该机是本厂用于自行研制的较新型磨粉机,其特点如下: 1、与同类磨粉机相比,在同功率的情况下产量有较大提高(增产20%-50%)。节约能耗 2、增加了集尘装置,有效地降低了粉尘污染。 3、主风机出料降低了操作工人的劳动强度。 4、主机门盖可开,便于检修和刀具的更换。 5、采用**双冷,较好的降低了机体内的工作温度,所研制的料不易变性,同时也有利于热敏性塑料的磨制,可对部分PE,ABS进行磨制。 The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC, PE andiil, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charact eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency. The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC,PE andill, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charract eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency. 工作原理 1、该机工作部分为刀盘。高速粒子在撞击齿板后部分被粉碎,经吸风抽出,而较大粒子则继续撞击,粉碎后被抽出。这样减少了刀盘负荷,提高磨粉效率,又能使粉料得到均匀冷却。 2、温度低是该机的主要优点。按热功当量:每小时作功后转换为860千卡热量。本机为外抽风。风量达50m/KW由进、出口风温差,带走大部分热量。少部分热量由水冷却解决。要求冷水的进口温度不大于25℃,出口水温度不大于45℃,夏天适当增加冷却水流,以降低温度。 The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC, PE andiil, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charact eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency. The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC,PE andill, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charract eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency. 用途: 本厂吸收国内外先进技术研制开发的系列磨粉机。用于硬度低到中等的PVC塑料,高密度PE,或其它塑料经过试磨成功的。经塑料制品专业工厂实践操作证明,磨制粉料在加工回访中加入20%-30%碳酸钙,其制品的化学物理性能保持全新的各项指标不变而且产量可以达到300kg,因此,此设备是塑料制品厂降本节支,解决废品积累的较佳设备。 This factory absorbs both domestic and abroad advanced technology to research and develop series of grinders.The PVC plastic for low to medium hardness,high density PE or other plastics succeed in trial grinding.It is evidenced by practices and operation of plastic manufacturing factories that the chemical and physical properties of the products can keep updated indexes unchanged and the output can be increased to 300kg if 20-30% calcium carbonate can be added in grinded materials during processing ,so this equipment is the optimal device of the plastic manufacturing factories to reduce this cost and solve waste accumulation
分子量 144.09无水为无色气体,化学性质不稳定,常温下易分解为四和氟化。水溶液显强酸性,一般能制得60%的水溶液,酸的强度跟酸相当、浓溶液冷却,有无色含水析出。其水溶液为无色透明的发烟液体,有刺激性气味;蒸汽压 ;沸点 108.5℃;溶解性:溶于水;密度:相对密度(水=1)1.32(约);稳定性:稳定;危险标记 20(酸性腐蚀品);主要用途:制取盐及四的原料,
是一种应用广泛的化学药品。而在使用的过程中,采用成熟工艺设计,不仅质量较高,同时在使用的过程中,也具备较高的优势。在使用的过程中,因为含有一定的毒性,因此在进行使用与存放时就需要进行额外注意: 1、经过专门培训的操作人员操作使用,严格遵守操作规程是关键; 2、防止粉尘释放到车间空气中,建议提供充分的局部排风,密闭操作; 3、建议操作人员穿橡胶耐酸碱服
我们都知道,化学用品在生活中的用处随处可见,而且它的问题还是大家比较关心的。因为这个用的地方太多了。有哪些危害和急救方法: 1、物化性质:无色或白色菱形或针状结晶。无味。相对密度1.788。不易潮解,但可风化而失去结晶水。80℃以上时脱水分解,并放出四气体。易溶于水,溶于稀酸,难溶于氟酸,不溶于醇。水溶液呈酸性,与碱作用时生成相应的氟化物及二氧化硅。有毒!&
公司名: 山东维进化工科技有限公司
联系人: 邢世杰
电 话: 0533-2223336
手 机: 13869383903
微 信: 13869383903
地 址: 山东淄博张店区山东省淄博市高新区齐鲁电商谷E栋306
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