山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯/整理 Shanxi TT high ozone UV lamp / finishing 要处理好食品添加剂废气,首先要了解食品添加剂废气的特点: To deal with the waste gas of food additives, we must first understand the characteristics of food additives: 食品添加剂是为了改善食品色、香、味等品质,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化合物和**物质。目前我国食品添加剂有23类,2000多种,但是在废气处理中一般是针对性的处理某一种食品添加剂在生产或使用过程中产生的废气。 Food additives in order to improve the quality of food color, smell and taste, as well as the needs of the preservation and processing technology to join the food in the compound and natural substances. At present, there are 23 kinds of food additives in China, more than 2000 kinds, but in the treatment of waste gas is generally targeted to the treatment of a certain food additives in the production or use of waste gas generated. 废气主要成分会根据种类与工艺有所区别,但是大部分都是一些大分子化合物,而且一般相对比较稳定,或者就是一些特别易发生化学法应的小分子化合物,有两级趋势,同时,产生的废气一般含量都比较高,它的这些特性就决定了:它不能使用一些低浓度处理工艺。但是食品添加剂生产过程中会产生**废气 The main components of waste gas will be different according to the types and processes, but most of them are some macromolecular compounds, and generally relatively stable, or some of the small molecular compounds are particularly easy to occur chemical method, there are two trends, while the general content of the exhaust gas is relatively high, it is determined by these characteristics: it can not use some of the low concentration treatment process. But organic waste gas can be produced in the production of food additives. 我们都了解,目前**废气治理较有效的方式为UV光解法,而山西TT废气处理环保技术中心就为**废气治理推出了UV光解设备 We all know that the most effective way to deal with the current organic waste gas is UV photolysis, and Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center for the introduction of organic waste gas treatment UV photolysis equipment 山西TT废气处理环保技术中心推出的UV光解设备原理是利用特制的高能高臭氧UV紫外线光束照射**气体物质分子键,裂解恶臭气体物质如:氨、**胺、硫化氢、甲硫氢、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲二硫、二硫化碳和苯乙烯,硫化物H2S、VOC类,苯的分子键,使呈游离状态的污染物原子与臭氧氧化聚合成小分子无害或低害物质,如CO2、H2O等。具有体积小、管理方便、处理效果好、运行费用低及兼具有杀菌消毒等特点。山西TT废气处理环保技术中心工业废气处理灯已形成室内、工业车间、家禽饲养场等场所的恶臭异味废气处理系列化设备的核心产品,是绿色环保新的发展方向,越来越多的环保公司在其环保工程中采用。 Shanxi TT waste gas processing Environmental Technology Center launched the UV photolysis equipment principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultraviolet light irradiation of organic gas molecules bond, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene, xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into small molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O. It has the characteristics of small size, convenient management, good treatment effect, low operating cost, and has the characteristics of sterilization and disinfection. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment and environmental protection technology center industrial waste gas treatment lamp has been the formation of indoor, industrial workshops, poultry farms and other places of odor odor exhaust gas treatment equipment of the core product, is a new development direction of green environmental protection, more and more environmental protection companies in the process of environmental protection. 而且,如果**废气处理用户运用uv光解技术的话,我们山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯管寿命可达到10000小时,在灯管正常工作之间,没有耗材的产生,这样运行成本,降低了很多,也不会产生废碳类似的二次污染物。 Moreover, if the organic waste gas treatment users using UV photolysis technology, we Shanxi TT high ozone ultraviolet lamp life can reach 10000 hours, in the tube between the normal work, there is no material to produce, so running costs, reduce a lot, and will not produce waste carbon similar to the two pollutants.
TT废气处理/(整理) 油烟的组成成分很复杂,但主体是油酸,亚油酸和硬质酸及相应的酯和甘油酯。简而言之是含多个碳原子的直链式高分子**化合物。在高温,高压,催化剂和光照下,化学键可能破裂,构成自由基参与化学反应,而氧化反应是其中主要的反应。从而生成新物质,为加速反应,使用一定谱线并具有一定强度的紫外线照射是很有效的方法。 由山西TT废气处理环保技术中心研发的油烟净化紫外灯采用高精度、高臭氧石英管
TT废气处理/(整理) 废气处理一般分为**废气(VOC类废气及**化合物)与无机废气的处理,臭气异味的消除。 1、**废气 选择**废气的处理方法,总体上应考虑以下因素:**污染物的类型及其浓度、**废气的排气温度和排放流量、颗粒物含量以及需要达到的污染物控制水平。 当**废气中含有高浓度的可转化**酸的物质时必须特别小心。他们会对设备造成严重的腐
山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯/整理 Shanxi TT high ozone ultraviolet light / finishing 随着近两年法律法规及标准的完善,VOCs(挥发性**物)逐渐进入环保行业和公众视野,这个在PM2.5形成之前的较较重要的前体物———VOCs的万千变化,让细粒子污染渐趋严重,对于VOCs的治理已经成为各地大气污染治理的一大重点。 With nearly two yea
山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯/整理 Shanxi TT high ozone ultraviolet light / finishing 12月19日8时30分,中国气象局启动重大气象灾害(霾)三级应急响应。*气象台19日18时发布霾橙色预警,同时环保部与中国气象局继续联合发布京津冀及周边地区重污染天气预报:预计,19日夜间至23日,北京大部、天津西部、河北中南部、山东西部、山西南部、河南中北部等地
公司名: 深圳市海德隆光电科技有限公司
联系人: 寇艳萍
电 话: 0354-3991971
手 机: 13835423954
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