网上开展为期两天的培训。

    Dr. Jirka Simunek is a Professor of Hydrology with the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of California. He received an M.S. in Civil Engineering from the Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, and a Ph.D. in Water Management from the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. His expertise is in numerical modeling of subsurface water flow and solute transport processes, equilibrium and nonequilibrium chemical transport, multicomponent major ion chemistry, field-scale spatial variability, and inverse procedures for estimating the hydraulic properties of unsaturated porous media. He has authored and coauthored numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, and several books. His numeric models are popularly used by many scientists, students, and practitioners modeling water flow, chemical movement, and heat transport through variably saturated soils and groundwater. Dr. Simunek is a recipient of the Soil Science Society of America’s Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award, is a Fellow of both SSSA and AGU, and is or was an associate editor of several journals including Vadose Zone Hydrology, the Journal of Hydrology, and Water Resources Research.

    The course will include both lectures (with the theory behind the software) and hands-on computer sessions that will provide participants an opportunity to become familiar with the windows-based HYDRUS computer software packages. Information will be provided also about several additional modules, such as ROSETTA, HP1, UNSATCHEM, and/or the Wetlands modules. 

    Day 1: Morning (8:00 - 11:00)
    Lecture 1:Vadose zone flow and transport modeling: An overview.
    Computer session 1: HYDRUS-1D: Infiltration of water into a one-dimensional soil profile.

    Day 1: Afternoon (12:00 - 2:00)
    Lecture 2:On the characterization and measurement of the hydraulic properties of unsaturated porous media.
    Computer session 2: HYDRUS-1D: Water flow and solute transport in a layered soil profile.
    Lecture 3: Introduction to inverse modeling; application of HYDRUS-1D to laboratory and field experiments. 

    Day 2: Morning (8:00 - 11:00)
    Lecture 4: HYDRUS (2D/3D) software for simulating two- and three-dimensional variably-saturated water flow and solute transport, Version 3. Domain Types.
    Computer session 3: HYDRUS (2D/3D): Subsurface line source.

    Day 2: Afternoon (12:00 - 2:00)
    Computer session 4: HYDRUS (2D/3D): Flow and transport in a transect to a stream.
    Lecture 5: Review of standard and non-standard HYDRUS modules and standard applications.

    Additional pre-recorded tutorials will be provided to course participants
    Computer session 5: HYDRUS-1D: Multi-step outflow experiment (pre-recorded tutorial).
    Computer session 6: HYDRUS (2D/3D): Three-Dimensional Water Flow and Solute Transport. 

    培训时间:2020年7月14-15日(北京时间8:00-11:00am; 12:00-2:00pm)
    培训费用:Day 1, 650元/人
    Day 1+Day 2,1600元/人

    参加培训HYDRUS培训的学员,我们会提供HYDRUS 2D/3D临时许可。

    登录 科学软件网—培训—收费培训 页面,在线提交报名信息。






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