###二手示波器TDS460 TDS-460 350M 宏鑫电子仪器有限公司 联系人:张先生 手 机: 直 线:0769-82168709 传 真:0769-82076259 Q sizhuwoainifei@ 网址 地址:东莞市塘厦镇莆心湖塘莆西路7号 Bandwidth - 350 MHz Channels - 4 Digitizers - 4 Sample Rate - 100 MS/s on all channels Sensitivity - 1 mV to 10 V/div Position Range - ± 5 Divisions Vertical Resolution - 8-bits (256 levels over 10.24 vertical divisions). Analog Bandwidth Selections - 20 MHz, 100 MHz, and full. Input Coupling - AC, DC, or GND Input Impedance Selections - 1 M ohm in parallel with 15 pF, or 50 ohms (AC and DC coupling). Maximum Input Voltage - ± 400 V (DC + peak AC). Acquisition Modes Peak Detect Sample Envelope Average Hi-Res Time Base System Time Bases - Main, Delayed Time/Division Range - 1 ns to 20 s/div Record Length (real time and equivalent time) - Sample points per channel: 500 to 15,0000, Opt. 1 offers 60,000 points. Pre-Trigger Position - Selectable from 0 to ** of record. Triggering System Triggers - Main, Delayed. Main Trigger Modes - Auto, Normal, Single Sequence. Delayed Trigger - Delayed by time or events. Time Delay Range - 0 ns to 20 s. Events Delay Range - 2 to 10,000,000 events. Video Trigger Types - NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and Custom; TV Field, field 2 or both. Display Waveform Style - Dots or vectors. Infinite and variable persistence from 250 ms to 10s. Gray Scaling Update Rate - 200 ea. 500 point waveforms per sec with infinite persistence mode selected. Graticules - Full, grid, cross hair, frame Format - YT and XY VGA Out - Drives VGA display monitors. Zoom - The zoom feature allows waveforms to be expanded, compressed and positioned in both vertical and horizontal axes. Automatic Waveform Measurements Period Frequency High Low + Width - Width Maximum Minimum Rise Fall Peak to Peak Amplitude + Duty Cycle - Duty Cycle + Overshoot - Overshoot Propagation Delay Burst Width Mean Cycle Mean RMS Cycle RMS Area Cycle Area Phase Continuous update of up to four measurements on any combination of waveforms. 本公司长期现金收购:音频仪器,视频仪器,高频仪器(如网络分析仪,频谱分析仪高频信号源,无线电综合测试仪等高频仪器)
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乐亭PP雨水模块 乐亭雨水收集系统 乐亭雨水收集容器生产厂家 不接受在线订购,请拨打我公司电话。 阿里巴巴:www. 公司网站: 沃兰达雨水收集模块是立柱式承压构造,带有加强构造的支撑柱抗压强度高,其外观我公司所
宁夏雨水回用系统,雨水回用系统价格 宁夏雨水回用系统,雨水回用系统价格 沃兰达雨水收集模块是立柱式承压构造,带有加强构造的支撑柱抗压强度高,其外观我公司所;单组雨水收集模块的主要材质为聚丙烯(pp材质),具有耐腐蚀,性的特点,并且采用优质再生pp塑料,符合环保政策,单组pp雨水收集模块相互组合在一起,具有拼装快速,结构牢固的
公司名: 德州市沃兰达环保科技有限公司
联系人: 郭经理
电 话: 0534-2778158
手 机: 13354432288
微 信: 13354432288
地 址: 山东德州德城区山东德州市德城区
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