C15600 C15650铜合金性能耐冲压
Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand
column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor
differences. The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.
With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.
Product name Country of origin LM’s trade name by or order/inquiry
UZ23 A4 French standard / AFNOR SS 5234 (Cu Zn25 Al 5, SoMsF75), CC762S
UZ23 A4 French standard / AFNOR SS 5234 (Cu Zn25 Al 5, SoMsF75), CC762S
UZ40 Mn French standard / AFNOR CW710R (Cu Zn35 Ni3 Mn2 Al Pb, Sonderm.)
UNI-CuAl11Fe4Ni4 Italian standard / UNI 5275-63 SS 5716-15, SS 5716-20, AB-220 Ni
UNI-OTS 56A / 56B Italian standard / UNI 6139-68 CW710R (Cu Zn35 Ni3 Mn2 Al Pb, Sonderm.)
UNI-BS Zn5 Italian standard / UNI 7013-72 SS 5204-15 (Cu Sn5 Pb5 Zn5), CC491K
UNI-B10 Italian standard / UNI 7013-72 SS 5443-15 (Cu Sn10), CC480K
UNI-B12 Italian standard / UNI 7013-72 SS 5465-15 (Cu Sn12), CC483K
UNI-BS Pb10 Italian standard / UNI 7013-72 SS 5640-15 (Cu Pb10 Sn10), CC495K
UNI-BS Pb15 Italian standard / UNI 7013-72 Cu Pb15 Sn (Cu Sn7 Pb15-C), CC496K
C1720-1/4HM C1720-OM铜带冲压件电子材料CB493K、CuSn7Zn4Pb7-B、CC493K、CuSn7Zn4Pb7-CCB498K、CuSn6Zn4Pb2-B、CC498K、CuSn6Zn4Pb2-CCB494K、CuSn5Pb9-B、CC494K、CuSn5Pb9-CCB495K、CuSn10Pb10-B、CC495K、CuSn10Pb10-CCB496K、CuSn7Pb1
C87510 C87520铜合金带分切精准镍与铜能形成连续固溶体,显著扩大α相区。黄铜中加入镍可显著提高黄铜在大气和海水中的耐蚀性。镍还能提高黄铜的再结晶温度,促使形成更细的晶粒。HNi65-5镍黄铜具有单相的α组织,室温下具有很好的塑性,也可在热态下变形,但是对杂质铅的含量必须严格控制,否制会严重恶化合金的热加工性能。组成成分 纯度测量测量黄铜的纯度可以用阿基米德原理测量,测量出样品的
K75-H08 C18070-R400铜合金带材带铜合金印刷印刷中用铜版进行照相制版。表面抛光的铜版用感光乳胶敏化后,在它上面照相成像。感光后的铜版需加热使胶硬化。为避免受热软化,铜中往往含有少量的银或砷,以提高软化温度。然后,对版子进行腐蚀,形成分布着凹凸点子图形的印刷表面。在自动排字机上,要通过黄铜字型块的编排,来制造版型,这是铜在印刷中的另一个重要用途。字型块通常用的是含铅黄铜,有时也用铜或
NKC4419-H NKC4419铜合金特性铜带Cu Zn39 Pb2 Si German standard / DIN 17660, SonderMessinge SS 5252 (Silicon brass/Kiselm ssing),ingen tillg.Cu Zn39 Pb3 German standard / DIN 17660, Kupfer-Zi
公司名: 东莞市豪洋金属材料有限公司
联系人: 许安
电 话: 0769-85302833
手 机: 13723575393
微 信: 13723575393
地 址: 广东东莞长安东莞市长安沙头工业区
邮 编:
12米手摇升降避雷针 三脚架升降杆 可伸缩式圆管铝合金杆方管杆