由于疫情原因,StataCorp LLC不间断的组织各类主题的直播培训。近期安排了6个主题,让大家足不出户,轻松学习Stata软件。本培训完全免费,可登录 科学软件网—培训—免费公开课—Stata软件系列在线直播培训 查看如何申请。
Ready. Set. Go Stata
培训时间:22 September 2020, 3:00 PM CDT (8:00 PM GMT)
1 October 2020, 10:00 AM CDT (3:00 PM GMT)
Tips and tricks
培训时间:23 September 2020, 11:00 AM CDT (4:00 PM GMT)
Linear regression: Fitting models and interpreting results
培训时间:8 October 2020, 11:00 AM CDT (4:00 PM GMT)
本次研讨会将介绍如何拟合线性回归模型并使用Stata解释结果。了解如何拟合包含连续,二进制和分类协变量的模型。 您还将看到如何使用Stata的因子变量表示法来拟合具有交互作用的模型。 拟合模型后,您将需要解释结果。 Chuck将演示如何使用Stata的margins和marginsplot命令来回答有趣的问题并可视化模型的结果。
Chuck Huber is the Associate Director of Statistical Outreach at StataCorp and an adjunct associate professor of biostatistics at the Texas A&M School of Public Health. In addition to working with Stata's team of software developers, he produces instructional videos for the Stata YouTube channel, writes blog entries, develops online NetCourses, and gives talks about Stata at conferences and universities. Most of his current work is focused on statistical methods used by psychologists and other behavioral scientists. He has published in the areas of neurology, human and animal genetics, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, nutrition, and birth defects.
Analyzing data with missing values using multiple imputation
培训时间:22 October 2020, 11:00 AM CDT (4:00 PM GMT)
缺失值在许多领域都很常见。 如果分析未正确考虑缺失值,则所得估计值可能会有偏差。 多重插补为丢失数据提供了一种灵活的方法,可导致有效的统计推断。
高级统计学家Meghan Cain,她介绍了缺失数据和多重插补的基本概念。 本次网络研讨会将演示如何使用Stata创建多个插补数据集并进行分析,以正确解决缺失数据的不确定性。
Meghan Cain is a Senior Statistician at StataCorp. She earned her PhD in quantitative psychology from the University of Notre Dame, where her research focused on structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, and Bayesian statistics. At Stata, she develops and presents trainings on these and other topics. She also conducts webinars, works with developers to produce Stata documentation, and contributes to Stata blogs.
Panel-data analysis using Stata
培训时间:12 November 2020, 11:00 AM CST (5:00 PM GMT)
与计量经济学家Chris Cheng一起,了解使用Stata分析纵向和面板数据的方法。 在这次网络研讨会中,Chris将演示如何拟合线性和非线性面板数据模型,以及如何执行动态面板数据估计。
Chris Cheng is a staff econometrician at StataCorp LLC. He has a master's degree in economics and a PhD in agricultural and managerial economics at Texas A&M University. He has worked with technical support since 2019. Chris frequently interacts with users about technical questions and gives webinars and training courses. His interests focus on demand analysis, panel data analysis, and other econometrics.
北京天演融智软件有限公司(科学软件网)作为Stata软件在中国的授权经销商,除了为大家带来6场在线培训,还为大家准备了4大板块29个视频教程,助力大家学习Stata软件。本课程由StataCorp LLC公司的技术工程师主讲并录制,完全免费,欢迎大家申请观看。
Stata Basics
Tour of the Stata 16 interface
PDF documentation in Stata 16
Example datasets included with Stata 16
What it's like—Getting started in Stata
Stata 16 videos
Create reproducible reports in Stata
Meta-analysis in Stata
Python integration with Stata
Working with multiple datasets in memory
Import data from SPSS and SAS
Create customized Word documents with Stata results and graphs
Lasso for prediction and model selection
Lasso for inference
Choice models
Most popular over last year
Introduction to Bayesian statistics, part 1: The basic concepts
Simple linear regression in Stata
Descriptive statistics in Stata
Data management: How to convert a string variable to a numeric variable
Instrumental-variables regression using Stata
t-test for two independent samples in Stata
Data management: How to create a new variable that is calculated from other variables
Data management: How to merge files into a single dataset
Time series in Stata?, part 1: Formatting and managing dates
Pearson's chi-squared and Fisher's exact test in Stata
Introduction to Bayesian statistics, part 2: MCMC and the Metropolis Hastings algorithm
Pearson's correlation coefficient in Stata
Import Excel data into Stata
Tables and cross tabulations in Stata
课程详情请登录:科学软件网—培训—视频课程—Stata软件应用视频教程 查看如何申请。
另外近期,武汉大学经济与管理学院联合Stata软件中国授权经销商北京天演融智软件有限公司(科学软件网)在七-八月份举办Stata系列专题讲座以及Stata软件研讨会,得到了大家的一致**。在此,科学软件网为大家提供三场讲座的回放以及“Stata洞察数据科学研讨会” 中李春涛老师主讲的主题为 “中文地图与Stata” 和 肖光恩老师主讲的主题为 “新冠疫情数据的可视化与建模方法” 的演讲回放视频,全部免费,可直接扫码了解课程详情。
以上视频教程都可以免费申请,申请方法可登录:科学软件网—培训—视频课程—Stata软件专题讲座回放 查看如何申请。
您是否曾经想要在项目中更好地可视化项目中的横截面?地下水建模系统(GMS)中的Animation Wizard 可以帮助您做到这一点。任何涉及3D网格或3D栅格的项目都可以使用横截面动画功能。要构建初始横截面,您需要从3D网格或栅格为基础开始。基础设置好后,建立横截面。请记住,Animation Wizard将通过Graphics窗口中当前可见的内容来创建动画,因此在开始动画过程之前,较
它是一款先进的试井测试分析程序,用于分析在复杂测试环境中进行的液压和气体测试。 nSIGHTS由Geofirma公司为桑迪亚国家实验室开发,以支持 WIPP 计划。Geofirma以专业的知识为客户提供试井分析。Geofirma 还提供 nSIGHTS 的定制开发服务。 nSights功能包括:多个概念模型• 双孔、渗漏(从上方和/或下方)、井筒表皮(增强或损坏)• 流动维度能
模型和示例 | Intermediate Library for PSCAD V5
Intermediate Library是新版本发布后开发的库模型的集合,该库较初是从v4.6.3开始创建,随着改进和新模型的出现而定期更新。 PSCAD V5的Intermediate Library安装在示例文件夹中,位置与下面的路径类似。该工作区将加载Intermediate Library和使用新模型的示例项目。 C:\Users\Public\Documents\PS
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