雨停防水主营:K11 通用型防水浆料、液体防水卷材、回填宝、免砸砖、彩色结晶K11防水浆料、真瓷美缝剂、高效外墙透明防水胶、强力砂浆胶、厚层自流平找平材料、K11柔韧型防水涂料、K11彩色柔韧防水涂料、高柔弹性防水涂料、高粘型瓷砖粘结剂、强力型瓷砖胶、强效瓷砖背涂胶、强力瓷砖倍涂固、强力型水不漏、K11彩色厨卫防水浆料、JS聚合物水泥基防水浆料、高弹丙烯酸抗裂防水涂料、净彩好洁丽墙面防水漆、长效高分子橡胶防水涂料、彩色防霉填缝剂 雨停回填宝回填找平材料采用高分子聚合物、砂浆稳定剂精制而成,现场加水和水泥经**搅拌机混合而成,是一种含有大量封闭气孔的新型轻质材料,具有质量轻、强度高、不收缩、抗开裂、阻水耐久的优异特性,解决卫浴间沉箱积水、地面找平、减轻建筑负重,达到环保节能、省工、省料的理想效果。 The YUTING backfill treasure of macromolecule polymer, slurry stabilizer refined but become, special field water and cement mixer, which is a mixture is a new type of lightweight materials containing a large number of closed pores, with light mass, high strength, no shrinkage, crack resistance, water resistance excellent properties of endurance, solving caisson water between wei yu, ground leveling, reduce building load, achieve environmental protection and energy saving, of the province, the ideal effect. 性能特点 Product Feature ·抗压强度高,现场整体浇注,内外一致,不收缩、不开裂、抗压强度可达1mp以上。 ·流动效果好,搅拌好的浆料注入基面具有良好的流动性,有效填封管道周边缝隙,封堵沉箱防水层施工无法做到位的死角。 ·阻水耐久,吸水率低,表面明显的荷叶效果,气孔独立不串通,有效阻隔水的流通,主要成分为水泥,与主体结构同寿命。 • high compressive strength, overall pouring on site, internal and external consistency, no shrinkage, no cracking, compressive strength can reach above 1mp. • good flow effect, good flow of the slurry injected into the base surface, effective sealing of the surrounding cracks of the pipe, sealing off the blind Angle of the caisson waterproof layer, which cannot be achieved. • durable water resistance, low water absorption rate, obvious lotus leaf effect on the surface, independent and non-collusion pores, effectively blocking the flow of water, the main composition is cement, with the same life as the main structure. 适用范围 Range of Application ·卫浴间沉箱回填、房间客厅地面找平、屋面防水层保护隔热等施工。 • refilling of caisson between bathroom and bathroom, leveling of the living room floor, roof waterproof layer protection and heat insulation, etc. 施工程序与方法 Construction Procedure ·在搅拌容器内倒入40公斤水,开动搅拌机到高速挡,倒入一袋A料搅拌5分钟,泡沫到达标准位置,调到低速挡运行,缓缓加入50公斤水泥,再加入B料充分搅拌5分钟至均匀的膏糊状。 ·打开阀门把浆料注入沉箱或基面,流到*位置后关闭阀门,用刮板稍稍刮平待其表干。 • pour 40kg of water into the mixing container, start the mixer to high speed, add one bag of material A and B, and stir for 3 minutes. When the foam reaches the standard position, adjust to low speed, slowly add 50kg of cement, and stir well for 3-5 minutes until the paste is smooth and smooth. • open the valve and inject the slurry into the caisson or base surface, flow to the designated position and close the valve.
雨停防水主营:K11 通用型防水浆料、液体防水卷材、回填宝、免砸砖、彩色结晶K11防水浆料、真瓷美缝剂、高效外墙透明防水胶、强力砂浆胶、厚层自流平找平材料、K11柔韧型防水涂料、K11彩色柔韧防水涂料、高柔弹性防水涂料、高粘型瓷砖粘结剂、强力型瓷砖胶、强效瓷砖背涂胶、强力瓷砖倍涂固、强力型水不漏、K11彩色厨卫防水浆料、JS聚合物水泥基防水浆料、高弹丙烯酸抗裂防水涂料、净彩好洁丽墙面防水漆、长效高
品简介: 雨停聚酯液体防水卷材是由优质石油树脂为原料,经溶剂溶解配制而成。成品为黑色粘稠状、 细腻而均匀的胶状液体,是SBS改性沥青防水涂料。 产品特点: **强弹性,能覆盖微细(小于1毫米)裂缝。 **强耐候,标准施工寿命更长。 施工方便,没有异味。 适用范围: 适用于建筑的屋面防水、伸缩缝等防水以及裂缝修补。 施工工序: 清理基面→ 基面处理→ **遍加水稀释(1:1)渗透加强→ 三涂一布→做保护
产品简介 / PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 雨停净彩好洁丽墙面防水漆是以进口改性丙烯酸为基料,添加多种助剂、填充料 经科学加工而成的高性能水性内外墙防水涂料。 The YUTING color exterior waterproof piant is imported modified acrylic b- ase makings, add a variety of additives
产品简介 Product Introduction 雨停回填宝回填找平材料采用高分子聚合物、砂浆稳定剂精制而成,现场加水和水泥经**搅拌机混合而成,是一种含有大量封闭气孔的新型轻质材料,具有质量轻、强度高、不收缩、抗开裂、阻水耐久的优异特性,解决卫浴间沉箱积水、地面找平、减轻建筑负重,达到环保节能、省工、省料的理想效果。 The YUTING backfill treasure of macrom
公司名: 广州雨停建材有限公司
联系人: 钟经理
电 话: 020-66680227
手 机: 13824455527
微 信: 13824455527
地 址: 广东广州白云区白云区太和镇上南工业区8号
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