K88-R480 K88-R540铜带冲压件电子材料CW304G、CuAl9Ni3Fe2、CW307G、CuAl10Ni5Fe4CW352H、CuNi10Fe1Mn、CW354H、CuNi30Mn1FeCW610N、CuZn39Pb0.5、CW702R、CuZn20Al2AsCW715R、CuZn38AlFeNiPbSn、CW717R、CuZn38Sn1AsCW719R、CuZn39Sn1、CR0
CuZn37Pb0.5-H060铜合金高强度、高硬度HAl60-1-1 C67800 - - CuZn37Al C6782 -HAl59-3-2 - - - CuZn35Ni - -HSi80-3 C69400 - - - - -HMn58-2 C67400 - - CuZn40Mn - -HMn57-3-1 - - - CuZn35Ni - -HMn55-3-1 - - - - - -HFe59
C5210 R-H C5191-1/4H铜合金板带耐蚀性好JM18 Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard SS 5234 (Cu Zn25 Al 5, SoMsF75), CC762SJM 100 Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standar
C5191-O C5102-EH铜合金延展性好differences. The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very sim
公司名: 东莞市豪洋金属材料有限公司
联系人: 许安
电 话: 0769-85302833
手 机: 13723575393
微 信: 13723575393
地 址: 广东东莞长安东莞市长安沙头工业区
邮 编:
12米手摇升降避雷针 三脚架升降杆 可伸缩式圆管铝合金杆方管杆