二氯甲烷3.5元/kg生产企业- 湖北工业酒精厂家价格

    MVME 147-023 Motorola MVME厦门源真在仓储供应特价甩卖 
    厦门源真自动化,专业销售大型进口各种品牌DCS,PLC,Servo,HMI,IPC系统模块备件,在亚洲地区真正备有仓储,直接供货,拥有一手货源,一手价格,**具有竞争力:ABB MOD 300 , ABB MasterView 850, ABB Bailey INFI 90 , ALSTOM, FISHER ,FISHER & Porter, FOXBORO I/A ,Honeywell TDC2000/3000 ,L&N,MAX1000 ,MOTOROLA ,Rosemount RS-3, RELIANCE ,Siemens Moore APACS ,TELEPERM C ,Siemens Simatic  S5/S7,Yokogawa Centum XL,ALLEN & BRADLLY ,B&R ,GE FUNUC,HITACHI,Mitsubishi OMRON ,Motorola MVME, TOSHIBA ,YASKAWA工控模组,库存丰富,交货快,供有技术支援与紧急抢修服务,欢迎来电查询。
    XIAMEN Source-True Automation Technology Co.,Ltd
    Motorola  MVME147,162,167,177
    Motorola MVME
    型号	MVME 334A
    20131950142	MVME 337-1
    MVME 131	MVME 376
    MVME 147	MVME 510-051
    MVME 147-013	MVME 705-1
    MVME 147SB-1	MVME 709-1
    MVME 162P244LE	MVME 710B
    MVME 162P344SE	MVME 712/M
    MVME 167-02B	MVME 712-101
    MVME 167-03B	VME 162PA252SE
    MVME 167-04A	
    MVME 333-2	型号
    MVME 334A	MVME 147-013
    MVME 374	MVME 147SA-1
    MVME 374-1	MVME 162-523
    	MVME 167-04A
    型号	MVME 188 
    MVME 334B	MVME 332XTS
    MVME 162-263	
    型号	MVME 334B
    MVME 131	
    MVME 147-013	型号
    MVME 147SA-1	MVME 177-004
    MVME 147SA-2	MVME 177-005
    MVME 147SB-1	MVME 335
    MVME 1600-001	MVME 147-011
    MVME 162-031	MVME 147-023
    MVME 162-12	MVME 162-023
    MVME 162-20	型号
    MVME 162-201	MVME 162-410
    MVME 162PA344SE	MVME 3600-1
    MVME 165	XR712-123TP
    MVME 167	XR712-121
    MVME 167-02A	XR712-131SE
    MVME 167-03B	PM604
    MVME 167C	
    MVME 177-003	型号
    MVME 224-2	MVME 162-023A
    MVME 332XT	MVME 162-200
    MVME 332XTP	MVME 162-201
    MVME 333-2	MVME 162-220
    MVME 334	
    Current Motorola VME Inventory:
    Motorola Single Board Computer - MVME - 147
    ?  16, 25, or 33.33 MHz MC68030 enhanced 32-bit microprocessor 
    ?  16, 25, or 33.33 MHz MC68882 floating-point coprocessor 
    ?  4, 8, 16, or 32MB of shared DRAM, with programmable parity 
    ?  4K x 8 SRAM and time-of-day clock with battery 
    ?  Four 28/32-pin ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM sockets, 16-bits wide 
    ?  A32/D32 VMEbus master/slave interface with system controller function 
    ?  Four EIA-232-D serial communications ports 
    ?  Centronics? compatible printer port 
    ?  Two 16-bit timers and watchdog timer 
    ?  SCSI bus interface with DMA 
    ?  Ethernet transceiver interface 
    ?  4-level requester, 7-level interrupter, and 7-level interrupt handler for VMEbus 
    ?  On-board debugger and diagnostic firmware 
    Motorola Embedded Controller - MVME - 162
    ?  32 MHz MC68040 enhanced 32-bit microprocessor with 8KB of cache, and MMU and FPU 
    ?  Optional 25 MHz MC68040 32-bit microprocessor with 8KB of cache, MMU, and FPU 
    ?  Optional 25 MHz MC68LC040 enhanced 32-bit microprocessor with 8KB of cache and MMU 
    ?  A32/D64 VMEbus master/slave interface with system controller function 
    ?  High-performance DMA support for VMEbus D64 and local bus memory burst cycles 
    ?  4, 8 or 16MB of shared DRAM 
    ?  512KB SRAM with battery backup 
    ?  1MB Flash memory for on-board monitor/debugger or user installed firmware ?  8K x 8 NVRAM and time-of-day clock with battery backup 
    ?  Two serial communication ports, console port as EIA-232-D DTE and second port user configurable for EIA-232-D/EIA-422 (V.36) DTE/DCE 
    ?  Four 16- or 32-bit IndustryPack? ports with one DMA channel per port 
    ?  Six 32-bit timers (four without VMEbus) and watchdog timer 
    ?  Optional SCSI bus interface with 32-bit local bus burst DMA 
    ?  Optional Ethernet transceiver interface with 32-bit local bus DMA 
    ?  One 32-pin PLCC EPROM socket 
    ?  Four-level requester, seven-level interrupter, and seven-level interrupt handler for VMEbus 
    ?  Remote RESET/ABORT/STATUS control functions 
    ?  On-board debugger and diagnostic firmware 
    Motorola Single Board Computer - MVME - 167
    ?  25 or 33 MHz MC68040 32-bit microprocessor with 8KBof cache, MMU, and FPU 
    ?  Full 32-bit master/slave VMEbus interface 
    ?  High performance DMA supports VMEbus D64 and local bus memory burst cycles 
