Molybdenum disulfide is a new style of solid lubricating materials (or solid lubricant), it has a good lubricity, temperature resistance (high temperature and very low temperatures resistance), compression wear resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, adhesiveness and so on. So it has excellent lubricating effect on the equipments under high-speed, high load, high temperature, low temperature, high precision and the chemical corrosion working conditions. Molybdenum disulfide is selected from the molybdenite and was made of a shiny dark gray powder by chemical and mechanical treatment. You will have a fat creamy feel with your fingers grinding. The chemical formula of molybdenum disulfide is MoS2. The proportion of molybdenum disulfide is 4.8. Molecular weight of molybdenum disulfide is 160.07. The hardness of molybdenum disulfide 1-1.5 (Mohs). ( Mohs hardness: mineral resists to the scoring of the outside world and the ability to be pressed into the ground named hardness which is divided into ten degrees. The ranking: 1. talc, 2. gypsum, 3. calcite, 4. fluorite 5. apatite, 6. orthoclase, 7. quartz, 8. topaz, 9. corundum, 10. diamond) Mohs hardness of molybdenum disulfide is between talc and gypsum.
滨州卧式套袋压块机工厂滨州卧式套袋压块机工厂是一家专业从事卧式套袋压块机制造和销售的企业,隶属于山东新圣泰机械制造有限公司旗下的机械加工分厂。公司成立多年来,一直致力于卧式套袋压块机设备的研发和生产,不断引进先进的生产技术和管理经验,为广大客户提供高品质、率的农业机械设备。卧式套袋压块机,作为公司的明星产品之一,具有以下特点和优势:**1. 结构稳固可靠**:机架总成采用钢制焊接结构,油缸总成使用
在现代畜牧业和农业中,粪便处理一直是一个亟待解决的问题。随着社会对环境保护和资源利用的要求不断提高,畜牧用粪便固液分离机应运而生。作为一家致力于农业机械装备研发和生产的企业,山东新圣泰机械制造有限公司推出了“畜牧用粪便固液分离机”,为畜牧业的发展和环境保护贡献自己的力量。 **公司介绍** 山东新圣泰机械制造有限公司是一家专注于农业机械制造和销售的企业,拥有多项质量管理和环境管理认证,以及自主进出
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公司名: 山东新圣泰机械制造有限公司
联系人: 康经理
手 机: 15553701038
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