产品简介 / PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 雨停净彩好洁丽墙面防水漆是以进口改性丙烯酸为基料,添加多种助剂、填充料 经科学加工而成的高性能水性内外墙防水涂料。 The YUTING color exterior waterproof piant is imported modified acrylic b- ase makings, add a variety of additives, filling material by scientific process- ing A high-performance water-based exterior waterproof coating. 产品特点 / PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS 色泽亮丽,既有装饰涂料的美观,又有优异的防水效果; 柔韧性好,可覆盖墙面微细裂纹; 光亮度好,不沾灰尘; 粘结力强,光滑瓷砖面涂刷不脱落; 健康环保、不含VOC、甲醛释放物质。 Colour and lustre is bright beautiful, both decorative paint and beautiful, and have excellent waterproof effect; Good flexibility, can cover metope microcr- ack; Brightness is good, don't be stained with dust; Cohesive force is strong, smooth ceramic tile surface besmear to brush off; Healthy environmental pr- otection, do not contain VOC,formaldehyde release material. 适用范围 / SCOPE OF APPLICATION 建筑内外墙水泥基面、瓷砖面、墙漆、腻子等表面的一体化罩面装饰防水。 Wall cement base surface, ceramic tile, wall paint, putty integration cover surface decoration on the surface of the waterproof. 施工程序 / CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE 基面处理→涂刷工艺 第一步:把基面清理干净,并应平整结实、无空鼓,无尘土、 无油污。孔隙、砂 眼须用水泥砂浆填补平整,尖锐的边缘应除去。施工前需将基面适度湿润。 第二步:整体涂刷一遍高效好洁丽墙面固化底漆. 第三步:用毛刷或滚筒直接涂刷于已处理好的基面,不可漏刷,涂刷时若有气孔应 反复涂刷将气体排出。涂刷完**遍应待其表干(表面不粘手)后涂刷*二遍, 依次反复交错涂刷两遍即可。 Base processing→Brushs process Clean up the base level, and should level off strong, no empty drum, no dust, no pollution. Porosity, sand holes must fill with cement mortar leveling, sharp edges should be removed. Before the construction base must be moderate - moist. Directly with brush or roller besmear to brush in processed good base, not leak brush, if there is porosity should be repeated when besmear brushs besmear to brush the gas discharge. Besmear after the first time should be (the table do not glue the hand) surface besmear after the second time, in turn, repeatedly cross brushing twice. 注意事项 / MATTERS NEEDING ATTENTION 不能在5℃以下或淋雨施工,施工后12小时内避免雨水冲刷; 空气特别潮湿、不通风的地方,应采用通风设备加快防水层干固; 调色时请先做小试,对板无异后再大面积施工,以免造成不必要的损失和浪费。 Can't get wet in the rain under 5 ℃ or construction, avoid the rains washed out within 12 hours after construction; The very damp, not ventilation air, ventilation equipment should be adopted to speed up the waterproof layer of dry solid; Toning please do first, when the plate is again after large area construction, so as not to cause unnecessary loss and waste. 贮存方法 / STORAGE METHOD 本产品应置于阴凉通风处,未启封产品可保存两年。 This product should be placed in a cool ventilated place, not unsealed product can be stored for two years. 执行标准 / EXECUTIVE STANDARD GB/T16777-2008 产品包装 / PACKING OF PRODUCT 18kg/桶 18 kg/barrel
雨停回填宝回填找平材料采用高分子聚合物、砂浆稳定剂精制而成,现场加水和水泥经**搅拌机混合而成,是一种含有大量封闭气孔的新型轻质材料,具有质量轻、强度高、不收缩、抗开裂、阻水耐久的优异特性,解决卫浴间沉箱积水、地面找平、减轻建筑负重,达到环保节能、省工、省料的理想效果。 The YUTING backfill treasure of macromolecule polymer, slurry st
产品简介 Product Introduction 雨停免砸砖强力透明防水胶是雨停建材有限公司经历多年研发较新力作,采用国际良好技术,选用多种进口精细化工原料,科学升级配方,改进生产工艺精制 而成,具有用途广泛,性能优良,使用方便等特点。 性能特点 Product Feature 无色透明,涂刷后不会破坏原墙装饰效果; 耐高低温,耐紫外线,耐臭氧,耐磨,环保; 涂膜具有较好的强度和延伸性; 冷施工
品简介: 雨停聚酯液体防水卷材是由优质石油树脂为原料,经溶剂溶解配制而成。成品为黑色粘稠状、 细腻而均匀的胶状液体,是SBS改性沥青防水涂料。 产品特点: **强弹性,能覆盖微细(小于1毫米)裂缝。 **强耐候,标准施工寿命更长。 施工方便,没有异味。 适用范围: 适用于建筑的屋面防水、伸缩缝等防水以及裂缝修补。 施工工序: 清理基面→ 基面处理→ **遍加水稀释(1:1)渗透加强→ 三涂一布→做保护
产品简介 Product Introduction 雨停回填宝回填找平材料采用高分子聚合物、砂浆稳定剂精制而成,现场加水和水泥经**搅拌机混合而成,是一种含有大量封闭气孔的新型轻质材料,具有质量轻、强度高、不收缩、抗开裂、阻水耐久的优异特性,解决卫浴间沉箱积水、地面找平、减轻建筑负重,达到环保节能、省工、省料的理想效果。 The YUTING backfill treasure of macrom
公司名: 广州雨停建材有限公司
联系人: 钟经理
电 话: 020-66680227
手 机: 13824455527
微 信: 13824455527
地 址: 广东广州白云区白云区太和镇上南工业区8号
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