    ?  4, 8, 16, 32 or 64MB on-board DRAM, four-way interleaved, with parity checking   
    ?  Checking and Correction (ECC) option 
    ?  On-board SCSI interface with 32-bit local bus burst DMA 
    ?  On-board Ethernet interface with 32-bit local bus DMA 
    ?  Four 44-pin sockets for up to 4MB on-board ROM/EPROM 
    ?  Four EIA-232-D serial ports implemented with quad serial I/O processor 
    ?  8-bit, bidirectional, Centronics? compatible parallel port 
    ?  Four 32-bit timers and one watchdog timer 
    ?  8KB of NVRAM with real-time clock/calendar 
    ?  Remote Reset/Abort/Status control functions 
    ?  Completely programmable for maximum integration flexibility 
    ?  Low power consumption—less than 20 watts typical 
    MVME165	68040 CPU, 25Mhz, 4MB memory, VSB, 2 serial ports	1
    MVME167	Various options and configs, see below..	5
    MVME167-04A	68040U CPU, 25Mhz, 32MB	2
    MVME167-031A 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz, FPU, Ethernet, SCSI, DMA 	3
    MVME167-032B 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 8MB, ENET, SCSI	4
    MVME167-033A 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 16MB, ENET, SCSI	2
    MVME167-033B 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 16MB, ENET, SCSI	1
    MVME167-034A	68040 CPU, 33Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 32MB, ENET, SCSI	2
    MVME167-34B 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz,8KB, MMU, FPU, 32MB, ENET, SCSI 	15
    MVME167-034B 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz,8KB, MMU, FPU, 32MB, ENET, SCSI	15
    MVME167-035B 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz,8KB, MMU, FPU, 64MB, ENET, SCSI	4
    MVME167-036B 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz,8KB, MMU, FPU, 128MB, ENET, SCSI 	2
    MVME167P-036SE	68040 CPU, 33Mhz,8KB, MMU, FPU, 64MB, ENET, SCSI 	4
    MVME167P-35SE 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 32MB, ENET, SCSI	2
    MVME167P-34SE 	68040 CPU, 33Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 16MB, ENET, SCSI	3
    MVME167-04 	68040 CPU, 25 MHz, 32MB	5
    MVME167A	68040 CPU, 25MHz, 8MB	1
    MVME167C	68040 CPU, 25Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 4,8,16,or 32MB	1
    MVME167P-24SE	68040 CPU, 25Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 16MB, ENET, SCSI	2
    MVME167P-35SE	68040 CPU, 25Mhz, 8KB, MMU, FPU, 32MB, ENET, SCSI	5
    Motorola Single Board Computer - 712/M with P2 Adapter and Cables - Adapters 
    ?  Four 25-pin multi-protocol EIA-232D serial ports 
    ?  One independent printer port 
    ?  Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) 
    ?  shielded connector bus interface for connection to internal and external devices  
    ?  SCSI resistors mounted in sockets for end of cable or middle of cable configuration 
    ?  Modem connection on module 
    ?  Serial: Four multi-protocol serial ports  
    ?  Printer: Centronics printer port 
    MVME224A-3	MEMORY, 16 MB DRAM	1
    MVME327A	SCSI Adapter	1
    MVME332XT	68010 Intelligent Communications Controller	5
    MVME333-2	Serial Controller Card	2
    MVME374	Ethernet Controller Board	4
    MVME374-1	Ethernet Controller Board	5
    MVME376	Ethernet Controller Board	7
    MVME705-1	Adapter 331/333, 3-Channel with RS232	5
    MVME705A	VME3311333 CONN. BOARD	41
    MVME705A w/RFI	ADAPTER, 331,333, 6 CHANNEL, RS232, WITH RFI	3
    MVME705A-001	ADAPTER, 331/333, 6 CHANNEL, RS422	4
    MVME705B w/RFI	ADAPTER, 331,333, 3 CHANNEL,RS232,WITH RFI	40
    MVME721-101	SCSI interconnect transition module	28
    MVME712-103	SCSI interconnect transition module	23
    MVME712-104	SCSI interconnect transition module	2
    MVME712A	4 DB-9 serial ports, 1 RJ-11 connector, Centronics, P2	4
    MVME712/AM	Same as MVME712A, includes 2400 baud modem 	4
    MVME712B	DB-15 Ethernet connector and SCSI connector	3
    MVME712M	Transition module for MVME147/167/177/187	21
    MVME712/M	Transition module for MVME147/167/177/187	21
    MVME714	Transition module	12
    MVME761-001	Tansition MVME260x, MVME270x, MVME360x, MVME460x	4
