BOS Gradient Filter BOS Gradient Filter element is the first of its kind, with seamless design and true gradient density. This absolute rated element provides users with the depth of a cartridge and the convenience of a bag. This ** polypropylene microfiber product adsorbs up to 16 times its own weight in hydrocarbons (oils) and will last up to 18 times the life of other products (depending on particle distribution and application). Features and Benefits Gradient Density Up to 18 times extended life compared to other products, dependent upon particle distribution and application Longer life means fewer bag changes which results in lower labor costs and less loss of product Not compressible in operation providing greater dirt holding capacity Designed for typical broad particle distribution applications. (*For applications with narrow particle distribution, contact your FSI representative.) Will allow more efficient filtration (lower micron) without sacrificing product lifeMicrofiber Adsorbs up to 16 times its own weight in hydrocarbons (Oils) Inventory reduction. Eliminates need for stocking "Oil" bags Thermally bonded, with no lubricants or surface active agentsPolyloc Ring Elimination of by-pass around filter elementFits existing FSI basket No retrofit costs Specifications Seamless Construction Thermally Bonded Ring Material: Polypropylene Microfiber Maximum Operating Temperature: 160 F - 71 C Size: 7" dia X 32" long (17.8 cm X 81.32 cm)
北京q355d槽钢截面参数 天津金利宝钢铁贸易有限公司《《靠质量赢得市场,靠价格占领市场,但不靠价格来牺牲质量》》 《《诚信于天下,以质为本,诚信,优质服务》》 《《产品不合格,客户不满意!无条件退货》》 H型钢分为热轧H型钢 和焊
生产基地:北海q235b欧标H型钢/热轧H型钢截面参数 天津金利宝钢铁贸易有限公司常年经营天津天铁、包头、河北、鞍钢、安钢、济钢、太钢、唐钢、舞钢、新钢等多家钢厂生产的Q345C钢板,Q345D钢板,Q345E钢板,Q345B钢板等,用户可在我公司选择按国家标准、冶金行业标准及企业内控标准、美国ASTM、ASME标准、日本JISS标准、德国DIN
1更新:茂名q355e槽钢欢迎采购天津金利宝钢铁贸易有限公司常年经营天津天铁、包头、河北、鞍钢、安钢、济钢、太钢、唐钢、舞钢、新钢等多家钢厂生产的Q345C钢板,Q345D钢板,Q345E钢板,Q345B钢板等,用户可在我公司选择按 标准、冶金行业标准及企业内控标准、美国ASTM、ASME标准、日本JISS标准、德国DIN标准、英国BS标准、IO标准和欧洲EN等标准生产的钢板以及各种
公司名: 天津金利宝钢铁贸易有限公司
联系人: 周金玉
电 话: 022-86762345
手 机: 15922221993
微 信: 15922221993
地 址: 天津北辰西堤头天津市北辰区韩家墅钢材市场D区55号
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轧三特钢 南宁无缝Q345B方管规格150*100 实体仓库
A572GR50材质 库存充足 朝阳美标H型钢 W10*33