    MVME761EXT	MVME 761I/O Extension Module, Ethernet, SCSI , PMC	2
    Motorola Single Board Computer - MVME - 177 
    ?  50 or 60 MHz MC68060 32-bit microprocessor with 8KB of cache, MMU, and FPU 
    ?  Full 32-bit master/slave VMEbus interface 
    ?  High-performance DMA, supports VMEbus D64 and local bus memory burst cycles 
    ?  4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256MB on-board DRAM, four way interleaved, with error checking and correction (ECC) 
    ?  128KB SRAM with battery backup 
    ?  On-board SCSI interface with 32-bit local bus burst DMA 
    ?  On-board Ethernet interface with 32-bit local bus DMA 
    ?  4MB of Flash ROM 
    ?  Two 44-pin sockets for up to 2MB on-board ROM/EPROM 
    ?  Four EIA-232-D serial ports implemented with quad serial I/O processor 
    ?  8-bit, bidirectional, Centronics? compatible parallel port 
    ?  Four 32-bit timers and one watchdog timer 
    ?  8KB of NVRAM with real-time clock/calendar 
    ?  Remote Reset/Abort/Status control functions 
    ?  Completely programmable for maximum integration flexibility 
    ?  Low power consumption—less than 20 watts typical 
    MVME172-253	68060 CPU, 64Mhz, 16MB	1
    MVME172-263	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 16MB	1
    MVME177-002	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 8MB	2
    MVME177-003	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 16MB	1
    MVME177-004	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 32MB	12
    MVME177-005	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 64MB	2
    MVME177-006	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 128MB	3
    MVME177-012	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 8MB 	1
    MVME177-013	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 16MB 	1
    MVME177-014	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 32MB 	1
    MVME177-015	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 64MB 	1
    MVME177-016	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 128MB 	1
    MVME177P-54SE	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 16MB, SCSI, Ethernet	2
    MVME177P-55SE	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 32MB, SCSI, Ethernet	2
    MVME177P-56SE	68060 CPU, 50Mhz, 128KB, 64MB, SCSI, Ethernet	1
    MVME177P-64SE	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 16MB, SCSI, Ethernet	1
    MVME177P-65SE	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 32MB, SCSI, Ethernet	2
    MVME177P-66SE	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 64MB, SCSI, Ethernet	1
    MVME177P-67SE	68060 CPU, 60Mhz, 128KB, 128MB, SCSI, Ethernet	1
    Motorola Single Board Computer - XIP68 
    ?  Single or Dual 933 or 1Ghz Processors 
    ?  SMP-enabled dual processor core and single processor option 
    ?  Up to 2GB of ECC SDRAM via SO-DIMMs 
    ?  CompactPCI Bus supports 64-bit PCI Interface 
    ?  Graphics controller with 2MB of video memory 
    ?  Up to two 64-bit/66Mhz PMC sites 
    ?  Dual 10/100/1000BaseTX Ethernet via PICMG 2.6 or RTM 
    ?  IDE controller for on-board or RTM mounted hard drive 
    ?  Four USB ports (Rev 1.1) 
    ?  CompactPCI bus, 32/64-bit, 33/66Mhz 
    XIP68-1120	1Ghz Single Processor, 1024MB memory, dual PMC sites	7
    XIP68-2130	1Ghz Single Processor, 1536MB memory, single PMC site	4
    XIP68-2140	1Ghz Single Processor, 2048MB memory, no PMC site	8
    PMC243MOT-R40M 	Ramix PMC 40GB Hitachi high capacity disks 32/66Mhz	70
       MVME-335  Q"ty:1
          VME162PA  344SE      Q"ty:1
        PEP   VMOD-2    Q"ty:5
       PEP MODULAR 3102-IX1100  Q"ty:2
       PEP MODULAR 3082-IX1200    Q"ty:1
       CXM-PFB12   Q"ty:1
       MVME 162-20 Board  Q"ty:1
       MVME 162-201-B CIRCUIT BOARD *APPEARS NEW*  Q"ty:1
       MVME 162-201 BOARD *APPEARS NEW*  Q"ty:1
       MVME 334A MVME334A SBC Board  Q"ty:3
       MVME 334B Comm Controller Module  Q"ty:4
       Motorola MC1XXX Chassis MVME 3600 pm604 Single Power,Chassis with the
    MVME 3600-1
    Floppy Led
    MVME162-410   x3
    SCN EJ
    VMIMVE 4120  x2
    XR 712-131 SE
    XR 712-121
    XR 712-123TP
    Single Power Supply


  • 词条


  • 咸宁硝酸工厂

    咸宁工厂 公司经营的工业盐,、磷酸、、化铵、纯碱、元明粉、纤维素、钼酸钠、钼酸铵**消费者市场。武汉化工公司的产品在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。公司经销的、冰醋酸、、聚合化铝、聚酰胺、甲酸、磷酸、、化铵、纯碱、元明粉、纤维素、钼酸钠、钼酸铵品种齐全、价格合理。公司实力雄厚,重用、守合同、保产品质量,以多品种经营特和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大

  • 湖北异构级二甲苯厂家批发 武汉异构级二甲苯可批发零售


  • 工业葡萄糖样品原料现售-湖北硫代硫酸钠2.6元/kg精选商家

    乙二醇含有,长期在80摄氏度-90摄氏度下工作,乙二醇会先被氧化成乙醇酸,再被氧化成草酸,即乙二酸(草酸),含有2个羧基。草酸及其副产物会先影响系统,接着是心脏,而后影响脏。如无适当,摄取过量乙二醇会导致亡。乙二醇乙二酸,对设备造成腐蚀而使之渗漏。因此,在配制的防冻液中,还必须有防腐剂,以防止对钢铁、铝的腐蚀和水垢的生成。 工业葡萄糖样品原料现售-湖北硫酸钠2.6元/kg精选商家 工业葡萄糖样品

  • 随州葡萄糖酸钠厂家经验丰富团队

    随州葡萄糖酸钠厂家经验丰富团队 此外,山东工业盐还应用于肥皂制造、陶瓷、玻璃出产、日用化工、钻井工作液、完井液、石油化工脱水液、建筑行业早强剂、涂料凝固剂、橡胶行业乳胶凝聚剂、造纸产业添加剂及废纸张脱墨。山东工业盐在无机化工原料及硫酸根脱除剂,褐藻酸钠的凝固剂、小麦、苹果、白菜等腐烂及食物防腐剂、制取及其他钠化合物、钢铁热处理介质等领域都有应用。 通过碱的作用增加聚合度和碱度,后可以形成氢氧化铝

联系方式 联系我时,请告知来自八方资源网!

公司名: 武汉三合顺化工有限公司

联系人: 李婷

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手 机: 18607195990

微 信: 18607195990

地 址: 湖北武汉武汉市东西湖区金银潭宏图路莱特综合楼1401

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公司名: 武汉三合顺化工有限公司

联系人: 李婷

手 机: 18607195990

电 话: 13147131296

地 址: 湖北武汉武汉市东西湖区金银潭宏图路莱特综合楼1401

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